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I’m going to show him that picture you did and show him how it SHOULD have been done….well done!!!!
Well done Matt, at first I was like - whats Mish on about?
I didn't see it - now that you posted that picture - I feel bad for Michelle cause it looks WAY WAY WAAAAAYYYYY better centered correctly!!

I guess its another one of those things we have to look out for and ensure our builder is aware of our expectations from the outset....I wonder if you can make them sign something in the contract to state that you want everything aligned correctly or they will have to start over or pay a penalty??
You know I would have deigned it myself…..but I thought it was pretty obvious how it should be!

That’s another thing with us designers….we ASUME everyone knows what we know…..WRONG!!!!! :cry:
Am I being too fussy????
It's all about flow.

I agree Michelle.

That's the stuff that tends to get missed in the details of a project verus the - does it look right - do it yourself - see if it flows.

One thing my dad always said to me re building things was not - is it straight or is it dead level etc, but does it look right, does it blend in and feel part of the existing dwelling.

And the pitch of your awning roof should enhance and encourage the flow of energy into the house via the doorway. Good Feng Shui.
Some people say it's all hooo ha and other words, but if it does not flow and look right - it's not.!!!!


When I first read the thread and rake, I immediately thought you meant one of these .

Which would have looked really stupid sticking out your roof
Hey...I picked it first and Cookie got the credit
Hey...I picked it first and Cookie got the credit

no you did get first credit look back
It's all about flow.

I agree Michelle.

That's the stuff that tends to get missed in the details of a project verus the - does it look right - do it yourself - see if it flows.

One thing my dad always said to me re building things was not - is it straight or is it dead level etc, but does it look right, does it blend in and feel part of the existing dwelling.

And the pitch of your awning roof should enhance and encourage the flow of energy into the house via the doorway. Good Feng Shui.
Some people say it's all hooo ha and other words, but if it does not flow and look right - it's not.!!!!


When I first read the thread and rake, I immediately thought you meant one of these .

Which would have looked really stupid sticking out your roof

That’s my speliing again you know em!

Thanks Steve I agree…..I have waited sooo long for this bloody awning, now I feel ripped off.

God help the two putting itup, if they sneeze the wrong way I’ll have their B**** in my pocket!
Am I being too fussy????

1 word...

God help the two putting it, if they sneeze the wrong way I’ll have their B**** in my pocket!

And Matts thinks in another thread that we were married in a past life -

Bloody hell NO

Am I THAT scary Steve!!!!
Thanks Matt, seems you and I have centreing issues… you think they have therapy for that!!!
God help the two putting it, if they sneeze the wrong way I’ll have their B**** in my pocket!

And Matts thinks in another thread that we were married in a past life -

Bloody hell NO


Not me!


Michelles way to mean

Who me????
Michelle, i'm sure that you'll be able to work something out with the guys tomorrow.. Even if it costs a little extra to get a couple of extra pieces, at least you will be happy with it in the end...Otherwise you are going to continually look at it and not be happy...

See how you go tomorrow, but be there on-site to supervise what they do....
Thanks Phoenix….it should be straight forward for them now….heres hoping!

The guys building are not the guys who drew it up. They are only going by what is on the plan and what material they have to work with from the ordering of the goods.
Did you say the concrete posts are concreted in?

Can they move the structure across?
Not that I can see, not while it’s concreted in!!!

I sent a photo to my ex’s wife a designer in QL ..she picked it straight way.
She and I are hoping it won’t be too noticeable once the roof goes on.

But I will always know.

Anyway thanks guys for helping me, Thanks Matt for the photo change… are a clever one!!!

I’m going to bed to dream of balls being tossed in the bush for the wild life to devour!!!!
Not centred on the door way?

YES!!!!! Not centred……who in their right mind would do THAT?

The same guys that laid Matt's tiles.
I’m going to bed to dream of balls being tossed in the bush for the wild life to devour!!!!

Spoken like a true scorpion
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