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Building with Wisdom Homes

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Just wondering if anybody can shed any light on who does the fencing for Wisdom Landscapes? We've asked for a vertical louvre style slat where each slat is welded into a right angle (sorry I don't know the industry terminology for it). Our consultant mentioned that the fencer can do a "similar" style but not the same as the picture we supplied. It's a style that is fairly common in our area and I didn't think it would be too new a style for it not to be on wisdom's radar.

I think it's
but not 100% sure.

Thanks! Nothing in the product gallery that looks like what we want.
@Teezed - we ended up with electric heat pump HWS as it was energy efficient compared to a traditional electric storage HWS.

Thanks - I sent you a DM.
I think it's
but not 100% sure.

Thanks! Nothing in the product gallery that looks like what we want.

We had gates built by Dunn and Farrugia a few years ago at our current place (which is halfway being knocked down). They're great quality.
I think it's
but not 100% sure.

Thanks! Nothing in the product gallery that looks like what we want.

We had gates built by Dunn and Farrugia a few years ago at our current place (which is halfway being knocked down). They're great quality.

Thanks for that pic and testimonial.

Hoping this thread hasn’t died completely as I feel the vibe has changed and many members are not willing to post anymore. I have valued so many of your posts, whether it be general discussion about your Wisdom builds or your much appreciated responses to my first time builder questions.

I have a quick one, we have had to revise some kitchen joinery and have been sent a more ?complete set of drawings that we hadn’t seen before. What is this drawing of exactly? I can’t reconcile the measurements.

People who appointed houspect for independant inspection, how important or valuable was their service for waterproofing inspection?? Their charges seem to vary if we get waterproofing as part of inspection and hence any inputs will help us decide if it's worth the extra money.

I used Housepect and found their reports to be quite comprehensive. However, I'm obviously not a builder myself so found it difficult to gauge how important certain findings were and questions to my SS about the reports were largely brushed off with comments like "that's not the Wisdom way of building... we do it differently. It'll be sorted later, don't worry about it".

To be fair, future Housepect reports did reference the fact that many of their previous findings had since been rectified (which was good to see) but I found the whole process difficult to navigate in terms of our how hard to push/challenge Wisdom's responses, insist on immediate corrections, hold back installment payments etc, given the fact I had no way of knowing the significance of what I'd have been playing hard-ball over and whether Wisdom could (or would) fix them later as claimed.
J_Wess Your contract with Wisdom Homes is for them to build to your home to the applicable building standards with good workmanship. The approx. $2,000 set of Housepect stage reports identify non compliant items where these building standards have not been met. I used Housepect for both stage inspections and some investigations. I found their inspectors enthusiastic and patient enough to explain all the items that I didn’t understand in the report over the phone, including the importance of each and likely builder response. I also downloaded a copy of The NSW Guide to Standards and Tolerances 2017 [url=][/url:kdr3ckn8] This excellent document explains most common items in residential construction in a clear and user friendly way. I suggest first reading the sections relevant to the issues identified by Housepect then asking your SS to explain why they are important, what Wisdom will do to rectify them to meet building standards, and when & how you can check to visually confirm the necessary rectifications have been done. Keep a copy of the NSW document handy to refer to in your discussions with the SS. The SS’s dismissive responses that you mention are neither appropriate nor respectful of you as a customer. Make sure the ”Wisdom way of building” actually meets the building standards and they do what they promise before it’s too late to check or practically fix. If the SS is unable or unwilling to explain I suggest contacting Mark at wisdomhomes for assistance, as well as the trades experts in this forum. Ideally, and if you are comfortable, all questions and responses about defects, building standards and rectification plans would be shared publicly here to allow all others to learn and benefit from your experiences.
J_Wess Your contract with Wisdom Homes is for them to build to your home to the applicable building standards with an acceptable standard of workmanship. The approx. $2,000 set of Housepect stage reports identify non compliant items where these building standards have not been met. I used Housepect for both stage inspections and some investigations. I found their inspectors enthusiastic and patient enough to explain all the items that I didn’t understand in the report over the phone, including the importance of each and likely builder response. I also downloaded a copy of The NSW Guide to Standards and Tolerances 2017 [url=][/url:kdr3ckn8] This excellent document explains most common items in residential construction in a clear and user friendly way. I suggest first reading the sections relevant to the issues identified by Housepect then asking your SS to explain why they are important, what Wisdom will do to rectify them to meet building standards, and when & how you can check to visually confirm the necessary rectifications have been done. Keep a copy of the NSW document handy to refer to in your discussions with the SS. The SS’s dismissive responses that you mention are neither appropriate nor respectful of you as a customer. Make sure the ”Wisdom way of building” actually meets the building standards and they do what they promise before it’s too late to check or practically fix. If the SS is unable or unwilling to explain and commit to your satisfaction I suggest contacting Mark at wisdomhomes for assistance, as well as the trades experts in this forum. Ideally, and if you are comfortable, all questions and responses about defects, building standards and rectification plans would be shared publicly here to allow all others to learn and benefit from your experiences.[/quote]
Thanks for that pic and testimonial.

Hoping this thread hasn’t died completely as I feel the vibe has changed and many members are not willing to post anymore. I have valued so many of your posts, whether it be general discussion about your Wisdom builds or your much appreciated responses to my first time builder questions.

I have a quick one, we have had to revise some kitchen joinery and have been sent a more ?complete set of drawings that we hadn’t seen before. What is this drawing of exactly? I can’t reconcile the measurements.

I don't even remember my Timplle having plinth drawings
becks81 - we have the external plumbing done since the last post.

I feel the same as what you mentioned about the vibe but most of the folks who were active previously are near PCI if not already in their house.

Hoping all those near PCI a smooth journey to the end ! 🥳
I believe the vibe has changed across the whole forum.
I posted extensively on my last build, however its not the same audience now.
I believe everyone has moved on, i know i have a large following on instagram and I follow over a thousand builds as well.
It’s very friendly and lots of people help each other out, and its not moderated, so people are probably more open to say what they want.
Need some help from those who are building Manhattan.

Our plans show a closed up view of the stairs (as indicated in red) which our CSR did say it's not accurately reflected and not to worry about it. Anyone who has completed their stairs, have the underneath of the stairs sealed and are using glass baluster? Can you share a photo?

I assume the glass baluster should go all the way up..?
Need some help from those who are building Manhattan.

Our plans show a closed up view of the stairs (as indicated in red) which our CSR did say it's not accurately reflected and not to worry about it. Anyone who has completed their stairs, have the underneath of the stairs sealed and are using glass baluster? Can you share a photo?

I assume the glass baluster should go all the way up..?

Not quite finished and stairs will have carpet

Need some help from those who are building Manhattan.

Our plans show a closed up view of the stairs (as indicated in red) which our CSR did say it's not accurately reflected and not to worry about it. Anyone who has completed their stairs, have the underneath of the stairs sealed and are using glass baluster? Can you share a photo?

I assume the glass baluster should go all the way up..?

Not quite finished and stairs will have carpet

First of all - WOW! That is some sexy looking stairs.

Secondly, your photo helped clarify the glass baluster should go all the way up to my squiggly line is as per picture below. Now I can sleep better tonight. Phew.

Thank you!

Did you get a PCI date yet?

Need some help from those who are building Manhattan.

Our plans show a closed up view of the stairs (as indicated in red) which our CSR did say it's not accurately reflected and not to worry about it. Anyone who has completed their stairs, have the underneath of the stairs sealed and are using glass baluster? Can you share a photo?

I assume the glass baluster should go all the way up..?

Not quite finished and stairs will have carpet

First of all - WOW! That is some sexy looking stairs.

Secondly, your photo helped clarify the glass baluster should go all the way up to my squiggly line is as per picture below. Now I can sleep better tonight. Phew.

Thank you!

Did you get a PCI date yet?

No specific date but should be in about a fortnight or so. Painting nearly finished, waiting on carpenters to come back and finish a few things. Carpets are booked so shouldn’t be too long
Hi manhattan52 I am looking forward to your PCI in a few weeks time. Your house looks awesome! Who is your private building inspector? I think in an earlier post you mentioned your plan to appoint one. When will you schedule their next stage inspection for? Just before PCI? Any suggestions for members about this?
Need some help from those who are building Manhattan.

Our plans show a closed up view of the stairs (as indicated in red) which our CSR did say it's not accurately reflected and not to worry about it. Anyone who has completed their stairs, have the underneath of the stairs sealed and are using glass baluster? Can you share a photo?

I assume the glass baluster should go all the way up..?

Not quite finished and stairs will have carpet

First of all - WOW! That is some sexy looking stairs.

Secondly, your photo helped clarify the glass baluster should go all the way up to my squiggly line is as per picture below. Now I can sleep better tonight. Phew.

Thank you!

Did you get a PCI date yet?

Designer Staircases would have provided you with detailed drawings of your staircase - you should double check against those drawings.
Teezed - the designer staircase has a picture on it but there is a small print indicating the finish product may vary from the diagram. We've passed on the message to the SS to double check this.
manhattan52 Are you likely to finish within your contracted timeframe?
@manhattan52 Are you likely to finish within your contracted timeframe?

After calculating rain days From BOM and shutdowns for Xmas as well as extension of time for building variations would be a few weeks over which is pretty good considering the scope of landscaping works being undertaken
@manhattan52 Are you likely to finish within your contracted timeframe?

After calculating rain days From BOM and shutdowns for Xmas as well as extension of time for building variations would be a few weeks over which is pretty good considering the scope of landscaping works being undertaken

Glad you are happy with it 😆

How do you calculate rain days from BOM? Is it rain over a certain amount? I also didn’t know there is time extension for building variations. We have some but hopefully not too significant for delays. Were you informed of how much time would be factored in for these building variations? We are hesitant to do further landscaping works with Wisdom as we really don’t want to take any longer to move in. Still undecided... Can we move in without a driveway?
Wisdom Homes- VARIATIONS taking more then 7 weeks!!!

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