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Building with Redink in Jarrahdale... Keys!

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My contract, which is an HIA contract, has clause 9c which states:
"Upon completion of the work the subject of a Provisional Sum or on installation of an item being a Prime Cost Item or at the next progress payment notice, the Builder shall provide the Owner with an itemised statement setting forth the final costs for the work or the items, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 9(a) and (b) hereof and the Contract Price shall be amended accordingly"

So if you have this clause or similar, they are contractually obliged to provide the breakdown of the costs for provisional sums. Tell the lady at RI to do her job

Tis a bit late for me now as we paid Final Invoice in Dec. Hopefully, this will help Abby

Doesn't mean that you couldn't get a cheque if your provisional sum amounts were less than allowed for in the contract. You can guarantee if they were more they would have charged you for it
Not looking good. Finally got a hold of one of the ladies in the accounts department, she actually said that they went over on the site works, and also that if they adjust one total they have to adjust them all. Read if you make us adjust them we will charge you the extra. She did say she would check into it and email me tomorrow, but I still think I will push for an itemised accounting.

I know when I went to check on the septic positioning the guys putting it in mentioned that they had been asked about digging holes for the soak wells (because for some reason these weren't done at the same time as the site works when all the excavation equipment was on site - the SS mentioned later that they were having trouble with them and would need a rock breaker - NO KIDDING! I could have told them that, and I know nothing about building). Anyway Redink only charged me $4000ish for the soak wells, and the septic guys had given them a price of $3500 for digging them in. I have to admit that if they have charged me extra for this, given that in my opinion it was their fault, I would be quite disappointed.

It doesn't really matter, in that I have the money for the full amount, but when my Lock Up invoice was several thousand dollars less than what it should have been I was kind of hoping that that meant the provisional sums had come in lower ...
So I had my PCI inspection on Friday, and while I wasn't expecting the house to be finished I have to admit it was a little less finished than I expected. Apart from the paving, and the site clean the house seems to have mostly stood still in the last week. So I went in with a mammoth checklist - thanks Bashworth! - but couldn't check a lot of things anyway. On the plus side the SS was awesome - he already had a pretty big list before I even got there and seems to have a really good awareness of what still needs doing. Things to be completed in the next couple of weeks include -

Garage door to be installed.
Sparky to complete electrical work. There are still some lights, the bathroom fans and the air conditioning controllers to go in.
Rails to go in in a couple of the wardrobes, plus one shelf in the pantry
One drawer in the kitchen to be cut back as it is hitting the gas pipes and won't close properly
Painting - doors, roof gables etc still to be done
Door hardware to be put on
A couple of the flyscreens need to be replaced - looks like maybe birds have been ripping at them as they were fine last week and well, people would have done a better job

A couple of minor dings in the walls to be fixed, and around one or two power points that were missed.
Hot water system to be checked as that wasn't working and should have been

But we've set a handover day as 31st of March
Hopefully there will be no hitches ...

PCI also meant I got my first look at all the completed tiling with the mirrors and shower screens in the bathrooms, so of course I had to take a couple of pictures ...


Paving Complete

And the view from the Alfresco area -

Dad's flooring -

And I'm thinking about this for the main house -

And three of these over the kitchen bench -
Ohhh nice and shinny looking good . What size bath do yo have . We upgraded to 1700 but it looks not that big I think that's because we have such a big hob around it .
Things are looking good. Hopefully they get through the list quickly. Love your pendants!
Stunning ....... Can't believe they don't send out itemized invoices as standard!
Thanks guys! Melsie I think we have the same bath ... it's the 1700 and when I did my prestart they had the spa version of the same bath in the display room.

And looks like I will need to call Redink again ... I did manage to get through to one of the ladies in Accounts and she was going to check all the provisional sums and email me some numbers last Friday but I've heard nothing. I'm sure it's just slipped her mind but it is a little annoying. I don't have a problem if they've used all of the provisional sums, or if they even out, but I would like to see it on paper. After all I expect an invoice when I get my car serviced, I don't think it's wrong to expect one when I'm spending hundreds of thousands ...
Your house looks amazing!!

With Aussie our final invoice listed each provisional item with the actual cost and then a credit or debit based on the difference. If they can do it all builders should (we didn't get copies of actual invoices though)
So things are really happening now! Had an email this morning ... the fencing is going in next week
Flooring has been picked out and deposit paid, and that is going in end of next week. I'm a little worried about the flooring choice ... I went with the Golden Pecan in the above post through the whole of the main house and I really hope it's not visually too much, because as the sales guy said - it's very "rich". Hopefully it will work, given that the rest of the house is nice and neutral.

Once the floors are done the blinds can be measured for, and then it's all about wall colours. I'm going to take the main house slowly, but Dad wants his bit finished before he moves in. He's happy to pay someone to do his painting but I'm thinking I might end up tackling it myself as his lease is up on the 14th so he's going to need to be in next weekend or the one after, and I don't have a lot of week days off in there where I can be available to let people in etc....
So close to the finish line:-) I think the golden pecan looks lovely and pretty neutral. It's all so hard with a small sample isn't it?
It really is! The small squares of sample they have just don't cut it when it comes to visualising it on the floor next to the rest of your décor. But even in the store (and I've been in there three times now
) my eye was just constantly drawn back to it. I'm just second guessing myself because the salesman (who really likes the Fruitwood) asked the dreaded question ... "Are you sure?" And I could see that he wasn't. Once I explained that everything else was really neutral he did say that it should look good though .....
The ensuite is gorgeous! I think that may be the tile we picked- what is it called ?? I'm excited !!
I can't remember what they're called Elle (can't find my pick sheets either) but they're from Imported Ceramics and if they're the same ones they had them laid in one of those glass panels on the wall ...
Big Day yesterday! Left the house at 7:30 to head up to the block for the final inspection, and then my day was a lot of driving - Jarrahdale - Ellenbrook - Kwinana - Osbourne Park - Jarrahdale - Golden Bay. But at then end of all that I have keys

So here's a massive pile of photos you've all seen before, now with bows attached ...

Front, finally with paint

Fencing also going in ...

Big red bow!

Red everywhere ...

Back line of fencing ...

Possibly the most important bit ...

And gifts ...

And now the fun begins! The fencing should be finished by tomorrow and the flooring starts tomorrow. One of my many stops yesterday was to get some sample pots as Dad wants his bit finished before he moves in so I'm going to practise my painting on his side before moving on to mine
So floors will finish Thursday avo and painting begins Friday, would have been easier the other way around but didn't have that option as things are being done based as how they fit around work ...

Hoping to move in around the 12th ... lease is up on the rental on the 23rd, which gives me time to get the carpets and flea treatments done and the general tidy up, and should also mean I'm out before they start showing it (me and my illegal fur babies
Congratulations! (cute bows!)
Excellent stuff!! Must be very exciting getting keys!
Thanks!! So happy that I teared up a little on the way home, and I couldn't stop touching the keys
congrats love the bows
Congratulations looks great
Congrats abby. Everything looks beautiful. Enjoy the yummy treats
Good luck with all the finishing touches.
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