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Aveling Build NOR - We have Keys!

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Hi Vines, fellow avelinger following your build. For PCI are you getting an independent inspector? How does that work do they come along to your PCI meet with supervisor or do u try do that beforehand and bring to attention of supervisor during PCI?
Our inspector is coming along to the inspection with the supervisor. Not quite sure how it's going to work yet. Maybe my inspector will go off and do his own thing. I'll let you know!
Im a first time poster on here, and have been looking for people building with aveling, havent found too many at the moment, but my heart sinks when reading your post.
We are building SOR, having roof tiles layed as I type, however have had issues with position of downpipes which have been put on front elevation????!!!!
Im really unhappy, absolute eyesore, however response from Aveling office has been dismissive to say the least, ive now been told to wait till lock up to meet with SS, which will be the first time, not had any contact yet, to discuss our options, I feel we are being fobbed off...what chance have we got of moving the pipe when roof is completed.
Reading other comments, it appears we are all in the same boat when addressing concerns or issues, .....please say it gets better
Im a first time poster on here, and have been looking for people building with aveling, havent found too many at the moment, but my heart sinks when reading your post.
We are building SOR, having roof tiles layed as I type, however have had issues with position of downpipes which have been put on front elevation????!!!!
Im really unhappy, absolute eyesore, however response from Aveling office has been dismissive to say the least, ive now been told to wait till lock up to meet with SS, which will be the first time, not had any contact yet, to discuss our options, I feel we are being fobbed off...what chance have we got of moving the pipe when roof is completed.
Reading other comments, it appears we are all in the same boat when addressing concerns or issues, .....please say it gets better


All builders state that the downpipes are at the discretion of the plumber. There often isn't anything your builder can do about the downpipes as the roof lines and slopes etc dictate where the downpipes must go.

It is standard practise of Aveling that you don't meet your supervisor until lock up. They aren't fobbing you off.


I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully they'll look a little better once they are painted.

The fella and I did a pre PCI inspection today in preparation for tomorrow morning. Still so much that needs doing:
Paving to be finished
Garage door
Hob and rangehood
Door handles
Shower screen
Towel rails
Touch ups and items from PCI

Front is nearly finished
Hi vines. I was thinking of you today and how you're doing. That's great you got to have a look today and know exactly what needs doing.

Your house frontage looks great, really like your colour choices too!

I'm disappointed for you that still some things need doing but I hope they will be quick jobs.

Good luck tomorrow.
All the best for today!!
PCI was this morning, if you can call it that. The house isn't practically ready which will now create problems with the contract timeframes, final invoice amount and bank releasing funds based on their valuation. It's all a bit up in the air at the moment.
Overall PCI was ok, main issues were tiles, plaster touch ups, then the big stuff like gas connection and a hot water system!
The contract also includes for the water meter to be moved, this hasn't been done and will also affect the final invoice amount as this was a provisional sum - as well as how long it will take to get it moved.
A few other things were wrong/missing but they aren't major items.

Handover is going to be 27th March 2015. I'm really not sure how I'm going to organise final payment for a house that isn't PCI ready and make that date...

Edited to say that we've just received our report from the inspector. He said it hasn't reached PCI and is not fit for occupation. LOL!
Also, the items that required fixing in the roof from the previous report haven't been fixed, even though we were assured they had been by the SS.

What a pain. Contract is up, house isn't at PCI, handover in 2 weeks... There's going to have to be a proper PCI in a week once the HWS is in and electrics and gas are connected (after 19th) which will leave about 5 working days for the bank to do their thing, providing it goes to plan.
OMG Vines....WHAT THE!!! Can't believe you had pci without so many things being done.

I really feel for you guys and I hope Aveling get their butt into gear and do EVERYTHING they need to do.

It sounds a crazy way to do things to me.

Are you able to wait a bit longer without signing off the house? Could you stick by your guns and not accept pci and wait it out in the accommodation you're in now?

You've waited so long Vines I was hoping today would be a good day for you.
We won't be accepting it until it's completed to how it should be.

For us, it doesn't matter if they say this is PCI or not, if it's not ready, it's not ready. Luckily we have a private landlord who is pretty relaxed.

If it isn't PCI then their contract time is up and we'll consider seeking compensation, depending on how long the delay ends up being. If we take this as PCI then they have to handover in 10 days. I'll speak to them on Monday and see what we're going to do.

I'm sure it'll all work out. I'm surprisingly calm haha
Sounds like you're taking it all in your stride. That's good to hear.

All problems considered how did you like your house when you walked around? Can you imagine all your furniture?
Yeah, overall the house is nice. Once those final items are done it'll be great. I'm looking forward to seeing it painted and the flooring done. Also looking forward to seeing the landscaping done. It's exciting and scary at the same time.
The only thing letting down the house is our budget! Might be a while before it's fully furnished to how we want it. Will be nice to be in our own home.

Have they given you any potential dates yet tmwoburn?
Good to hear you haven't been put off your new house. Everyone says in the end once you're in for a while all the troubles become distant memories!

No we haven't got a pci date yet. I'm still excited to move in but this last week has been a pain for me going to the house everyday sorting the bathroom problems. Now I just want to sit back and let them finish...hopefully soon!

I know what you mean about running out of money, we told the boys it'll be a while before everything is perfect and all they are concerned about is how long before they get the internet haha!

Have you decided to go with the landscaping plan? Haven't got mine yet
We got a revised one today, still no final prices though! We like the plan and we're looking forward to it being done.
I want to fast forward these next few weeks and just appear in the new house haha. I don't want to pack, clean the rental, squeeze massive couches through tiny door, drive stressed whiny cat to new house, and unpack. I'm exhausted just thinking about it
Hahaha...yeah if only we could snap our fingers and it's all done

But just think about that day when you sit in your patio with a nice drink on a sunny day and look around everything you've achieved......aaaaah the serenity!!!!

Well, good luck with next week and I hope Scott comes good for you (and me too!!!)

Good luck to you too!

Let me know if you have any news
Hi vinesbuild, im a 1st time poster also and came across your aveling build, im actually also building in the Reserve only 2mins from you and have been past your house many times as we have chosen Aveling as well although now im a little scared haha. We wont be getting slabbed for another 6 weeks as we have had a few delays with variations and pre start took aaaaggges to get all costing sorted. I hope yu dont mind me following your build, hoping everything gets sorted soon and you get to move in. Goodluck with everything!
Hi avelingvinesbuild (AVB!)

Are you starting a thread? I'd be keen to follow it and see how you get on. Hopefully things will go smoothly for you.
Shame you've had to wait so long. We went through the admin stage really quick, we even had prestart before titles were released. Things just slowed down after that.
We really like the area, we are so happy we bought there. I'll have to keep an eye out for new Aveling builds in the area.

Tbh, Aveling haven't been that bad. I'm sure there are worse builders out there. I've had my moments when I just want to shout and scream at them but that's mainly HQ and communication problems. Get onto them early and if you aren't getting anywhere with your CLO (I presume yours is the same as ours) then speak to someone else.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Good luck with your build!
After a week of not getting a response, I went into the office.

I did a bit of a rant and it probably fell on deaf ears but I have got a provisional PCI take 2 on Tuesday afternoon, time hasn't been confirmed yet. Handover is still planned for Friday 27 March.

We've requested the final cheque from the bank so it'll be up to them to get things sorted in time. They won't be getting the payment until everything is completed, no coming back after to handover to finish.

I really can't get excited it. Maybe I will be after I've been this weekend and hopefully seen that they've made some progress. A part of me dreads going to look.
i think ill start a thread when I know for sure the slab is going down! We havent been assigned a CLO as yet unless thats the same as the girl who looked after us at prestart?? we have been dealing with her a lot but finding that our sales lady (kassy) has been doing more when we have gone back to check certain things. I really hope things work out for you at handover, our block is off the street that the new champions walk park is being built, there is a Ventura house and dale alcock home that have just started building, our block is directly in front of the ventura build....if that makes sense haha. I might have to come and borrow some sugar from you down the track! Goodluck for the 27th
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