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Our First Build! *Fowler Build* Fences come down Friday!

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Here is the view we have from our backyard, hehe cows!

Hi Teanah,

Looks great. We are hoping to sign off this Friday. This technically should start our build around 9 Dec providing all plans are correct and council approve them. Can i ask what was the time difference between laying the waffle pods and pouring the slab, im hoping our slab can be laid prior to Christmas (think we have around 2 weeks) and settle over the break.

keep up the post, they are great, love the cows aswell, hopefully there not to noisy on a sunday morning
Hey Dreaman,

It wasnt long at all! I think maybe a few days to a week max? They've sped up quite a bit now I assume they wanted there first progress payment haha.
So it appears our Windows and Bifold doors have been delivered a few days ago and are just poped up in the Garage haha, I assume this means the frame will be soon...
Is it normal for them to be delivered before the frame?

Wonder if we'll have another hail storm like we did last week
How funny that they delivered your windows so early!! I hope no one steals them.
haha yes here's hoping Tamara! Stolen or some random people decide to start rock throwing
Cant believe your doors and windows have been delivered, i wouldnt be happy with that. Hope they dont get damaged.

Well, we have just signed for Fowler to draw up our plans so this are exciting for us. When things start to roll i will start a blog.
Hi Teanah, I have walked through the display home of the house you are building & loved it. It is a great design & I really like the layout especially the bed 1 area. I am a little bit further down the road near Camden. it is unusual to get windows first but I have seen it once on a build in my estate. Maybe the frames were delayed. I look forward to following your build.

Dreaman - Im so happy to hear you have signed with Fowler!!!
*dance* I hope everything goes smoothly for you and I cant wait to see your plans!!

JohnnyD - Thanks so much!! We loved it when we walked through it, especially the master bedroom its a little retreat slight seperated from the rest

Possibly frame has been delayed due to bank holdup on the first progress payment possibly
But hopefully sorted soon.
We have the first bits of our frame!
Hopefully more going up today! SO excited now!!

Woohoo. It is so exciting when the frame starts going up. I loved being able to walk through the rooms for the first time.
Yay for frames, that is such an exciting part of the build.

Yeah were so excited! I'll be going again this Saturday and go for a walk through and taking lots of photos!
I'm wondering if all the rooms will feel smaller without the walls up hehe
Looking good there Teanah, were also building with fowler and just waiting for the construction certificate to be approved.
I just wanted to say i LOVE your floor plan! Your home is going to be amazing. I can't wait to follow your build with you.
Lots of photos today! Had a walkie through the house after the workers were gone for the day. They were working on the frame and the floor for the second floor.
Amazed at how big the garage is in height
So fun to finally be able to "walk" through the house and hallways and do my imaginary sitting on lounge, cooking dinner motions.

So now for the Frame photo overload...

Bi-fold Doors in floor of garage...

The Fiance standing in the Bunnings sized garage...

Another angle of giant garage...

Front window...

Front entry...

Entry Hallway...


The view from my cake room (the Home office on the plan)

Dining area...

The super expensive steel beam that holds the roof up without an ugly pole in the center... (alfresco bifold door area)
Wow! Look at that garage!! Are you going to set up a platform for elevated storage?

Looks gorgeous
That's one HUGE garage
I remember doing the same thing, pretending to sit on lounge etc. it's great fun isn't it.

Yep thinking maybe shelving up the top to make best use of the space!

Can't wait to go back next Saturday and see what else has been done. Getting slightly addicted now...
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