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{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

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My two bobs worth:

I'm with TashPaul, put some nice oebbles or river rocks down and then some pots. You could use tall skinny pots & plant them with cordylines, or ginger, or something similar and underplanted with annuals like petunias or a creeper.

Alternatively, long narrow pots with lattice attached that you can climbers on.

I wouldn't plant anything into the ground or grow up against the wall.

I would however put a 13mm black polypipe retic line to that spot so that you can water your plants - potted or otherwise - at the same time as the rest of the garden.


Woohoo! Congrats Dawn! Must be such a relief!


HOLY F**K what??????? About time girl!! PCI in 2 days sweets!!!
Woo hoo!

Are you serious! Yay! Congratulations!!!

Building our forever home!
More details when I get home.
More details when I get home.

Don't tell me you've already got keys
Very nice! Woop woop!!

Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens Gold Coast

That's awesome Dawn... I'm so happy for you sweetie!

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast
Hooray! So when is handover booked for?

Woo hooo. I bet it feels like best news day ever.

We all hanging out for the details haha
Happy for you

our build viewtopic.php?t=87100
OMG! That is amazing news. Hooray! Congratulations!!!

Sorry had to check out everyone else's threads first!!

SO... details.

Basically while in the middle of working on an extremely boring spreadsheet got an email from the builder's receptionist with the COO and the final invoice. Whoooo!! And that's it
No dates. Sorry all!!

My builder is on leave, so I need to speak to him to work out when PCI/Handover is happening, but given we have the paperwork now, I'm thinking I could have keys in as little as 10 days, though might take a bit longer.

Either way I'm still extremely excited to finally have these bits of paper (er.. PDFs xD). When I last spoke to my builder Friday before last, the plan was gas meter Mon/Tues, COO/Invoice and PCI late last week.. so everything is actually about a week behind. Unfortunately I have no idea when to do PCI, I can't do Thurs, Fri, Mon or Tues due to work commitments. I'm hoping to push for this Saturday, but otherwise have to be late next week ;-; Time off work is a pain right now (since I just took leave!!)

Can't explain how happy I was to get that email. I actually squealed in the middle of the office, good thing my co-workers already know I'm a lunatic ;D

Feels real now, can I finally start packing????!?!

They have invoiced me for the full amount, haven't taken into account any penalties... so been debating if I push the issue. I can't remember what I roughly worked out, I think somewhere between 3-6 weeks is what I'm due. My thought is, if I try to argue with them they will simply say the delays are due to my variations (though they didn't say that upfront). And I don't want to hold up keys if I can help it, so will probably just pay in full. The only other reason I'm willing to concede the penalties is because at the start of my build, I was suppose to pay a $1000 council levy, but my builder paid on my behalf and they were suppose to invoice me. but they never did. So I think we will just call it even... what do you guys think?

The invoice says to pay in 7 days, but I'm thinking to draw a cheque and they can have it when they give me the keys and everything is done/perfect. Any advice on final payment/handover?? Is it better to pay by EFT or cheque?

So, waiting on bank/broker now to arrange valuation and final payment.. and need to get the dates from the builder.

More details when I get home.

Don't tell me you've already got keys

Oh how I wish!!! But no keys yet ;-; CLOSE though I think.
Also big thanks to everyone for their thoughts about the neighbors wall. It sounds like best option is to not touch their wall, just in case.

So, the question is what to do with that little garden bed. I do like the idea of putting in a planter/pot, but my only concern is that when it rains, that spot is a giant puddle.. do I need to do some drainage? I was thinking putting some soil and planting something would help against puddles.

I also really like the screen idea. I'm thinking I could build a trellis from the ground up (no touching next doors wall) and either do a vertical garden or maybe some screening, or a combination of both... and then maybe just put some small plants in the bottom without a big root system like strawberries or violets.. something basic.
Wooohooooo so many congrats! You must be so excited right now!

For the final payment I would get bank cheque to be paid at handover. We made the mistake of paying by bank deposit and then got handed the keys with defects that still haven't been rectified 6 weeks later! I would maybe ask the question of the penalties but your fence would have definitely added some time to the build. Better to ask and be rejected and just pay than not ask at all!

Yep definitely cheque. I got a cheque, and when i rocked up at handover, even my ss said if i wasnt happy to hold on to the cheque first and encouraged me to make sure i was satisfied.

On a happier note i cant believe how close you are! You might even have keys in as little as a week hopefully?!?!

Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens Gold Coast

Builder has not done something - can I ask for a variation f

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I work with owner, he/she is my man on the ground and I instruct them when to visit the site and take photos and I have other tools in the bag.

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I am in the same situation, would you be able to give some insights in to this? I am in SA

Things can be done after construction.

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