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Hey lovely's,
Hope you are all well,
So bec who is the original builder? Are you happy with everything else they offer?
I love that the echdina's were at Lauren and Richard's - how cute!!! That must have been the cutest thing to see!! I have never seen them in the wild before. Did u take a pic? hehe
Don't know whats happening with our build?? I assume nothing!!

Our cso was on leave last week and so we didn't hear a thing, I emailed her today and if she doesn't get beck to me by wednesday I am going to crack the **** - I think I have been patient enough!

Are you on facebook?
You can find me if you want, sometimes thats easier - my name is Kristen Bale.

Are you heading down this weekend Lauren - would love to see some updated pics! When did they start bricking??

Where are you living atm Bec?

Chat to you all soon
Hey guys,

How funny Bec, we saw those echidnas (assuming they are the same ones) the day after we bought the land and thought it was pretty cool - but we haven't seen them since, so its nice to know they're still there - I think they must be living in the bush reserve behind our house! I feel your pain about the prices not including landscaping and driveways and fences etc… that is also all left to us over hand over – but we’ll take it one step at a time and do it in order of priority!!

Krissy, we went down for a really quick visit on the weekend – and if your block is the one I think it is, it has been filled and leveled there wasn’t any formwork, but I would guess that would be next in prep for your slab. I should have taken a pic, and in future I will!

There are some updated pics on the blog ( for those of you reading this who are interested) – we’ll be going down again on the weekend, Richard’s family is coming down to check it out and we’re having a family BBQ at my Mum and Dads – our brothers and sisters have never met yet – and all the nieces and nephews will be able to play together (all 7 of them) so it should be good!

So glad you liked the clips – I’ve got a heap more coming that I’ve made, but fabric ones, they’re pretty cute. The kids school have an annual fashion parade at Shellharbour Workers Club – its on in a few weeks and I’ve got a stall set up, so we’ll see how that goes – if it goes well then I might have a go at doing a local market, should be fun! I’ll have to get some more of them up on facebook.

We have sorted out our huge tile bill and knocked about 8k off it, so that’s a bit of a relief, I really didn’t want to go out there and re-do our selections.

We will have to organize that coffee date soon, maybe Bec you’d like to join us?

Anyways, its almost 9.00am, should really start some real work now!

Talk soon
Hi Bec,

We are getting Tasman Design to do the house design, all up about $6000. No they don't have a website which is a bit strange. The guy who runs it is lovely though. Met me at the block, had a good talk and look around. We had to take some facade photos in that we like the style of, he sat down and asked us what we needed in the house and now we are waiting for our next appointment with him. My brother had a lovely home built at Kanahooka Point on the lake and it was Glen Ayre Homes that built his, so i'm gonna send them my plans for a quote when I have them.

By the way everyone, not sure who is local and who isn't but I go through Shell Cove everyday to take my kids to school, so anyone who wants me to drive by their block and take a photo of progress - just let me know, i'm more than happy to do that. my email is
Thanks for the update Lauren, that must be our block because most people around us have built already - your update gave me the biggest smile ever!! I'm like yay!!! It's finnally started!! hehe Thanks.

I love that the echidna's are your resident echidna's - you will have to give them a name!

And I think Ruby Kate would go so well at the markets! I think Shellharbour Markets run at the shellharbour primary school on the last sunday of the month? Macymoo would know more then me probably, but I think you would do so well at the markets.
You might even be able to see if you could make an arrangement with Harbour Rose in Addisson St, (I love that store!).

Good to hear yo sorted your tiling out ( how stressful!) You must be glad that parts over.

Yes we should all go out for coffee so we can meet, when is everyone free? Maybe we should do a picnic at killalea maybe?

Macymoo - how old are your kids? And they go to Shell Cove primary right? It looks like a good school. Thankyou so much for you offer to take pics, that is so sweet!

I too better do some more work!

Have a good day everyone x
Hi there,

We did actually get some pics of the echidna's but the forum won't let me upload... I'll try again later

Maceymoo thanks for the info re Tasman Design, have you found someone to build for you?

I think we are pretty much set now with our original builder 'Hampshire Homes' who are going to give us a custom design to take advantage of the views, we are just waiting on a 3D drawing of the final facade before we sign papers now which is VERY exciting! Will post it once I have it if the website will let me

Krissy do you have any updates from your CSO? Hope it is all going smoothly?

I would LOVE to meet up for a coffee date, I am pretty close by and flexible so can work around everyone else

Hope everyone's day is going well,
I checked out the block on the weeknd (on my way back from Canberra), and all the wafflepods and form work is done!! woohoo!
Slab was going to be poured yesterday but it was raining up in Sydney so I am not sure if it did get done? I'll find out soon I'm sure.

Our SS called me on Thursday asking about the drainage points in our workshop because he was confused as he said they were in weird spots. When I looked at the plans I had with me I explained that there were 4 and that they were in the right spot. He was telling me on his plans there were only 3 and they were moved! I then checked the final plans and he was right. It was all put through council with 4 and in the right spot and for some reason when they gave us the final plans (after council submission) they were changed without us noticing and without our directive! SS was fantastic - he asked me to draw up what I wanted and he said he would ensure that they will rip up what they had put in and re-do it so that it is exactly what we want. I am so glad that he checked the plans and thought it looked strange so he called us. He could have just done it as the plans stated so I am very happy he went out of his way and called us (more work for him now cos they had to re-do it) but he said its best to fix it now. I emailed CSO and asked her why were they changed as we did not direct them to? And why was one removed...all this after council had already approved everything (so we weren't expecting any changes), and I haven't heard back from her again!

SS seems very knowledgable and good!

Our neighbours are building and they have heaps of fill so they are up quite high to us, so we are going to need ALOT of reataining. And our view is officially gone!! We designed the house around the view but the neighbour to the back right of us has built 2 x 2 storey townhouses so all we see is roof

It will be interesting to see what our view is once we are on the second floor - probably nothing still. I am not getting my hopes up!

I had a drive around Shell Cove and I am pleased to see that work has started on the Shell Cove Medical is due to open in March or May 2011?? I can't quite remember, but it looks like its going to be very good! So that is awesome for our area!

Lauren I checked out your house and the bricking is coming along very well...I love the colour!!

I kept my eyes out for the echidnas but it was raining. hehe

I drove down and checked out the shallows and the shores (new release) and it is really coming along well..They are nice flat blocks. Even though the weather wasn't good it was still good to see heaps of kids on bikes etc. It looked very community and I just can't wait to get down there!

I did take some photos on my phone but my phone is broken at the moment so the quality is shocking! So it's not worth posting.

Bec - how did you go with your facade images?? Have you signed with Hampshire?

(sorry for my long essay!!!)
Hi there!

Wow Krissy, the build is picking up isn't it?? Did you get everything sorted re drainage in the end? I didn't actually realize the exact location of your land until this morning... You must be SO excited!

YAY we have officially signed with "Hampshire Homes"
I met with the colour consultant last week (got to love having a husband who is happy for me to make all the fun decisions!) to do our external colour choices for lodging to council but when I got there she was ready to do the entire house... Good thing I am organised
...So we are pretty much ready to submit plans, or at least will be by the end of this week, however we are STILL waiting for our land to be registered even though it was purchased in August... Driving us a little insane as we are very ready to start building

We did get the 3D drawing done for the front of the house, and it looked really good but the designer misinterpreted the architects use if materials so they are back working on the required changes but I will be sure to post a pic when I get it back from them

Will be back down there on Saturday so if anyone needs any pics taken, let me know!!!
Yes all the drainage got sorted and the slab has been poured so that's exciting. One thing I thought was weid was you can actually see the square pods under the slab - it's like a checkered effct and I ahven't noticed it on anyone else slab?? So i din't know if the concrete is too thin or what? Is it normal - does anyone know? Lauren - how did yours look?

That's exciting that you have signed with Hampshire Bec! One of my staff are building with them up here in Camden and I didn't realise that they are Hotondo homes (new naming?). they have very nice homes!! There was a house in my street that was an old Hotondo display home and it was really nice! Good thing your hubby is leaving your decision up to you! heheh Dave and I had contrasting opinions on some stuff which made it difficult but we compromised here and there. Are you rendering, bagging or having facebrick? Do you know what you want yet? So many decisions!!!!

Dave and I drove around Shell Cove on the weekend (checking out everyone's landscaping ideas! haha) and I have never ever seen so many kids out on the streets trick or treating!!! they were in groups just swarming the streets it was so funny!!! So my advise is next year on halloween to buy lots of lollies ready or switch your lights off and pretend your not home! It was crazy! very cute to see little 5 year olds running around in hulk outfits and stuff.

can't wait to see your facade plans.

Macey Moo how are you going? Have you signed yet?
Hi Guys,

Glad everyone is making progress (except me!)

Tasman have done preliminary drawings and they have done a fantastic job, I would recommend them to one and all, we have a view from the back right hand side and the drawings are on an angle to take in the view.

My only problem is, they reckon $500,000 to build the home and that is only for a 35 square home. I am now taking the drawings to other builders to see if they can build it for cheaper. GJ Gardner are custom builders and they will build if you already have a design, so I am going to get a quote off them and have also been recommended Elmwood Homes, so I'll see what I can come up with. I just want to get the darn thing started!! But I suppose this is the most important part, cause if I don't get the design right i'll never be happy.

I didn't realise Hotondo had changed their name or were using another name either?

The medical centre is going well, I hope you all know there was talk of it being a methadone clinic
but the council keep deniying it, but it was written in the local paper, so maybe I should make sure before I spend so much money building up the street from it lol.

Anyway I need this house complete for around $400,000 so will keep everyone posted to see if I can get it built for $100,000 less than they reckon (do you like my chances??).

Keep up the progress everyone.

Hi there,

Sorry to hear about your delays Maceymoo, it sounds like it will be a beautiful house once it's built! We had a look at Elmwood (and M@rksman Homes) however they came in over $120k more than our other tenders
so we decided to go with H@mpshire... They used to be Hotondo (shellharbour believe) but we actually found them when we walked through a house that was on the market but sold before we could make an offer on it so we found out who the builder was. Mostly I loved the attention to detail, which I previously always had concerns about when we walked through display homes so we will see how we go as things progress and I will keep you updated. They might be worth getting a tender from though, they have been really good to deal with so far? We are going with a render + matrix facade so it is quite a contemporary design which is where I think a lot of the cost comes in, whoever you build with

Krissy that is so cute about all the Halloween trick or treaters! May I ask how your staff member has found building with H@mpshire? Where are they up to in their build?

Re your slab, are they using the foam waffle stuff? (I am sure that is the technical term tee hee) It seems to be pretty popular now, a few houses down near the golf course have had the foam used I have noticed... Maybe go for a drive by when you are next down there? Do you have an ETA on completion? You must be getting excited!!!!
Hi everyone

Krissy, we have waffle pod then concrete slab (I think most of the houses down near us have them) - I don't remember ours having the "grid" thing happening, but I didn't see ours for a week after it was poured, maybe it is just that it was still pretty fresh when you were there on the weekend? Have they done anything else this week in this abysmal weather?? I'm not too confident that we'll see much progress this week.

Bec, glad to see you've settled on a house - the fun (and waiting) now begins!! We were also worried about the attention to detail and finish on the houses - we looked at a few around the place, and metricon seemed to be really good too - we didn't get to see any Hotondo homes, but I believe that a couple of guys my sister went to school with started that business... small small world. Love the contemporary sound of your facade!

Maceymoo - good luck!! The hardest part is finding something suitable that you're happy with - i'm assuming that your latest quote includes site costs etc? That killed us with the slope and all... its not easy. The only thing i can recommend is making sure you check out houses built by whoever is doing your quotes.. we found a few builders who had great ideas and designs, and who could custom build - but then when we went to their show homes, the finishes and/or workmanship just wasn't worth what they were asking for...

We'll be staying down at home in Shellharbour over the weekend, so if anyone seeks us lurking in and around our place - feel free to pop in and say hi and introduce yourself! : )
Hey Gals,
Macey Moo that is the first I have heard about the Methodone Clinic!! Thanks for keeping me updated.
The girl at my work is building a ranch style home with hampshire cos she is building on a 10acre property out at camden - very nice! She is happy so far but I don't think her slab has been poured just yet. Another one of my staff are building with Calvalier Homes (I had never heard them before). They originally had their heart set on an eden brae home but when they did all the costs it was too expensive - cavalier came in at a good price apparently - so maybe have a look at them??
Have you also tried huxley and allworth? We were tossing up over allworth and clarendon. Allworth have some great designs and floor plans the reason we picked clarendon over allworth was the facade - that's it! We like the traditional facade that c was offering and allworth wouldn't change it. But their homes are great plans for great value - you might like their facades? They are nice - just didn't have the look we were going for thats all.

Bec - very glad your plans are all sorted! Cant wait to see some pics! How long until they start cutting and filling? Is everything sorted with your bank yet? That's what took us ages!

And girls - I doubt any progress has happend on mine cos I got a text off a friend lastnight building in hawwards bay with the same builder and same ss and she told me that our ss has quit! She has met the new ss and I have not had any communication from c regarding any of this! NOt sure if our drainage issue was the last straw for him....poor bloke. I feel his frustration! I just wanted our house to be at lock up stage before the xmas close down but i dont think thats going to happen now.

Lauren - any movement for you guys? Still bricking?
Hi Guys,

Does anyone want to share prices and quotes?

We are getting our house architect designed, I just had a meeting with the architect and he said to build a 37 square house it would cost approx $478,000 to get a builder to build it.

I am shocked at the price, especially as my block cost $330,00 to start with. I don't think I could sell if for a profit when the time comes or even maybe break even!!

The project home builders don't seem that bad price wise after all.

Anyone help with advise?

Thanks my fellow Shell Cover's.

[quote="baley@thefarms"]Hey Gals,

And girls - I doubt any progress has happend on mine cos I got a text off a friend lastnight building in hawwards bay with the same builder and same ss and she told me that our ss has quit! She has met the new ss and I have not had any communication from c regarding any of this! NOt sure if our drainage issue was the last straw for him....poor bloke. I feel his frustration! I just wanted our house to be at lock up stage before the xmas close down but i dont think thats going to happen now.

How was everyone's weekend??
I went down on the weekend and had hung out at the farm with my neices and nephews! What gorgeous weather it was!!
I checked out the house and even stood upstairs of where our bedrooms are which was pretty cool!! I am very shocked at how fast it is all coming along now.

How's everyone elses place going...any pics yet Bec??
Have you checked out some more companies Macey Moo?
Emma, is your brick issure sorted?
Lauren - still bricking?? I didn't get a chance to get down and check on ur place for you but I assume you did this weekend anyway??

I wish it was the weekend again.........
Hi everyone,

After much deliberation and outrageous quotes to build my house I have .......bought a house!!

Now my block is back on the market. It was just all a bit too hard for me. I would have really been building on my own as my partner lives and works in Sydney all week and is only back in Shellharbour on the weekend with me, so most of the work was on my shoulders and in the end I found a house I liked in Flinders (next suburb over). So my plan is to stay there for 5 years, rent this townhouse near the beach out and then move back here when the kids are teenagers and will sleep downstairs without being scared.

The house had all I wanted, 4 bedrooms, office, plus a spare room for me to run my beauty business from, plus a fantastic swimming pool and there is no way I could have built a house this size (41sq) with a swimming pool, for anywhere near what I paid for this house.

Good luck to everyone, I will stay subscribed to this thread to watch everyones progress - hope it's all smooth sailing for you and good luck xo Macymoo
Congratulations Maceymoo!! Sounds like you're all sorted! I hope you get a good price on your block now!

The first property I bought is in Flinders, and I still have it now and it is rented out - I lived there for 12 months and I loved living there - its nice and quiet. And my parents and my sister's family live there also - and they love it too!

Congrats Macey!! That's awesome news!! (I wasn't expecting that though!! haha, I had to read over it 3 times to check I was reading it right!)

Huge house - with a swimming pool!! Has everything you dream of, without the stress of building, so good choice!!!

Flinders is beautiful - I am sure you will be very happy there!

Hope the sell of the block goes well for you xx
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