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The parties have reached a mutual understanding in resolutio

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Unfortunately the real world operates on profits and politicians egos. Regulations are in place so maybe a home builders insurance would be a way to go.
Prevention so much better than a cure for bad work ,seems to me since two major changes came in standards slipped down,
Display homes
Council control,
You simply can't trust someone who's getting paid to go against his food chain.

Obviously you have never built your own dwelling or you would realise what can go wrong with a build with all the best intentions. I don’t fully understand your point but likk H20 you must be a pen pusher.
Obviously you have never built your own dwelling or you would realise what can go wrong with a build with all the best intentions. I don’t fully understand your point but likk H20 you must be a pen pusher.
Arh Zorro 6 have built several times and no office worker, background some thirty years ago in Australian army with specialist gun training, currently a long time small business owner dealing with the public, last owner builder four years ago as below.

That's impressive Joker. Who did the stonework?
Lilliana, got my Bricky and pm to do stonework with myself labouring,Bricky was a tremendous Bricky with pm fussy with ant job he done,ended up buying stone about 33% cheaper after saying no to boral,they ring me a week later offering great price, labor cost was about half what a stonemason would charge, most my trades were highly fussy who liked quality.

Well done but your reply didn’t make any sense to me. So you are not in the trades in any way and you want this so called Royal Commission? There are so many bludgers in the building industry we call them suits in utes you see them going to work everyday with nothing but air in the tray. I am not going to waste my time any more on this topic but to say that anyone who reads this do not support a useless time wasting taxpayer funded Royal Commission which will achieve nothing.
Zorro6 the petition was started by the Builders Collective - a builder. It wasn't started by a pen pusher or somebody who does not understand the building industry. You have given your opinion about a way out of the current mess in the building industry - builders insurance. Unfortunately the government is not going to take any notice of anybody on Homeone. They would have to listen to a Royal Commission - which is why I and a thousand other people are agreeing with the Builders Collective. Something needs to change.
Obviously you have never built your own dwelling or you would realise what can go wrong with a build with all the best intentions. I don’t fully understand your point but likk H20 you must be a pen pusher.

Zorro6, you appear to be one who makes assumptions without basis of fact.

You do not need to be an owner builder to know what can go wrong with a build and I can assure you that Liliana knows that only too well as do numerous others on this forum. The issue however is the basic right of a new home owner to be delivered a well built compliant product, something that doesn't always happen due to failed self certification, non adherence to required building practices and poor regulatory governance which encourages bad practices. For you to claim that Royal Commissions serve no purpose is highly debatable to say the least.

BTW, your cheap shot statement that I am a pen pusher is also manifestly contrary to fact and I also found your comment to be unnecessarily insulting to persons who could be classed in that occupational category.
Zorro6, we actually agree on nearly everything,only what to do about it is in dispute,but insurance would only push who's pays,yes better for homeowners but let's bad builders still get off. Even if every customer was perfect in picking the right builders,there isn't enough good ones to support this, we got to stop bad building practices and if a royal commission will push start changes,then great,there is lots that could help everyone ,educating buyers would be a great start,unwinding volume builder led regulations would be helpful such as making it extremely hard for homeowners to go on site etc,
The building consummer needs his rights back.

In the news today:

Mascot Towers unit owners to foot bill for repairs prompting calls for better consumer protections. See: ... s/11214328

And I quote:

Stephen Goddard, spokesman for the Owners Corporation Network — an advocacy group for owners in strata schemes called on the NSW Parliament to create a statutory duty of care to better protect consumers and said, so far, there had been no political incentive for governments to do so.
"Most of our parliaments are on a sort of junkie hit when it comes to the building industry," he said.
"The more they help the builder build, the more stamp duty they get, the more council and water rates come in.

This is why we need a Royal Commission.
A copy of my post this morning on the Builders Collective petition thread:

On Radio National this morning:

Industry Minister calls for tougher regulation after latest building evacuation

The above interview is with one of the writers of the Shergold Weir report into commercial building entitled[i] Building Confidence – Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia
, published last year and available here:

No State or territory has yet adopted any of the recommendations.

Unbelievably apparently in NSW currently you can build an aged care building or a childcare building without being a registered builder!!!!

Unfortunately the interviewee doesn't see a need for an independent commission because "an enquiry would be even more damaging to the industry". I find this a specious argument. The fact that the government "knows enough" doesn't stop them doing nothing.

As for consumer protections, Fran Kelly references the joke that you can get a better warranty on your white goods than you can on your million dollar apartment. And your half a million to a million dollar private house? Nobody seems to be talking about this.

There is so much attention at the moment because commercial failures impact so many people and are so visible but if this is happening in the commercial sector it is because it is also happening in the private sector.

The interviewee also raises the problem of how far the insurance industry is prepared to underwrite the building industry at the moment.[/i]
Obviously you have never built your own dwelling or you would realise what can go wrong with a build with all the best intentions. I don’t fully understand your point but likk H20 you must be a pen pusher.

What qualifications do you have ?
A copy of my post this morning on the Builders Collective petition thread:

On Radio National this morning:

Industry Minister calls for tougher regulation after latest building evacuation

The above interview is with one of the writers of the Shergold Weir report into commercial building entitled[i] Building Confidence – Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia
, published last year and available here:

No State or territory has yet adopted any of the recommendations.

Unbelievably apparently in NSW currently you can build an aged care building or a childcare building without being a registered builder!!!!

Unfortunately the interviewee doesn't see a need for an independent commission because "an enquiry would be even more damaging to the industry". I find this a specious argument. The fact that the government "knows enough" doesn't stop them doing nothing.

As for consumer protections, Fran Kelly references the joke that you can get a better warranty on your white goods than you can on your million dollar apartment. And your half a million to a million dollar private house? Nobody seems to be talking about this.

There is so much attention at the moment because commercial failures impact so many people and are so visible but if this is happening in the commercial sector it is because it is also happening in the private sector.

The interviewee also raises the problem of how far the insurance industry is prepared to underwrite the building industry at the moment.[/i]

More protection buying a $2 burger from McDonald’s than building a house
Well done but your reply didn’t make any sense to me. So you are not in the trades in any way and you want this so called Royal Commission? There are so many bludgers in the building industry we call them suits in utes you see them going to work everyday with nothing but air in the tray. I am not going to waste my time any more on this topic but to say that anyone who reads this do not support a useless time wasting taxpayer funded Royal Commission which will achieve nothing.

Hey Zorro6,

Thanks for your contributions to this thread. You sound quite passionate, however with due respect i don't think you fully appreciate how badly the average consumer is being ripped of by the home building industry at the moment.

In my opinion the standard of workmanship across the trade base has never been poorer and licensing requirements in the home building sector are almost non existent ( building companies only need 1 licensed nominated supervisor who sits in the office, the guys actually supervising construction dont need to be licensed and in many cases dont understand basic Australian standards).

The HIA contract is so biased against the consumer, and even when consumers have lawyers check the contracts the building companies refuse to make changes in most cases.

Payment terms are heavily in favour of the building companies so the consumer is cashflowing the builder's business and you have very little recourse against the builder. There really is more consumer protection if you buy a $2 cheesburger than a $800k house.

Whilst I get your passion, unfortunately you are completely wrong on this one.

The parties have reached a mutual understanding in resolution of each of the other parties concerns
A copy of my post this morning on the Builders Collective petition thread:

On Radio National this morning:

Industry Minister calls for tougher regulation after latest building evacuation

The above interview is with one of the writers of the Shergold Weir report into commercial building entitled[i] Building Confidence – Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia
, published last year and available here:

No State or territory has yet adopted any of the recommendations.

Unbelievably apparently in NSW currently you can build an aged care building or a childcare building without being a registered builder!!!!

Unfortunately the interviewee doesn't see a need for an independent commission because "an enquiry would be even more damaging to the industry". I find this a specious argument. The fact that the government "knows enough" doesn't stop them doing nothing.

As for consumer protections, Fran Kelly references the joke that you can get a better warranty on your white goods than you can on your million dollar apartment. And your half a million to a million dollar private house? Nobody seems to be talking about this.

There is so much attention at the moment because commercial failures impact so many people and are so visible but if this is happening in the commercial sector it is because it is also happening in the private sector.

The interviewee also raises the problem of how far the insurance industry is prepared to underwrite the building industry at the moment.[/i]

Fascinating, too, that with the apartment purchase one is effectively buying only access to an air-space and a whole range of responsibilities linked to that particular space.
Hi SejaeD, how's the build coming along with your new builder? Cheers
The parties have reached a mutual understanding in resolution of each of the other parties concerns
Good to hear your coming along well, looks good! How wide is the design? 15/16m?
Good to hear your coming along well, looks good! How wide is the design? 15/16m?

its actually 19.5m, we have a 34m wide frontage
very wide block. Our block is 20m so we want to stretch a design fairly wide too. Fingers crossed you have a good run with weather through winter.
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