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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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Looking great martinsharmony!!

Looks great Martin's harmony. I vote for the stain - the colour of the current edges looks really good!
We were in the same boat with our front door, martinsharmony. It was supposed to be stained a dark walnut colour, but seeing it raw made us change our mind, and we decided to have it finished with a clear varnish instead. We figured that if we changed our mind and wanted it coloured, we could do it at a later date. But going from dark to natural would be almost impossible. Anyway, we kept the clear varnish - looks fantastic! And we really love it!
Hey MartinsHarmony, looking good

Hi - sorry I have been MIA. We've been in our house for 6 months already. It's been an absolute NIGHTMARE!!! So many issues with our house. 4 pages worth. We've had heaps of water leaking and damage. Bricks and mortar literally falling around. Grout in tiles falling out. Drains that are blocked. My god the list is endless!

Rox - I can't believe you don't even have gyprock yet

Gibson - and you STILL aren't in
seriously what a joke!

If anyone is considering building with Masterton, run a mile. Please do yourself a favour and pick another builder. I have them over $450,000 of my hard earned money and I've ended up with the worse quality house I've ever seen.

So disappointed, I don't even want to live in it ☹️

That's awful s-ve. What happened? Who's to blame for the errors? Poor SS management?

Hey S-VE ... I've been wondering where you went. The issues sound terrible. What happened? Bad trades? Mistakes? Rushed to complete? Sounds really worrying.

Hey S-VE, I'm sorry to hear you're still battling this. We are 280 days in to a 200 day contract.
I think M have done what lots of companies do when the have a good reputation for a while , they get complacent and stop trying.

Sorry for the typos!

I guess the SS is to blame for not pulling into line the crap trades that Masterton hire. They honestly hire the cheapest and crapiest trades on the market.

I wouldn't recommend them to my worse enemy.

Where did you build again s-ve? That's terrible. I hope you're going to consider taking it up with fair trading If you haven't already.

For those wondering what a 300 day build looks like...

Feb 2016 Demo starts

March - land cleared and handed to M

1st of April a port-a-loo appears

June 2016 we are slabbed

July 2016

November 2016

Feb 2017, our 200 day contract is up.

March 2017, kitchen

May 2017, tiles

June 2017, still waiting for PCI

I fell the pain
. Our contract expired a month ago still no indication of PCI. No work has been done for the last two weeks...

Oh no SVE and Gibson!

SVE if m drag the chain on the fixes I recommend FT once we finally went so many things have been done. Once the stacker door is fixed I can rid my life of M!! It's been nearly 3 long years

Bricking is finally finished ! We ran short on bricks to finish the alfresco pillars so that's now been done. Site and rubbish was cleared this morning. Tiles, fascia and guttering on site ready to be installed.

I know it seems like everyone has had issues with their build but touch wood so far we have been pretty lucky. Our site supervisor is great, rings every week to update us. The brickies did an awesome job.

So far so good!
Beeprelude, M must be looking after the Tradies out your way. It looks like a wonderful spot.

Beeprelude, M must be looking after the Tradies out your way. It looks like a wonderful spot.

Thanks Gibson. We are on acreage in Castlereagh which is just at the foot of the blue mountains. I love it here!

We lucked out at the start of the build and had a whole months worth of rain which slowed it down. It's now been pretty steady with something ticked off each week.

I would just love to be in by Christmas. Hahahaha
We're up to the tender process now and there is this note in the contract:

"Rectification of any damage to the existing driveway, Council footpath and Kerb caused by construction machinery is the responsibility of the owner"

So if the Masterton contractors go to town on the kerb and smash it up, the owner is still responsible?

Did you all have this in your contracts or did any of you get it changed?
Izee that's a standard clause. We have a sandstone driveway and they have done their best to avoid damage to it.

Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

Landscape & Garden Design

Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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