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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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Hi all, anyone had damaged sliding door tracks? How east are they to fix if they have severely bent and buckled the bottom track? Do they need to replace the entire bottom rail or can they bang out and spray to repair by door or window manufacturer? Some photos when I last saw ours a few weeks back


Has anyone had problems with their blueboard cladding? We have rendered blueboard on the sides of the top level of our 2 storey house.

The inspector picked up in the frame inspection in May that the blueboard was not plumb, causing a gap between the blueboard and the colourbond capping. This was advised to M.

We are now close to PCI - they are aiming for PCI in the first week of October. They haven't fixed it yet. From a conversation with our SS last week it seems that they can only fix it by nailing it in. Both the SS and inspector say this is only aesthetic. And we could choose not to fix it.

Does anyone know if the gap can be filled? Any thoughts?
Pommie once you hand the build site over to M they have 20 days to start construction. Whether they actually start or not on day 20 doesn't matter , your contract build time starts there.

Sevenths, rain days have nothing to do with them not being able to work safely on the site and everything to do with extending the allowed build dates and minimizing liquidated damages.
The contract says they are entitled to rely upon meteorological reports when calculating rain days at the end of the contract.

Thanks Gibson, but what is the definition of 'handing over the build site" ?
Either way these extra 20 days need to be added to the build contract days correct?

Hi Gibson, all I was pointing out is that they cant run late on the build and then say "oh it was wet weather 6 months ago and we now want to claim a delay", as it doesn't work like that. They need to claim the delay when it occurs, if they try do at the end they are simply trying it on and hoping to get away with it.

Well ive now presented various scenarios to my not so transparent M sales agent, lets see what he confirms in writing as the build process.
Pommie, our rain days were calculated the same as GillyM. Claimed as they occured and we received a letter every time they claimed one. I think we had 9 rain days all up, our building period has been Dec 2016 - August 2017.

How long did it take to build the main house as I know you had a granny flat as well. We are having to move from our current rental to another rental as the owner wants their house back so working out how long the house will take to build. We are waiting for the land to register which they say will be by end of October 2017. We are building a house and land package so the plans have already been drawn up and signed off. So once land is registered I think they check the contours of the land to see if any changes need to be made. Then we go to the developer to approve the plans and then CDC instead of council to approve plans. After that I can't remember what happens. Hoping all this can be done prior to Xmas so we can start building after Xmas. I doubt the build will be started prior to Xmas.
Hey CathyP - our slab was laid in Feb and we were in end of Aug. Our oversized granny flat is just about finished, but both builds have mostly operated separately - the same trades were not always used as the granny flat had to go back through Council due to a plan change, so that put us largely out of sync.
If you are renting in a popular/sought after area, I'd sign a 12 month lease now knowing you may need to do a lease break if you get keys early.

Hi Sevenths, we were under the impression that M had to notify us at the time they rain days occurred & they did so twice but at keys they pointed out a clause in the contract that allows them to use meteorological reports to calculate rain days. They aren't trying it on, we didn't win that fight.


Has anyone had problems with their blueboard cladding? We have rendered blueboard on the sides of the top level of our 2 storey house.

The inspector picked up in the frame inspection in May that the blueboard was not plumb, causing a gap between the blueboard and the colourbond capping. This was advised to M.

We are now close to PCI - they are aiming for PCI in the first week of October. They haven't fixed it yet. From a conversation with our SS last week it seems that they can only fix it by nailing it in. Both the SS and inspector say this is only aesthetic. And we could choose not to fix it.

Does anyone know if the gap can be filled? Any thoughts?

Hi home_n_all,

Can you post a photo? I would think if there was a small gap they could fill it with builder's bog or a silicon 'no more gaps' and paint it to match the render.

We insisted on some cosmetic fixes but left others like a cracked brick in the garage as we will never see it.

So it depends on how visible the problem is and whether it is going to annoy you if you know it's there.


Has anyone had problems with their blueboard cladding? We have rendered blueboard on the sides of the top level of our 2 storey house.

The inspector picked up in the frame inspection in May that the blueboard was not plumb, causing a gap between the blueboard and the colourbond capping. This was advised to M.

We are now close to PCI - they are aiming for PCI in the first week of October. They haven't fixed it yet. From a conversation with our SS last week it seems that they can only fix it by nailing it in. Both the SS and inspector say this is only aesthetic. And we could choose not to fix it.

Does anyone know if the gap can be filled? Any thoughts?

Hi home_n_all,

Can you post a photo? I would think if there was a small gap they could fill it with builder's bog or a silicon 'no more gaps' and paint it to match the render.

We insisted on some cosmetic fixes but left others like a cracked brick in the garage as we will never see it.

So it depends on how visible the problem is and whether it is going to annoy you if you know it's there.

Hi Gibson, here is a screenshot of the photos from the report

Hi Home_n_all, that looks like something they could fill and paint.

We had oue slab poured in January. We are now in September and don't have a finished roof or cladding on half of the second floor. We are beyond furious at how long things have been delayed by crap ss mismanagement.
So don't count on being in your house for up to 18 months from slab. You could of course get a fabulous ss and be in within a few months. But don't get your hopes up alas.
Hi all,
we were close to signing the contact but were unhappy with the Additional Special Conditions part of the contract. Has anyone ever changed any parts of the contract.
-I am particularly concerned about the clause that states at PCI the builder does not have to rectify any problems if they don't see a problem with it.
-I am also worried about the Liquidation damages being at $50 seeing that it doesn't even cover rent and going over time seems to be a common theme with them. The contracts manager basically told us to go bugger off and that they won't budge. Should we just cut our losses and go elsewhere?
Hi all,
we were close to signing the contact but were unhappy with the Additional Special Conditions part of the contract. Has anyone ever changed any parts of the contract.
-I am particularly concerned about the clause that states at PCI the builder does not have to rectify any problems if they don't see a problem with it.
-I am also worried about the Liquidation damages being at $50 seeing that it doesn't even cover rent and going over time seems to be a common theme with them. The contracts manager basically told us to go bugger off and that they won't budge. Should we just cut our losses and go elsewhere?

Hi Shiraz
They will definetly go over time as I don't know any being completed on time. We are 11 months in and we don't even have the roof completed or gyprock.

Just remember you have consumer rights under consumer law and can't contract yourself out of those, irrespective of what a contract says. You need to be comfortable in your decision and only you can make that decision.

Best of luck!

Hi all,
we were close to signing the contact but were unhappy with the Additional Special Conditions part of the contract. Has anyone ever changed any parts of the contract.
-I am particularly concerned about the clause that states at PCI the builder does not have to rectify any problems if they don't see a problem with it.
-I am also worried about the Liquidation damages being at $50 seeing that it doesn't even cover rent and going over time seems to be a common theme with them. The contracts manager basically told us to go bugger off and that they won't budge. Should we just cut our losses and go elsewhere?

Hi Shiraz
They will definetly go over time as I don't know any being completed on time. We are 11 months in and we don't even have the roof completed or gyprock.

Just remember you have consumer rights under consumer law and can't contract yourself out of those, irrespective of what a contract says. You need to be comfortable in your decision and only you can make that decision.

Best of luck!

Thanks for that.
Hi all,
we were close to signing the contact but were unhappy with the Additional Special Conditions part of the contract. Has anyone ever changed any parts of the contract.
-I am particularly concerned about the clause that states at PCI the builder does not have to rectify any problems if they don't see a problem with it.
-I am also worried about the Liquidation damages being at $50 seeing that it doesn't even cover rent and going over time seems to be a common theme with them. The contracts manager basically told us to go bugger off and that they won't budge. Should we just cut our losses and go elsewhere?

We are in a similar situation and still have some questions to be addressed before signing.

In summary with all the rain days, extra days and shutdown periods if you plan for Builds Days + 50% you wont be disappointed.
Having said that the area your in, availability of trades and the allocation of good site supervisor could be the difference of coming in under the build days or adding another 50% on.

I think the $50 per working day is highly unlikely to be seen so you should budget the extra rent yourself and see if the numbers add up.

I've requested M to provide me with details of houses in our area that are mid way through construction so i can see how they have progressed but to date M haven't provided anything.

I've also requested in writing details of how the rain days will be calculated as this isnt in the contract either.

Personally i wont be worried about rectifying problems as im sure there are Australian standard they have to comply with regardless.
For those at the start of the journey...
Our build was contracted to be completed in Feb & here we are in Sept trying to get M to install the last of our appliances.
The industry standard for liquidated damages is $1 a day, so the $50 a day from M is comparatively generous.
I doubt anyone will get M to change their standard contract. They build over a thousand houses a year, if you threaten to go elsewhere they aren't likely to miss your business.

So for us the main frustration has been the really slow progress & M's customer service leaves a lot to be desired.
However on the positive side - the house design was perfect for what we wanted & overall the build quality has been great. Our private inspector said our house had the least number of issues he's seen and they were all minor.

In my opinion all builders will cause you grief! It's not an easy process.
I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend M, but then again I wouldn't tell you to not build with them.

It will cost more, take longer and require more of your time and effort than you think. However in the end you'll have a great home.
Good luck on the journey.
Hi all,
we were close to signing the contact but were unhappy with the Additional Special Conditions part of the contract. Has anyone ever changed any parts of the contract.
-I am particularly concerned about the clause that states at PCI the builder does not have to rectify any problems if they don't see a problem with it.
-I am also worried about the Liquidation damages being at $50 seeing that it doesn't even cover rent and going over time seems to be a common theme with them. The contracts manager basically told us to go bugger off and that they won't budge. Should we just cut our losses and go elsewhere?

Hi Shiraz
They will definetly go over time as I don't know any being completed on time. We are 11 months in and we don't even have the roof completed or gyprock.

Just remember you have consumer rights under consumer law and can't contract yourself out of those, irrespective of what a contract says. You need to be comfortable in your decision and only you can make that decision.

Best of luck!

We are 6 weeks from finishing and 5
Months under contract date.
Hi Shiraz Elite only you can make that call about what to do, I personally would not recommend Masterton and we had the same bad feelings in the beginning and even started to look elsewhere. You have to do what's right for you and your family!

Here's our experience:

Floor tiles are being done today!!
Hi Home_n_all, that looks like something they could fill and paint.

Thanks Gibson.
Hi everyone,
We're thinking of signing with M for the sanctuary elite to be built on lower north shore - Lane Cove.
From signing initial deposit to move in, how long should we allow?
Does anyone have a list of current upgrade costs?
Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

Landscape & Garden Design

Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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