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Hi Teapot
how has your week been?
Hope your tradies have been working hard for you?!? I have noticed there aren't many other Sterling customers on here and I am in agreement with you that it is nice to chat with someone who is.

I havent started a blog thingy yet (bit challenged in the IT department, nursing my specialty but i hope to figure it out soon). My hubby went past the house today and all our bricks are finished
and we have insulation and electical wiring in
He came home smiling like a chesire cat so I new sumtin was up!!

The gyprock is also there albeit stacked on the floor lol.

Can't wait to hear how things are going for you

Take care and have a great weekend (even tho the weather is meant to be yuk!!)
Regards EDnurse
Hi TigerStripedTeaPot (I love the name!)

Im also building in SA! Well, my partner and I are! We are also FHO too!
I was nervous about my colour selections too (mainly cos the boy was like yeah, whatever makes ya happy... meaning I'm solely responsible if they dont look great!!!). Ive been really happy with mine, and I reckon your kitchen and laundry look great too!

I grew quite partial to my green front door, hehe!

Good luck with the build!

Hi Nikki,
Thanks for the good luck

I think colour selections were the worst part for me, I have never been good at matching colours and it was no help that the woman who was there to help didn't help at all!

Who are you building with? Is your house coming along nicely?

and Yes the green door does get kind of cute after a while
But i think they've now painted it to Cream
Bye-Bye Green door, you will be missed!!

Hi Teapot
how has your week been?
Hope your tradies have been working hard for you?!? I have noticed there aren't many other Sterling customers on here and I am in agreement with you that it is nice to chat with someone who is.

I havent started a blog thingy yet (bit challenged in the IT department, nursing my specialty but i hope to figure it out soon). My hubby went past the house today and all our bricks are finished
and we have insulation and electical wiring in
He came home smiling like a chesire cat so I new sumtin was up!!

The gyprock is also there albeit stacked on the floor lol.

Can't wait to hear how things are going for you

Take care and have a great weekend (even tho the weather is meant to be yuk!!)
Regards EDnurse

Hi EDNurse!!
I have noticed there aren't many Sterling homes Builders on here too! Its great to see you are with them too!
I hope your experience with them has been great! Mine has had its ups and downs but the house is nearly done and in about 3 weeks I get to move in

Its scary (and exciting) how fast things move once the slab is down! Its awesome that your bricks and wiring etc is up!! I was so extatic when mine went up!
You'll definitely need to make a blog (or even a thread) on your house if you haven't already done so! I'd love to take a looksie at how yours is coming a long!!
Which house design are you having done?

I was planning on visiting my house today, but its so rainy
The front yard gets too muddy for me to walk through to look through windows like a creepy person so I will wait until tomorrow to see what else has been done!

Keep me posted with how your place is coming along
Hiya teapot,

3weeks to go
OMG I cant wait to be able to say the same thing. Speaking of mud..yup we got our fair share too lol was creeping around today with hubby and brotherinlaw having a look at ours and nearly went face first a couple of times
lol musta been a funny sight!!I am about to start a thread..come see
Take it easy and stay dry, catch u soon

Cheers Ednurse
Hi TeaPot, looks like a lovely home. Very practical design and I love how the facade is going to look. Well done!
Hi TeaPot, looks like a lovely home. Very practical design and I love how the facade is going to look. Well done!

Speaking of the facade, when I went to see my house this afternoon it had all been painted!!

Here's a piccie!

ignore me in the window
wow, how smart is that!
Hi Guys!

If anyone is reading this I was wondering if anyone could help.
After the render is put on the front and painted etc, how long does it generally take for the final inspection?
Sterling never give me a clear date. They said "end of August" or "maybe Earlier" etc. I just want a clear answer

i kinda just want an estimate
I am getting very excited and just wanna get into my house!
Cant help with the timing question... we didnt want render, we like the brick look!

I was building with Oakford, i say was because we are in now! Still just gathering the last bits and pieces from my parents house, but basically 80% is unpacked. We had no major issues at all with our build. Builder was very organised and great with communication.

I like the front facade, very nice!

We had a rough idea of the colours we wanted, we went for greys/blacks for benches and floor tiles/carpet and warm whites for cupboards and walls. We also chose a striking red splashback, and red feature tiles in the bathroom. We chose all the tiles the day after my work christmas function, so with a cloudy head, we actually made pretty good choices!! Hehe.

Your lucky your green door has disappeared, ours was only painted on the day of handover!! I dont miss Mr. Green door anymore!!

Hope you get in soon.

Cant help with the timing question... we didnt want render, we like the brick look!

I was building with Oakford, i say was because we are in now! Still just gathering the last bits and pieces from my parents house, but basically 80% is unpacked. We had no major issues at all with our build. Builder was very organised and great with communication.

I like the front facade, very nice!

We had a rough idea of the colours we wanted, we went for greys/blacks for benches and floor tiles/carpet and warm whites for cupboards and walls. We also chose a striking red splashback, and red feature tiles in the bathroom. We chose all the tiles the day after my work christmas function, so with a cloudy head, we actually made pretty good choices!! Hehe.

Your lucky your green door has disappeared, ours was only painted on the day of handover!! I dont miss Mr. Green door anymore!!

Hope you get in soon.


its funny because as soon as I posted about the timing Sterling called me to organise my final inspection!!

Monday 23rd at 11am!! how exciting!

I am not sure if I should get an inspector or not! :S

I really love red theme in a house!! yours sounds amazing, atm I am just going for a red appliance theme in my place haha, red kettle, toaster, microwave etc.
How exciting that you've moved in already
when did that happen? ughhh I am getting so excited and nervous I just want it all over and to be living happily in my place!!
Hi TeaPot,
Your house looks so good, with the cream and black.
How exciting, final inspection just a week away, good luck
Hey Teapot that is great news

Love the idea of red appliances and it is such a popular colour at the moment.

You exterior colours look great, once u can get in u gotta post some updated pics of inside!!

hurry up the 23rd of August please for teapot........

Catch u soon, ednurse
YAY for final inspection (aka PCI)!!!

Definately get an inspector. Saves that 'i wish i had' or 'maybe the inspector would have noticed' feeling later. I posted the details of the inspector we used on the building in sa thread. Im sure the build will be fine, but for us we were first time builders, and it was nice to kind of share the inspection responsiblity with someone else, who knew what they were talking about!

I would have loved to have had all red appliances, however we already have a lot of appliances between us, and we never set out to build (was looking to buy pre-established but changed mind when found the perfect spot...). We did have a lot of red things though.... like towels!! Hehe.
I am in love with my red splashback tho, I was worried it wouldnt be right, but it worked out perfect for us. Ive been a red girl ever since my red and silver themed 21st!! Hehe

Are you planning on mvoing yourself, or hiring removalists? I found a quite cheap truck hire for do-it-yourself moving. We had to do it ourselves, because we had stuff stored in McLaren Vale, Modbury Heights, and a few places between! Shudder to think what a removalist would have quoted to travel that far for us!
Next time ill prob hire removalists as all our stuff should be in the one spot! Not that were going anywhere in a hurry!

Just think... PCI is usually about a week before handover, which could mean you have keys at the end of the month!!! Soon you will be in your brand new shiny home, drinking a bottle of something nice, smelling the nice fresh smells of your new home!!!!

Hope PCI goes well for you. Look forward to reading about it!
YAY for final inspection (aka PCI)!!!

Definately get an inspector. Saves that 'i wish i had' or 'maybe the inspector would have noticed' feeling later. I posted the details of the inspector we used on the building in sa thread. Im sure the build will be fine, but for us we were first time builders, and it was nice to kind of share the inspection responsiblity with someone else, who knew what they were talking about!

I would have loved to have had all red appliances, however we already have a lot of appliances between us, and we never set out to build (was looking to buy pre-established but changed mind when found the perfect spot...). We did have a lot of red things though.... like towels!! Hehe.
I am in love with my red splashback tho, I was worried it wouldnt be right, but it worked out perfect for us. Ive been a red girl ever since my red and silver themed 21st!! Hehe

Are you planning on mvoing yourself, or hiring removalists? I found a quite cheap truck hire for do-it-yourself moving. We had to do it ourselves, because we had stuff stored in McLaren Vale, Modbury Heights, and a few places between! Shudder to think what a removalist would have quoted to travel that far for us!
Next time ill prob hire removalists as all our stuff should be in the one spot! Not that were going anywhere in a hurry!

Just think... PCI is usually about a week before handover, which could mean you have keys at the end of the month!!! Soon you will be in your brand new shiny home, drinking a bottle of something nice, smelling the nice fresh smells of your new home!!!!

Hope PCI goes well for you. Look forward to reading about it!

Hey Nikki!

I almost wasn't going to go for an inspector after finding out they were around the $500 mark but luckily the last place I tried only charged $340!! Phew. So thats all booked in for Monday at 11am
Oh my gosh I am so excited now. I want this week to rush by (and next week) so I can move in!!

I'll probably hire a removalist. I have hardly any stuff to move (living with mum at the moment) but my bed and mattress is too big for me to fit into my car, also I have a few larger objects to be moved and just feel better having the removalist guys do it for me

btw I saw a picture of your kitchen splashback in another thread! Amazing! I wish I was a natural at colour selection and matching

soooo excited!!
Wont be long now for you!!!! All very exciting. Bring on handover!
Thanks for the comment Teapot

Nice to know im not the only youngin whos crazy enough to build!

Builders think they are smart dont they! Cant pull the wool over my eyes, whole family is in the building trade and i take after my mother, question everything!

Agree that the wealth of knowledge what I have learnt i didnt think was possible till alot older and wiser.
Next house will be a breeze to do!

All the best with everything, ill keep peeping on your thread every little update
Yours house is looking great
Hmm Thought I would write an update on my PCI inspection I had this morning

I met my SS and My home inspector at the house at 10:30.
The inspector said he'd go off and do his own thing while my SS walked me around the house.
I was a little nervous because I am not so good at spotting things so I took my sister along with me
She actually pointed out a few things that i never would have seen!
My SS was actually really nice. This was only the 2nd time I met him and he was explaining everything to me like what to do with stormwater systems and the perimetre pavers when the time comes for me to install them.

The biggest issue I had was the toilets not sealed down on the tiles properly.
Other than that my Inspector said my house was build above average and everything was done really well! This made me so happy and has shed a new light on Sterling homes for me

Although the Inspector was a little odd climbing onto the roof without shoes and nearly falling off his ladder etc
it was scary to watch.

So anyway I get the keys next Monday (30th) and Move in Tuesday (7th September!)
I am so excited but scared because my boss was making it sound like taking leave for the 7th was the most inconvenient thing ever

I hope nothing goes wrong!!

Went out on Saturday with my Lovely Boyfriend and we bought ourselves some awesome new furniture
I can't wait to set my house up with all my things!!!

I'm so pleased you had a good PCI experience. At least you can now relax and look forward to moving into your new home.

And new furniture too? How exciting!!
Hmm Thought I would write an update on my PCI inspection I had this morning

I met my SS and My home inspector at the house at 10:30.
The inspector said he'd go off and do his own thing while my SS walked me around the house.
I was a little nervous because I am not so good at spotting things so I took my sister along with me
She actually pointed out a few things that i never would have seen!
My SS was actually really nice. This was only the 2nd time I met him and he was explaining everything to me like what to do with stormwater systems and the perimetre pavers when the time comes for me to install them.

The biggest issue I had was the toilets not sealed down on the tiles properly.
Other than that my Inspector said my house was build above average and everything was done really well! This made me so happy and has shed a new light on Sterling homes for me

Although the Inspector was a little odd climbing onto the roof without shoes and nearly falling off his ladder etc
it was scary to watch.

So anyway I get the keys next Monday (30th) and Move in Tuesday (7th September!)
I am so excited but scared because my boss was making it sound like taking leave for the 7th was the most inconvenient thing ever

I hope nothing goes wrong!!

Went out on Saturday with my Lovely Boyfriend and we bought ourselves some awesome new furniture
I can't wait to set my house up with all my things!!!

Good to hear everything has gone off well without any issues
Teapot that is awesome news

SSooo pleased to hear Sterling have done well, hope mine goes as well
. Ur boss will get over it, dont let them put a damper on this exciting time. How is your packing going? We have only just had the internal walls and ceilings done and the beginnings of render on the front and we already have about 25 boxes packed!! I am eager to say the least. We are holding a garage sale after lockup my first weekend off and a skip on standby lol. Moving is a great time for a clear out.

Let us no how things go from here!!
Cheers Ednurse
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