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Oh Techno, I am so sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. The dirty, truck filled streets are very frustrating but that will pass in time as your part of the development builds up. I hope your little one is better soon, I know what it's like - I have 3 children.

Which school do your children go to? We are going to Acacia College in Mernda - it takes around 8 minutes to get there. I'm sure as developments continue along Epping Road that time will grow...but by then the school will have a bus running through this area. Currently most of their students seem to come from the Doreen, Whittlesea, Eltham, Greensborough, Diamond Creek, Hurstbridge side of the world so that's where the bus lines come from currently.

I just wanted to tell everyone - if you're currently with Arise and you have a 40GB plan, you now have 100GB per month for no extra charge, as of right now....happy downloading.

I was just talking about Acacia College the other day is it just a primary school or high school too? i heard its great and the travel time sounds great 8 mins i wish! i surpose most people are traveling the other way at that time in the morning and the promise of a bus coming soon for the school is also a great thing to look forward too.
It takes me anywhere from 25min-35min to get the kids to school, one is on high street at peter lalor doing his VET classes and the other at Thomastown primary not far off high st, most of that time is spent just getting through the estate to high st/copper street once im on high st at the plaza is pretty good. Its frustrating driving past all the extra land on the side of the roads thinking why dont they put another turning lane here and there. I used to go down miller street all the time when it was a dead end to the hair supply place down there 'risone's' (if your interested you dont have to be a hairdresser to buy from there, its all hair supply stuff) it was never busy but times have changed around these area's 20yrs ago most of it was all paddocks i have seen major changes in the last 25yrs that i have lived in lalor and thomastown. Its great though because we know that our houses will go way up in value.

i know things will get better here, we have built in an estate before but things seemed to be much more organised
im glad the builders next door have finally got a porta loo so now they can stop using my fence as a toilet. I just wish they would put up some temporary fencing there is stuff everywhere even on my part of the front yard but if i complain to council or vicurban they will know it was me and i dont want to start trouble, they can just be so inconsiderate at times.

Thanks for listening to my whinge sesion lol , on a brighter note hubby rang iprimus today and we are finally getting connected next week for net and phone yeah we are in stage 14 so anyone waiting give them a ring the guy told us its been available to us for nearly a month...would have been nice if VU told us i would have saved another $120 on this wireless mobile garbage.
I thought they had to come out and do something to the fibre box in the garage but he said they just mailed out the modem and the rest was done at their end.(so no drilling out keyhole in cabinet yet)

On another matter altogether, what do you mean, oztish, that those on a 40GB plan now have 100GB? Did Arise email those people? (If so, I guess I'm not on the 40GB plan.)

Looks like Arise have given us "old-timers" a parting gift!!!
I've just checked my account online and sure enough, I've got 100GB.
Hmmm, now what to download....
Techno, I think I had street-building, then house-building around me for about 18 months after I moved in.

Finally, the 6am "d-d-d-d-d-d" noise from the rock-breakers, the constant roar of trucks, the regular passing of the sewage disposal trucks (yes, it had to be trucked from parts of the estate), the driven-over nature strips, the 6- and 7-day a week construction noises, all of it started to move further away. Someone once said that we are pioneers - we are on the edge of development, we are putting up with short-term disturbances and discomfort for longer-term tranquility and services. That may not be much consolation to you after a day like this one, but you WILL be able to have more peaceful days down the track.

On another matter altogether, what do you mean, oztish, that those on a 40GB plan now have 100GB? Did Arise email those people? (If so, I guess I'm not on the 40GB plan.)

Butting in for Oztish here, but I am on a 40Gb Plan too, and when I checked my usage it now says I have 100Gb available, I didn't receive any correspondance from Arise, but I am happy about the upgrade, No peak/Off Peak Times, just simple 100Gb.... So it might be worth checking this on their website if you know your user name and password.... (Same as you Arise E-mail setup details I am pretty sure) Finally I won't get the monthly capping I have received lately!!! Its still not cheap, but its allot closer to whats out there in the free market.... Arise also don't count uploads in your usage which is another ** trick allot of the ISP's offering huge data allowances are doing... I can;t believe I have actually just said something good about arise! LoL

Thanks for listening to my whinge sesion lol , on a brighter note hubby rang iprimus today and we are finally getting connected next week for net and phone yeah we are in stage 14 so anyone waiting give them a ring the guy told us its been available to us for nearly a month...would have been nice if VU told us i would have saved another $120 on this wireless mobile garbage.
I thought they had to come out and do something to the fibre box in the garage but he said they just mailed out the modem and the rest was done at their end.(so no drilling out keyhole in cabinet yet)

Just a quick note on this... I spoke to iPrimus to, they thought I could get a connection but it looks like I can;t now, they pointed out that they put an order through to VU to do all the Fibre cabinet stuff, then they can connect you, so the information they gave you is a little misleading, VU will have to come in and set up your cabinet then you can connect the Modem they send you...

My guess on why VU haven't made a big deal to say that the new providers are available is that they are already getting allot of calls about new connections and are struggling to keep up, I was told a letter was going out with Cheques nearly a month ago, but that doesn't appear to have happened... I was also told us guys currently with Arise won't be able to connect until 4th Quarter this year....

Thanks for listening to my whinge sesion lol , on a brighter note hubby rang iprimus today and we are finally getting connected next week for net and phone yeah we are in stage 14 so anyone waiting give them a ring the guy told us its been available to us for nearly a month...would have been nice if VU told us i would have saved another $120 on this wireless mobile garbage.
I thought they had to come out and do something to the fibre box in the garage but he said they just mailed out the modem and the rest was done at their end.(so no drilling out keyhole in cabinet yet)

Just a quick note on this... I spoke to iPrimus to, they thought I could get a connection but it looks like I can;t now, they pointed out that they put an order through to VU to do all the Fibre cabinet stuff, then they can connect you, so the information they gave you is a little misleading, VU will have to come in and set up your cabinet then you can connect the Modem they send you...

My guess on why VU haven't made a big deal to say that the new providers are available is that they are already getting allot of calls about new connections and are struggling to keep up, I was told a letter was going out with Cheques nearly a month ago, but that doesn't appear to have happened... I was also told us guys currently with Arise won't be able to connect until 4th Quarter this year....

hmmm you know i thought they had to do something to the box. what stage are you in? only because somewhere i here i read something about the earlier stages needed something upgraded in the box but not the later stages. oh i will have to go speak to someone at the sales office about it, although there is never the right person there when i need them.
Has anyone else been connected through iprimus already and had to get vu to do something to the box?
Fladdle - just looked up my limit and it had changed so rang and asked and they said it had been upgraded for those on the 40GB plan
Fladdle - no, I didn't receive any notification from Arise about being upgraded from 40GB to 100GB

I spoke to Arise today and they said we would be getting an email "soon" to advise us of it.
Just one thing though, would this generous increase in quota mean they are now also including uploads?

As it's been stated before, once the new ISP's are introduced into Aurora, all the infrastructure will be maintained by VU thus Arise may end up becoming a **possible** 3rd ISP.
I wonder if they are trying to persuade us to stay with them as that 3rd provider?
I just checked my Arise download page and I'm on the 20GB plan. I'm STILL on the 20GB plan - no pleasant surprise for me.

So maybe Arise only want to offer an enticement to those who chose the larger plans in the first place...

I'm in Stage 7 (I think - it's been three years this month) so I don't expect any alternatives until the end of the year.
As it's been stated before, once the new ISP's are introduced into Aurora, all the infrastructure will be maintained by VU thus Arise may end up becoming a **possible** 3rd ISP.
I wonder if they are trying to persuade us to stay with them as that 3rd provider?

From what I've heard, I don't think this will happen
My guess on why VU haven't made a big deal to say that the new providers are available is that they are already getting allot of calls about new connections and are struggling to keep up, I was told a letter was going out with Cheques nearly a month ago, but that doesn't appear to have happened... I was also told us guys currently with Arise won't be able to connect until 4th Quarter this year....

We got our cheque 3 days ago - I guess this will be the last one we get.
techno - how's your baby doing? Any better?

I just got home from Epping Plaza. I hate shopping there, I so much prefer Plenty Valley...where do you all like shopping?
techno - how's your baby doing? Any better?

I just got home from Epping Plaza. I hate shopping there, I so much prefer Plenty Valley...where do you all like shopping?

Other people say the same thing as you but I don't understand that. To me, one hermetically sealed, clattery, music-ramped, recycled air plaza is much like another. I'd much rather have a street of shops where you can see a tree and catch some sun...
Have a great long weekend everyone
techno - how's your baby doing? Any better?

I just got home from Epping Plaza. I hate shopping there, I so much prefer Plenty Valley...where do you all like shopping?

Other people say the same thing as you but I don't understand that. To me, one hermetically sealed, clattery, music-ramped, recycled air plaza is much like another. I'd much rather have a street of shops where you can see a tree and catch some sun...

I'd have to differ. Take Westfield Doncaster, surely that's a more pleasant experience than epping plaza or plenty valley. But I love to shop. The good thing is there's plenty of room to expand at epping.
techno - how's your baby doing? Any better?

I just got home from Epping Plaza. I hate shopping there, I so much prefer Plenty Valley...where do you all like shopping?

baby is doing ok he has a cough still and teething.

I prefer plenty valley i dont know why i think its not as busy as epping and has different shops. I like having target and kmart together

For those who have had the front landscaping done do you know what turf they are laying. I have noticed some are looking yellow and dead and im thinking its the grass thats goes dormant during winter. I spoke to vu about it and they are finding out for me as i would prefer they seeded with better stuff then turfed it with grass thats looks dead for 3-4months a year
im justing wanting your opinion on what we should do. We are in a bit of a situation with our fencing and im not sure what to do.
When we first picked our house we asked the builder to move it over an extra 150mm so we could have a fence running to the front of the garage so that our garage wall was not used as the boundry fence for the neighbours. We did this for a few reasons, mainly we didnt want to end up like the last house where the kids next door continously bounced a ball on the wall while we were trying to watch tv in lounge and to stop the neighbours drilling into it with a clothes line etc.
So the builder changed the plans and vu approved it.
Now when the house was finished the fence was done to the back of the garage leaving a 150mm stretch of land to the front. i questioned the builder about it and he showed me the plans and said it was on them and we signed off on it, what i thought was the fence running to the front of garage on the plans wasnt. The builder also said dont worry because when the house next door starts building they will have to extend the fence anyway because they needed a side gate etc.

So here is the problem, i went into the sales office on friday and spoke to someone in regards to this problem and they pretty much said its not vu problem take it up with builder, but we signed off on the plans so i know the builder doesnt have to extend the fence. Vu also told me that if we didnt use that 150mm of land that after a period of time its would legally be the neighbours so we had to use it, but its only 150mm what could we use it for, otherwise vu said we would have to pay to extend the fence ourselves.

Now we want a fence there thats the only reason we moved the house over but i dont think i should have to pay for the fence. So my only choice at this point is to wait till the fencer comes to put up the side fence for neighbour and tell him he cant go up to my garage because its our land and then he will either have to extend the fence down our garage or move the neighbours side fence right back to the existing fence which would mean the neighbour would loose a great deal of side yard.

The other problem was that the when we started building and when we finished building the neighbour hadnt even submitted his house plans at the point so our builder and the fencer had no idea what the situation was going to be.
The funny thing is we have a photo of when the fence was first being put up and it went past the end of the garage so for some reason they pulled it back down. what would you do in this situation? give up the land or push the situation for a fence?
techno - won't you have to go halves with your neighbour for the fence? If a fence is wanted by either neighbour and it runs between the two properties, then they have every right to issue you with a fencing notice and you'll have to pay half...that's my understanding (unless I've totally misunderstood what you're saying). I wouldn't give away land, even if it's a small amount. I mean, what if something happens on that land (they burst a pipe or something) they can still turn around and say it's your land and you're responsible (?)
Hi all, does anyone from stage 15 who have moved in have any idea of what's the status of Internet, phone and tv? I had an appointment with VU for my front of the house landscaping and I also gave them a copy of my occupancy Cert. they informed me that they would send me a letter for choosing foxtel for TV. If I don't want them to connect foxtel for me I can have some extra money in cheque from their end. I haven't decided as of now on what to do. I am waiting for VU to update me about what is happening on the FTTH front.
Hi all, does anyone from stage 15 who have moved in have any idea of what's the status of Internet, phone and tv? I had an appointment with VU for my front of the house landscaping and I also gave them a copy of my occupancy Cert. they informed me that they would send me a letter for choosing foxtel for TV. If I don't want them to connect foxtel for me I can have some extra money in cheque from their end. I haven't decided as of now on what to do. I am waiting for VU to update me about what is happening on the FTTH front.

Phone and internet are now available through iPrimus and iinet... It could take a couple of weeks to be connected after you apply for your services though as VU are doing the individiual installations in your cabinet, and have allot to catch up on... I'd apply for your service ASAP as you will just end up at the end of an ever growing list of people waiting for their new connections....

Hope this helps!
Hi all, does anyone from stage 15 who have moved in have any idea of what's the status of Internet, phone and tv? I had an appointment with VU for my front of the house landscaping and I also gave them a copy of my occupancy Cert. they informed me that they would send me a letter for choosing foxtel for TV. If I don't want them to connect foxtel for me I can have some extra money in cheque from their end. I haven't decided as of now on what to do. I am waiting for VU to update me about what is happening on the FTTH front.

Phone and internet are now available through iPrimus and iinet... It could take a couple of weeks to be connected after you apply for your services though as VU are doing the individiual installations in your cabinet, and have allot to catch up on... I'd apply for your service ASAP as you will just end up at the end of an ever growing list of people waiting for their new connections....

Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot DamoAu for the info.
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