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Providence Wellard....KEYS 15 JUNE

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That's so true Sofia, the main thing is to get the house built, changes can follow..I would of love to have built a house with all my wants, lol..

Finally bought my letterbox... Just hoping these few days fly..

Nice one!!! Where did you get it?? Oops..forgot to factor in letter box budget.
Thanks, Picked it up at Bunnings Spearwood $75.....same thing at Bunnings Cockburn I'm a happy Jan..

wow...why is there a huge price difference?
Apparently the Spearwood branch said it's old stock and had them by the entrance, yet the Cockburn branch still has them for 200....

Too bad, our house isn't even half ready and gets us think about stocking up a clearance mailbox just yet.
Our apt is tiny.
Wow, well done Gettinby - so exciting! Hey, do you just ring up the Shire to say you are moving in and ask them to deliver the rubbish bins does anyone know? Also, have you spoken to the landscapers? Are they helpful?
Hi Daisy , I looked on kwinana council website, you just phone perthwaste for bins.
Landscape -I put my form in awhile back as there's a long wait (8 weeks) for fencing, they then gave me an appointment & info on plants & what type of grass they use.
At the appt she will ask you what sort of plants you like ,where would you like grass, are you using pavers and stones, and she explained what requirements are to be met by the owner before it can commence...basically I just told her what I thought, and liked, she later sent me the drawings which I still need to sign and return. I need a bobcat to remove more soil which I can only do once I get keys..

Gah - 8 weeks? That's insane! I don't know why, but I thought it was two weeks - maybe that was back in the day when they weren't so busy. That's good info about the landscaping, I dont' really mind waiting for that. I do have the back and one side fence up cos neighbours are in, so it's just one side of the fence that needs doing. So many things to think of! All I can think of are bins, letterbox, security doors, side gate, fences, some sort of window covering to the front of the house to start with, internet connection, tv antenna....oh my, I've never done this before, I hope I'm not forgetting something major lol x
These 2 weeks has been the longest wait so busy this week sorting/organising what needs to be done ... Bank has finally made last payment....YAY... next keys by Friday...
To request bins just phone council , 3/4 of fencing has already been done, hope they complete soon.. Post box to be installed on weekend.. Then the bobcat to level soil.. The list never ends...

Yay keys on Friday??!! that's awesome
Congrats. Waiting for u to pop that champagne.
Grr.. Such disappointing news, keys delayed because taps & garage motor stolen... Now looking at next week...

I never quite understand people who steal taps........

Sorry to hear!
Thanks Sofia, it sets us back a few days.....Kwinana council is on the ball, had bins delivered today...

How long does it take for them to deliver the bin? Is your fence up yet?
I phoned yesterday, delivered today, they still need to do the 1 side and the gates, the frames are there so hoping soon..

BTW, how did someone steal the garage motor? Isn't it locked? You better hide your bin then.
The SS left garage open for tradies, .. lol, we did..

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