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Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

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Congrats on the move bkoolrocks! How exciting
Hope it all went smoothly, with the appliances and such too.

Tan welcome
We chose the same colour themes! We just changed a few things

It'll be 3 weeks tomorrow that we moved in. We are still very happy with how it has all gone so far. One issue with a fence was fixed immediately. Though it was a quick fix, the same thing will happen again with a big gust of wind. We've got a list of issues, that will be sent off this week (we finally got internet connected!)
Otherwise my other annoyance is the floorboards! I can't get these silly things clean enough!
getting some conflicting messages from HBC and Villawood (land office) in regards to titling date..

HBC Sales Rep initially told us we would be moved in by April. Land to title September / October.

HBC Pre start working then said we wont be moving in till June/July and the land wont title till October / November

I got a email the other day from HBC pre start worker saying that titling is to be expected around September.

I emailed the land office in Pasadena asking the same question on the same day and they come back saying due to bad weather recently (which i found odd.) that titling wont be till early - Mid October.

Almost a month different.

I assumed during the pre start meeting that the HBC worked told us a pushed out date so she could then be the bearer of great news when they magically shave 2-3 months off the date (as most business people do in the Corp world) and then that the land office have done the same thing by quoting October?

Anyone else had to deal with conflicting info?

Was thinking of sending an email with both parties on it to try and get a straight answer.
Just a quick update to let you guys know we had our New Home Presentation this morning. All went off without a hitch, with the exception of one missing power point that I had requested. So we signed off. All we’re waiting for now is the bank valuation and to be invoiced from the bank (HBC sent the final invoice on Wednesday, but it hasn’t come through the bank yet).

And, just to be different – our appliances and hot water service have been installed. The SS said they realised people were missing days of work waiting for them to be connected, so they’re installing them pre-handover now.
Gaviscon girl, I am so jealous you got your installations done! I move tomorrow and appliances Tuesday and heating Wednesday! I can't have Tuesday off work so my poor sister has to come over with her 3 year old at 730am and wait for them!! My ss said I just missed out on the new system!! Otherwise happy with everything, had my bathroom and ensuite windows frosted today, looks great! Also had my antenna installed so at least I will have tv! Internet booked for Wednesday!
Oh no! Sucks that you just missed out on the new system... You're lucky your sister's so nice, though!
So ... tell me more about installing the antenna... who do I ask to do it, what does it entail, and how much will it cost me? I've got Foxtel, but I want the FTA channels as well.
I got antenna specialists to do it, took about an hour! Originally I was quoted $180 but when they arrived and realised it was a new home (I did tell them that) they said it was going to be $360, then they said they needed to cut down the antenna due to my positioning and the tower location! All up it cost $425! I'd look around for quotes if I were you! Guy who did it was lovely but not impressed by how much I ended up spending!
It's pretty easy to install an antenna. I would look at the costs of one at bunnings jaycar etc.
I can assure you, I'm not paying $425! Not for a few years, minimally. SO SO much to buy / pay for.
Congrats GG, That's awesome progress!! We purchased our digital antenna from jaycar and installed it ourselves. Maybe make the purchase and call one of those "hire a hubby" places for prices? All we did was purchase the antenna and fascia mount and got up on the roof and my partner fixed it to the fascia and then got in the manhole and connected the cables HBC leave for you in there to the aerial. Perfect picture. Then Foxtel can come out and do their thing.
Then Foxtel can come out and do their thing.

Hold on - Foxtel doesn't REQUIRE the antenna / wiring in the ceiling to be connected to anything before they install, do they?
I know, so many expenses! Between antenna, window frosting and removalists I will have spent close to. $1500 in a 24 hour period! Blahhhh! Unfortunately I am building ect on my own so no man around to do all the hard stuff haha!
If anyone wants I can get antenna's at Jaycar and Altronics at trade prices. I'm more then happy to pass on details if anyone wants to buy them.
That's a nice offer, Apparition - thank you.

So here's a question:
My front lawn was put in 2 days ago. I raised a concern about it needing to be watered until it's established. I have no idea when we'll get the keys - waiting for the bank to do their valuation. Until then, I've been told by the SS that I needn't worry too much, in this weather.

As far as I know you don't need an aerial for foxtel

From the research I had done, turf still needs to be watered 1-2 times per week in winter. It does go dormant but the watering is what helps the roots take.
Congrats on your final inspection Gaviscon

In regards to antennas, we just called a place and had a bloke come out and install it. $240 and it was quick and easy.
Congrats on your final inspection Gaviscon

In regards to antennas, we just called a place and had a bloke come out and install it. $240 and it was quick and easy.

That sounds a bit better - did you supply the antenna or did he? Clearly I have no clue.
Gaviscon Girl
Congrats on your final inspection Gaviscon

In regards to antennas, we just called a place and had a bloke come out and install it. $240 and it was quick and easy.

That sounds a bit better - did you supply the antenna or did he? Clearly I have no clue.

They supplied the antenna. We researched pricing and $300 was on the expensive side.
just a quick update...we have successfully completed 1 week in our new home...its a fantastic feeling...we had slight communication issues with the appliance installs etc. But all sorted out by FRI and everything working fine...
and our SS has been pretty good and so far he has fixed everything on time..
landscaping is going on and fencing on the remaining side started today...
Unboxing and cleaning going i dont have time 2 post pics..but will update soon on blog..

so happy 2 c u allz progress....
Finally heard from our SS. So I am happy to have contact with someone.

They will be removing the concrete that was dumped by our slab people.

I asked him about the fibre to the street and he said we have to get that installed and it's not in extra we had to pay for NBN. Has anyone had this as I contacted Telstra and they said it has to be done by the builders or they can't connect us.

But the good news is we have had the roof trusses put up and the windows installed.

The frame is being inspected tomorrow and the guttering being installed on wednesday.
Hi Apparition. Yes you do have to pay for the NBN fibre package, usually included in the preliminary works contract...your sales rep should have alerted you to this if you are in an NBN estate. HBC install all the fibre in the house/out front and then once the house is done Telstra come out and connect the fibre in the house to the street. It is about. $3000 package for the basics through HBC. Check your PWC/Final contract.
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