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Hoffdog's House in the Hills

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I love the colour scheme - the lime green wall is sensational
Your house is fab!!! Especially like your gorgeous pooches
I love the colour scheme - the lime green wall is sensational
Your house is fab!!! Especially like your gorgeous pooches

Thank you so much, we are loving it and enjoying finishing it off and making it look like a home, a long way to go yet, but we will get there.
You have both done a great job, everything is looking
Your dogs are absolutely adorable, so cute,

one question I know you can have the choice of 3 colours for your fencing, what colour have you chosen? Thankyou for the photos, take care
You have both done a great job, everything is looking
Your dogs are absolutely adorable, so cute,

one question I know you can have the choice of 3 colours for your fencing, what colour have you chosen? Thankyou for the photos, take care

Hi Lucene, thank you for your comments.

For the fencing we are probably going t go with the grey ridge colour, it seems to be the one in the estate that everyone is going for
will really go with your house too
Found out today that little hoff, is going to be a little girl, time to get to work on the nursery
Congrats Hoffdog and Mrs Hoffdog. That's wonderful news. Have fun doing the nursery. Can't wait to see the piccies of the nursery. So happy for you both, take care.
Found out today that little hoff, is going to be a little girl, time to get to work on the nursery

Awwwww - grats =)) And I bet she'll have daddy wrapped around her little finger before she's even born =)

So excited for you guys!
lovely news, congrats.
Found out today that little hoff, is going to be a little girl, time to get to work on the nursery

Oh a big congratulations
It will be fun getting the nursery all done
Hi all, has been so long since I have been on here, need to catch up on a lot of people's progress!

I have not done much at my house, a lot of unfinished work, but the most important room is done!


WOW, your nursery is gorgeous. You've done a fabulous job. How long is it until the baby is due?
Thanks Heaps. Baby is due late march, early april, depending on when she feels like saying HELLO WORLD, lol!
The nursery is
I guess it doesn't take a genius to work out you like lime green. I think it looks fabulous. I love the tree in the nursery. It is so well put together. The poker room looks great. My son (23yo) would love that for his mates and himself.
Very very nice decor.
Love your nursery. The green works very well
Hey Hoffy- it all looks fantastic!
You should post some of those pics on the "Doing it with Green"thread I started some time back!
Congrats on your little girl, love the nursery. Great colour scheme (and I love the shot of your dogs on the couch)
Hoff, I'm thrilled for you and Mrs Hoff.
The nursery looks wonderful and this is such a special time for you.
Hope you have a great Xmas.
Pool Builders, in and around The Hills Greater Sydney

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Thanks again Simeon for being so elaborate. Appreciate it. Its gives us a very idea. Kind Regards

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