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Rawson Homes - Our dream home journey - Metford 28 Trend

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Yes we absolutely love it. So hopefully it's not ruined by grey mortar.

hey guys, your houses are starting to come along nice! have any of you guys had problems with rawson being really slow to start the actual build? like we started the process last june did colours, paid all deposits by nov 2014, bank had money to go and our land registered in the end of jan 15 and they are meant to start pegging out this week. Like we went with them because thought it would be quicker because rawson communities own the land, but that's not the case because other builders are up already and started back in april. But annoying part is they have started their displays homes, and were put in to council a month before everyone else was building with them. guess it will depend on the quality of the build. the plan was to be in before christmas, that has gone out the window lol. and like on that build plan card they give you it says after your pay $7000 we put orders into the suppliers. We ring up after council plans have been approved and said is work going to start now? and they are like no we have to order the materials, that's when we said wasn't this already meant to be on order and there like no we don't do that until we have council plans in case there is changes.

Other thing why don't they use cdc for approval like most other builders? thats where we got time wasted to, they were using council then they were going to use cdc then went back to using council for approval.
Hello truckk
Sorry to hear that you are having delays. Check out the pre-build and the build timeline on my blog for details of dates. Rawson did do final drawings and start ordering everything after they received council DA approval and also the Construction Certificate approval, that sounds about right. Because there can be changes etc...

Your contract is probably the same, but ours states in clause 8 that Rawson must commence building within 20 working days of receiving all the requirements listed, plus also those items listed in clause 5 of the special conditions.
Yes a CDC is faster, but lots of people do a CDC because they can get away with more stuff. Council takes longer but they are more thorough and more legit, so I actually thought it was a bonus that Rawson did it that way.
Source: I used to work in an interior design company for 5 years.
Hope that helps and I hope you get building really soon! Once they start it will fly past!
thanks for that information brick by brick. yeah they told my wife on monday they had started pegging out, went out to the block this morning nothing had been done lol. do they actually have to start work by those 20 days like turned soil or done something?
thanks for that information brick by brick. yeah they told my wife on monday they had started pegging out, went out to the block this morning nothing had been done lol. do they actually have to start work by those 20 days like turned soil or done something?

I'm really not sure, sorry
Has the site supervisor contacted you yet?
thanks for that information brick by brick. yeah they told my wife on monday they had started pegging out, went out to the block this morning nothing had been done lol. do they actually have to start work by those 20 days like turned soil or done something?

I'm really not sure, sorry
Has the site supervisor contacted you yet?

nah this was coming from pre construction administrator. we got an email the other day saying he will call us in a little while.
Our work started in about 2 weeks from having all certificates ready. But we were onto our administrator to start as the admin process took way longer than expected.

Our work started in about 2 weeks from having all certificates ready. But we were onto our administrator to start as the admin process took way longer than expected.

yeah the admin process is really slow!! we finally got an email on the 1st of June saying all certificates had been received, and our supervisor would be phoning us in a short while. Got a phone call today telling us pegging had been done yesterday leveling out is booked in for Friday and fences will be put up on Monday/Tuesday. So it took 8 days to start work which is pretty good. If it is a quality home and we can notice a difference with them and other project homes in the neighborhood the admin wait will be worth it. we learnt not too don't listen to the sales guys, they just spin you crap to get the sale and don't let you know the admin process takes a while.
Our work started in about 2 weeks from having all certificates ready. But we were onto our administrator to start as the admin process took way longer than expected.

yeah the admin process is really slow!! we finally got an email on the 1st of June saying all certificates had been received, and our supervisor would be phoning us in a short while. Got a phone call today telling us pegging had been done yesterday leveling out is booked in for Friday and fences will be put up on Monday/Tuesday. So it took 8 days to start work which is pretty good. If it is a quality home and we can notice a difference with them and other project homes in the neighborhood the admin wait will be worth it. we learnt not too don't listen to the sales guys, they just spin you crap to get the sale and don't let you know the admin process takes a while.

Good to hear you are having some progress. It will all happen really quickly now!!

Hi all, we are nearing signing our tender. Just finalizing finance next week. Our house is highly based around the display of the Metford 33 in our town and I just realised today is the last day that the display home is open (it's been sold) and I'm thinking I should take more photos of specific things in the house like their placement of PowerPoints and drawers in the kitchen etc... I've already taken photos of just the rooms for ideas on how we can style the house when we move in. Anything else you can think of I should take photos of while I can?

Hi brick by brick, how everything going? I haven't seen a update in your blog for a while. We've had problems with our feature tiles. They put them all in the wrong places. Tile direct live up to their standard.

Hi brick by brick, how everything going? I haven't seen a update in your blog for a while. We've had problems with our feature tiles. They put them all in the wrong places. Tile direct live up to their standard.

Hello Melodynche
All is going well. it slowed down there for a little while but our walk through is this week!!! Which means handover is jusssst around the corner.
I haven't updated the blog because I like communicating in pictures and we have been locked out for the past month and a bit so haven't had many photo ops.
Keep your eyes peeled for a new post in 2-3 weeks or maybe a surprise post this week

That's a shame to hear about your tiles
did it get sorted out?? We are so glad we met with the tiler and checked the tiles and showed him exactly how we wanted them laid. *sigh*
Oh yeh I wish we had the chance but we were overseas at the time. Glad to see your almost in. The wait is almost over. Look forward to you next post. Hopefully there isn't too many problems to be fixed

We're building with Rawson and I have found them to be very good (no I am not being paid to say that). Sure the pre-construction paperwork process takes ages (and longer than I expected). Our framing commenced on Tuesday this week and its coming along great. Framing Carpenters have done a great job and worked very well to get to the progress they had today with only 4 days work.

Very excited to see the real progress and can't wait to see what our bricks look like (which is due to commence in 2 weeks time).

Follow our Blog in my signature if interested.
hi everyone.

we have our final walk through next week and should be in first week of November. We have had a great supervisor who has pumped it out in around 20 weeks, so we couldn't be happier!! We were thinking we were only going to just make Christmas! we were quite lucky though our first supervisor ( known to be very lazy ) had family issues and they took him off our build so we were cheering!
Hey truckk, I have to ask, who was your old SS and where are you building?

I'm at pre-lining stage at the moment and have had quite a few delays... we're probably looking at closer to 40 weeks the way things are going. You're super lucky to get it done in 20 weeks!
Hey truckk, I have to ask, who was your old SS and where are you building?

I'm at pre-lining stage at the moment and have had quite a few delays... we're probably looking at closer to 40 weeks the way things are going. You're super lucky to get it done in 20 weeks!

im building in a new estate in newcastle,if your building up this way, ill send you the old ss name.
Hooray we have a pci date!

Hi, we're building the Metford 33 in Central West NSW and just trying to get an idea of how long the build will take to complete? We are up to roofing atm and bricks to happen next I believe. Do they say 20 weeks to complete? We are about 6 weeks in so far from slab down.
Can anybody tell me what constitutes " BUILDING WORKS "
is it when they commence construction? or is it when they commence their required processes to build your home? ie, approvals etc.
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