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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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Rox82 - we specified at tender or construction plans stage (can remember which - definitely started at tender but I think it needed to be specified in the plan) that rwt doesn't feed laundry. I need to check if they did it but I think they were supposed to fit a little switch over valve so we could choose on the fly.
From memory you have a choice for laundry but not for toilets or outdoor taps. There was a thought to switch off for toilets since I read it could sometimes stain the loo.

You are right quasi - a friend of mine has rwt for the toilets and said because they dont use it frequently (3toilets and 2 people in the house only) there is a red stain/streak...

It's a Basix requirement to have toilets and garden taps plumbed to the rain water, our Basix also specified the washing machine tap be connected to rain water.

It's a Basix requirement to have toilets and garden taps plumbed to the rain water, our Basix also specified the washing machine tap be connected to rain water.

Ours is the same, Gibson....... toilets, garden taps, and laundry are all on rainwater. Our plumber said he sometimes has customers who (after getting OC) have him return and alter the laundry to only use mains water. We kept it in mind as an option if we see any issues with clothes not getting properly clean, but two and a half years later, I haven't had any issues with using tank water so they're all still using rainwater. Certainly saves on the water bills!
Hi all
We just have roof finished last week. This week tradies do cleaning first floor and some internal work : lumping and wiring. We think about have our own building inspector. At what stage we need: before or after insulation and air con tube go in?
Gibson when will you have key? I am exciting to see more pics of your home. What private inspector did your building and you happy with?
Hi all
We just have roof finished last week. This week tradies do cleaning first floor and some internal work : lumping and wiring. We think about have our own building inspector. At what stage we need: before or after insulation and air con tube go in?
Gibson when will you have key? I am exciting to see more pics of your home. What private inspector did your building and you happy with?

Rainbow05, we only had our building inspector come in at PCI (Practical Completion Inspection) . He was very good, told us there was no need to do an inspection during the build as M are on the hook if anything is found to be not built to code - even years later.

M have their own Inspector go through the house prior to insulation , I would recommend you also do a walkthrough with your Site Supervisor just before insulation, make sure you are happy with the frame i.e. No noggins missing and all the brick ties are nailed in.

Hi all
We just have roof finished last week. This week tradies do cleaning first floor and some internal work : lumping and wiring. We think about have our own building inspector. At what stage we need: before or after insulation and air con tube go in?
Gibson when will you have key? I am exciting to see more pics of your home. What private inspector did your building and you happy with?

If you dont get a inspector in yourself at frame stage take a level with you frames were bowed. I didnt pick this up but my inspector did.

I had 3 inspections:- frame stage, With me on day of PCI and re-inspection at handover day to make sure all PCI items completed. He was also so helpful he came out at my 90 days. So happy with my inspector he was a supervisor of Masterton so he knows where to look for faults.

Daniel was also well priced and reliable who also had no problems answering any questions I had during the process.

Thanks Gibson and Sandra. Surely I will give Daniel a call
Our ss let us get the blinds and cabinetry people in during the build. This meant we had window coverings the same week of the move (they came the same day we started moving things in) which felt safer to me

For anyone thinking of going fair trading you should, i regret not doing it sooner. I'm nearly free of these clowns as I've never seen them jump to action like they have this week.

I second this MGardz. They could not fix some defects for months and we got it fixed in a matter of days. My advice (I am a serial OFT client) ask to escalate you complaint to the inspectors and prepare all your proof for the inspector beforehand, pass it to the inspector and ask him if he needs any additional documents to back your claim before he comes out for an inspection. This will save you a lot of stress dealing with Masterton.
Hi - sorry I have been MIA. We've been in our house for 6 months already. It's been an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! So many issues with our house. 4 pages worth. We've had heaps of water leaking and damage. Bricks and mortar literally falling around. Grout in tiles falling out. Drains that are blocked. My god the list is endless!

Rox - I can't believe you don't even have gyprock yet

Gibson - and you STILL aren't in
seriously what a joke!

If anyone is considering building with Masterton, run a mile. Please do yourself a favour and pick another builder. I have them over $450,000 of my hard earned money and I've ended up with the worse quality house I've ever seen.

So disappointed, I don't even want to live in it ☹️

I feel for you S-VE, we are in the same situation. Dozens of defects like bathroom not connected to the sewage, 4 missing downpipes, some existing downpipes feeding water under the house slab and not a drop into the water tanks. Horrible! I regret I've chosen M for a builder.
Hey S-VE, I'm sorry to hear you're still battling this. We are 280 days in to a 200 day contract.
I think M have done what lots of companies do when the have a good reputation for a while , they get complacent and stop trying.

I've said this before, my private inspector used to recommend them, but no longer. They apparently earned their reputation and now cashing out.
That's terrible Gibson, I fear we are heading down the same path...

7 weeks to go and we still don't have a completed roof let alone any internals.... no electrical, no gyprock, no doors and no glass in some windows

In the past week we have spoke to our SS (who has started getting very short with us because we are asking for updates and what's happening 👊🏼) our SS's boss and our SS boss's boss and we still have no faith that anything will change. There is no urgency at all. I have been able to make, grow and now have a 4 month old baby in the time since our contract started. All we ever get is lame excuses about a lack of subcontractors... not our problem!!! They shouldnt agree to contract times if they can't stick to them.

Our older daughter was not even born when we engaged Masterton. When we got the keys she was 3 years old and we had a second one 3 months old by that time. Really sad experience.
Thanks! Just wanted to check

PS. Anyone have recommendations for site demolition? We've gone over a few and just want to try get a few more quotes to compare.

Would not recommend them: price increased twice during the demolition, rude, poor communication.
Hi - sorry I have been MIA. We've been in our house for 6 months already. It's been an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! So many issues with our house. 4 pages worth. We've had heaps of water leaking and damage. Bricks and mortar literally falling around. Grout in tiles falling out. Drains that are blocked. My god the list is endless!

Rox - I can't believe you don't even have gyprock yet

Gibson - and you STILL aren't in
seriously what a joke!

If anyone is considering building with Masterton, run a mile. Please do yourself a favour and pick another builder. I have them over $450,000 of my hard earned money and I've ended up with the worse quality house I've ever seen.

So disappointed, I don't even want to live in it

I feel for you S-VE, we are in the same situation. Dozens of defects like bathroom not connected to the sewage, 4 missing downpipes, some existing downpipes feeding water under the house slab and not a drop into the water tanks. Horrible! I regret I've chosen M for a builder.

Hi Fisher

I had the same issue with power room toilet not connected to sewer. Fair trading came out last week and inspected our breaches to our contract and faults. Funny with a email I received this week from one of the ones that needed to fix a issue their subject heading from masterton read


I will be taking this further than fair trading also if i do get enough satisfaction next will be Building Board or Court a breach to a contract/Basix is ridiculous. Masterton manager on site tryed to bluff me out of taking it further than Fair Trading as he said their paper trail is great.

He doesn't know my paper trail and my daughter who works in a law firm in the city graduates her lawyers degree this month and her paper trail is better than mine.

The guy that did our 90 day inspection was deaf so don't listen to his word saying our pump to water tank was not connected.

Grrrr to think I build with this mob.

Hey all ... nice to hear from everyone. It's felt far too quiet on here lately.

Rox82 - I too thought there was an option with using RWT water for the washing machine. I'd heard it was common for plumbers to come back and change the connection to mains water. Having said, I've asked around about washing in RWT water, lots of people have told me it's not a problem, they've not noticed a difference (compared to mains water) and it's a saving for families. I'm not 100% sold, I'm keen to see how we go..

I heard from a friend that RWT water was not good for washing, So I asked M to only connect my toilets to RWT, not the laundry. They gave me a third tap in the laundry, two were cold and hot water and the third was RW. Haven't fully connected my water tanks yet, but once I do, we will try both options.
sandra 2016
Hi - sorry I have been MIA. We've been in our house for 6 months already. It's been an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! So many issues with our house. 4 pages worth. We've had heaps of water leaking and damage. Bricks and mortar literally falling around. Grout in tiles falling out. Drains that are blocked. My god the list is endless!

Rox - I can't believe you don't even have gyprock yet

Gibson - and you STILL aren't in
seriously what a joke!

If anyone is considering building with Masterton, run a mile. Please do yourself a favour and pick another builder. I have them over $450,000 of my hard earned money and I've ended up with the worse quality house I've ever seen.

So disappointed, I don't even want to live in it ☹️

I feel for you S-VE, we are in the same situation. Dozens of defects like bathroom not connected to the sewage, 4 missing downpipes, some existing downpipes feeding water under the house slab and not a drop into the water tanks. Horrible! I regret I've chosen M for a builder.

Hi Fisher

I had the same issue with power room toilet not connected to sewer. Fair trading came out last week and inspected our breaches to our contract and faults. Funny with a email I received this week from one of the ones that needed to fix a issue their subject heading from masterton read


I will be taking this further than fair trading also if i do get enough satisfaction next will be Building Board or Court a breach to a contract/Basix is ridiculous. Masterton manager on site tryed to bluff me out of taking it further than Fair Trading as he said their paper trail is great.

He doesn't know my paper trail and my daughter who works in a law firm in the city graduates her lawyers degree this month and her paper trail is better than mine.

Then he had the ordasity to say his staff member Eileen was dead which is a lie. And the other guy that did our 90 day inspection was deaf so don't listen to his word saying our pump to water tank was not connected.

Grrrr to think I build with this mob.

Hi Sandra, may I ask, what breaches to the contract did they find? My inspector told me that all contractual issues must be dealt with by the Tribunal or Court.
Hi Everyone, haven't been to the forum for a while fighting with M in OFT. Caching up now.

Great to see everyone's progress. Even if you had to go to OFT to get it, it is still progress.
sandra 2016
[quote="S-VE"]Hi - sorry I have been MIA. We've been in our house for 6 months already. It's been an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! So many issues with our house. 4 pages worth. We've had heaps of water leaking and damage. Bricks and mortar literally falling around. Grout in tiles falling out. Drains that are blocked. My god the list is endless!

Rox - I can't believe you don't even have gyprock yet

Gibson - and you STILL aren't in
seriously what a joke!

If anyone is considering building with Masterton, run a mile. Please do yourself a favour and pick another builder. I have them over $450,000 of my hard earned money and I've ended up with the worse quality house I've ever seen.

So disappointed, I don't even want to live in it ☹️

I feel for you S-VE, we are in the same situation. Dozens of defects like bathroom not connected to the sewage, 4 missing downpipes, some existing downpipes feeding water under the house slab and not a drop into the water tanks. Horrible! I regret I've chosen M for a builder.

Hi Fisher

I had the same issue with power room toilet not connected to sewer. Fair trading came out last week and inspected our breaches to our contract and faults. Funny with a email I received this week from one of the ones that needed to fix a issue their subject heading from masterton read


I will be taking this further than fair trading also if i do get enough satisfaction next will be Building Board or Court a breach to a contract/Basix is ridiculous. Masterton manager on site tryed to bluff me out of taking it further than Fair Trading as he said their paper trail is great.

He doesn't know my paper trail and my daughter who works in a law firm in the city graduates her lawyers degree this month and her paper trail is better than mine.

Then he had the ordasity to say his staff member Eileen was dead which is a lie. And the other guy that did our 90 day inspection was deaf so don't listen to his word saying our pump to water tank was not connected.

Grrrr to think I build with this mob.

Hi Sandra, may I ask, what breaches to the contract did they find? My inspector told me that all contractual issues must be dealt with by the Tribunal or Court.[/quote]
Will PM you

Wow guys.
I'm not sure what to say. Sounds like a few forum members have had a really rotten building experience.
I just don't know how I'd feel if I got to the end of this journey and had lists of problems. I feel for you guys.

We had a tiler on site today, working on our wet areas -

Screed laid today, hope to see tiles before the end of the week. I cannot wait to see my selections come together!!!!

Wow guys.
I'm not sure what to say. Sounds like a few forum members have had a really rotten building experience.
I just don't know how I'd feel if I got to the end of this journey and had lists of problems. I feel for you guys.

We had a tiler on site today, working on our wet areas -

Screed laid today, hope to see tiles before the end of the week. I cannot wait to see my selections come together!!!!

Ooh hurry up I can't wait either!!

Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

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Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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