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Building house on the boundary

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Hi all thanks for your input!

If not for your inputs, I wouldnt have chased it to the admin manager...

Now everything is solved. I got a call from the admin manager that it will only cost us $704 to move the garage wall to the boundary as opposed to 6k... I dont know where my admin got the $6000 and I got no explanation and i cant be bothered to ask for an explanation... I cant imagine if I have so much money and agreed to $6000, I would have lost more than 5k.
OH MY GOODNESS! Congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news
An excellent result
glad to hear it has all worked out for you!
That's great news! But a little worrying that they were quite happy to charge you the $6000 if they thought you wouldn't question it. Good on you for pushing it.
Great news and well done. This isn't completely unusual though and is just another reason why these forums are so useful. Odd costs crop up in many of our tenders and only get sorted out if you really make a fuss. We had a few of these. The best one related to some doors which cost around three times what we anticipated.

Nobody could explain why until I finally managed to get their estimator on the phone. Between the two of us we worked out that they were all custom sizes instead of pre-fab, which was much more expensive. We adjusted them back by a few mm and suddenly there was a few grand extra in our budget!

Glad to hear it got sorted out, you must be so relieved now!

Lurgen, we are in a similar situation now - if we could have a 5 minute conversation with someone who knows what they are doing we could sort out our issues straight away, but going back and forth between so many people its so time consuming and almost impossible to get the complete picture of what we're asking!
Our builder did similar things, claimed we couldn't do things then I came on this forum after signing the contract to see other people building the same house plan wtih the same builder doing things we were told we coulnd't, I think it is laziness on the sales rep side of things, they can't be bothered so they say they can't do that.
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