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Custom Build (Armidale): Moved in update

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Oh those subway tiles are too gorgeous! I'm glad I've decided to do them in my reno.
I have more kitchen pictures! I love it. I was silly to be picky about the benchtop. Just being in there, it's SO much better then our current kitchen (which isn't hard) I'm so excited about it.

They're coming back tomorrow to finish it off but the kitchen bloke isn't sure whether or not the tiler will be in tomorrow to do the backsplash so one of them will be there anyway.

My Aunt has come up to give us a hand with the painting for which I am very grateful. We did all the prep today and I managed to get a coat of primer on half the ceilings.
I have more kitchen pictures! I love it. I was silly to be picky about the benchtop. Just being in there, it's SO much better then our current kitchen (which isn't hard) I'm so excited about it.

They're coming back tomorrow to finish it off but the kitchen bloke isn't sure whether or not the tiler will be in tomorrow to do the backsplash so one of them will be there anyway.

My Aunt has come up to give us a hand with the painting for which I am very grateful. We did all the prep today and I managed to get a coat of primer on half the ceilings.

Love the kitchen, really impressed by your use of space

Oh wow the kitchen looks AMAZEBALLS!! I love your beautiful windows in your kitchen and the colours are very fab. Very cool corner cabinet thingymagigs.
Kitchen looks fantastic! Love your pull out trays in the cupboards, very handy.
Here is the kitchen with all the doors on and the tiling done

Wow the difference doors make - looks sensational
wow fantastic love your kitchen
Thanks guys! And I'm really glad I did the light grey grout in there to pick up the grey tones in the bench.

At any rate it's a big difference between this, our current kitchen

and this sparkling piece of art
I definitely know now why painting costs so much. SO MUCH WORK ARRRHHHGGG!
I thought the same thing .i got the painter to seal walls and we painted .have only started but i hate painting my partner does the painting . i wash brushes , but when you have sand everywhere outside .washing them is really crap . our painting continues tomorrow what fun .and on top of that all our flooring is in . so even harder.but i will keep smiling .there is a finish line lol
looks great
That's good that you got them to seal it! That's the worst bit. All the sanding and puttying and the sealer takes forever and is so unsatisfying.

I actually enjoy painting really, just when you have a whole house to do you get so sick of it. My Aunty was like 'I love painting, I'll come and help' but I think the novelty is starting to wear off after 2 big days of slogging away at it. We have a deadline of next Thursday so I think that helps with the motivation. Really trying to get it all hammered out. It helps having 3 people on the job. I'm still anxious we won't get it all done.

The really helpful thing about having my Aunt here is that she is an artist and really knows colour. It's so nice to have someone to help make decisions about it because my partner is useless at it. He just says 'It's all good, whatever, I don't mind what colour it is' to pretty much every decision we need to make.
looks great

Thanks Frozenkuku
wow fantastic love your kitchen

Wow the difference doors make - looks sensational

Thank you guys
I cannot wait to get in there and get baking!!! I reckon that whole end bank of drawers is going to be baking only.
Wow I can't believe the difference the doors on the cabinets make - it looks fantastic

Best of luck with your painting, but I certainly don't envy you!

Just beautiful! Will be exciting to christen it

Thanks guys!

OMG BB, I am so excited to christen it. I will be in there baking away in no time. I'll be making my friends so fat with all the cakes.

We're painting that room now and I just want to get in there and use the damn kitchen!!!!

So the painting is a nightmare. Never give yourself 2 weeks to paint an entire house. It can be done....but you may want to kill yourself at the end. Our job is pretty damn average too, I must say. It definitely could be worse but it could really be better too. Sometimes you just can't help it. We've had one half day off since the 2nd of June and we're wrecked. We have to have it finished in 3 days. We have all the bathrooms and laundry to do and the hallway. Luckily all the ceilings are done (albeit could use another coat probably) and everything is primed. The colour is the fun bit though so it's not too bad. My partner does all the cutting in which he does well but it is slow going. I put 2 rolled coats on the main room and did all the trim and he still hasn't finished cutting in the first coat. (I know you should do cutting in first and rolling last and do it all in the right order but at this point it's just GET THE PAINT ON THE WALLS)

This has been a hellish week. The carpet guys came a whole day earlier then I thought they were coming which threw everything out. Then I thought the electricians weren't going to make it but they came today and put all the downlights in and some of the powerpoints and light switches etc so I'm feeling much better about that.

The plumber was here all week fitting off and installing the solar, gas boosted hot water which was seemingly very complicated.

And the dishwasher is in so the other half is happy and spend 20 minutes checking it out.

Here are some paint and carpet photos. Carpet is from Bunnings. It's Mayfair or something and the colour is Brandy. The wall colour is sort of a custom one. It's halfway between two taubmans shades, Flaxan Field and Tabu. All the trims are vivid white.

Introducing our 5 star toilet

Bathroom fit out

We had some bath spout issues and I ended up just saying 'get me something that water comes out of' which is why it's the only square fixture in the whole house haha

This is our flued gas heater. Very efficient and it's going to keep us toasty. The colour on the wall behind it (yes we did just do 2 coats where it was going so they could install it) is british paints Arctic Crossing.

Our decky bit on the side got finished and is awesome. Won't be going anywhere, that's for sure.

Here is a picture of our garage door. It's not a great one. The Dune matches the Wallaby really well.

Only thing that won't be finished before we move in is the water tank which won't get here for 2 weeks apparently. As well as the fence which is a while away still I think, but the builder is letting us keep the building fence until it's built.
Yay it's looking like a home!! Amazing what a difference the smallest details make.

I love the colour of Arctic Crossing.

Am very amazed by your painting efforts. Hopefully that's something you'll look back on (when the pain fades!) and be very proud of!
Great work lmille. It's a huge job you've done and something you can be proud of achieving. And if there are spots you aren't happy with down the track you can redo this easily.

Looks great and not long now til you move in now.

Moved in 7 years ago but no Occupation Certificate

Building A New House

Joe, it depends on your certifier but we are noticing the ones we deal with are really cracking down. So i would recommend you follow your approved landscaping plans to…

No Interim Occupation Certificate - NSW but moved in

General Discussion

Hi Simeon, Thank you for laying it down for us. Makes sense. Appreciate it very much. Have a nice day. Cheers

Custom build | Facade colours

Building A New House

I'd get the gutters to match your roof and pipes to match the paint - otherwise they become a feature. Nice pick with the paint colours!

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