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Eliston Estate - Clyde, Melbourne

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Ok... I will be still be double checking with Eliston or NPP as I am not sure whether the email I got is correct... Our draft quote with Henley locks the price till Nov but if it is going to now being March I have to talk to them and see what can be worked out.

Hey pwcc
Can I ask which house you're looking at building with Henley?
We have Stephanie as our admin and she's been great. Our 12 month price freeze also finishes in oct/nov.

Hi Firsttime,
We are going with the Carmelle 28 from Henley .. they got one up the road at their display centre at Berwick Waters.
We not got an Admin yet, still dealing with our SC and making the last of the changes, then we pay the next payment of $650 to lock it in for real and move onto do our colors and Electrical etc...

Nice you got a 12month freeze we where told 6 months, but was able to get that extended to Nov without an issue, so long as Elistons new timeline is an Honest timeline we should be ok.

Jane is such a nice person and she is very helpful. The snacks and coffee at world of homes at Henley is a good excuse to keep going to their displays.
I love your house plan with the alfresco in the middle which will make the house nice and open/bright.
I think we are the only ones so far that are building with Henley. I asked my sc and she said the same.

It's looking good. Crossovers, road, off street parking are in.
NPP confirmed stage 14 (release 6) still on track for July title.
I believe stage 5 (release 4) have got an email from NPP stating they should expect an update shortly.

Looks so great firsttime. You guys must be getting excited now?!
Do you know, are spring and Springfield due to title together or separately? Still trying to get our heads around all the releases and title dates!
You are mayune, due to title July, centerpiece pushed back to nov and we, Kenyan, are March next year.
Looks so great firsttime. You guys must be getting excited now?!
Do you know, are spring and Springfield due to title together or separately? Still trying to get our heads around all the releases and title dates!
You are mayune, due to title July, centerpiece pushed back to nov and we, Kenyan, are March next year.

Their intention was to release Spring, Springfield and Mayune together but that's not going to happen.
Spring (release 4) will release first than Springfield (release 5) will be next than us.
Trust me before you know it you'll be driving around your release while it titles.
We've just done our colours today and cant wait to get that portaloo. Stage 2 and 3 are going nuts at the moment with temp fencing popping up all over the place.

Thank you for clearing that up!
They haven't even started down our end yet, so we definitely look forward to that time

How fun! We are doing our colours early (in Aug) so we can keep our 12 month lock in price, sign final contracts and hopefully avoid late fees. Something to look forward to!
We are avoiding going to the estate for a while due to our delay but really look forward to seeing all the changes.
Thank you for the updates in the meantime, appreciate it and excited for you guys!
Thank you for clearing that up!
They haven't even started down our end yet, so we definitely look forward to that time

How fun! We are doing our colours early (in Aug) so we can keep our 12 month lock in price, sign final contracts and hopefully avoid late fees. Something to look forward to!
We are avoiding going to the estate for a while due to our delay but really look forward to seeing all the changes.
Thank you for the updates in the meantime, appreciate it and excited for you guys!

You guys have done well by signing that little bit later.
I really feel for the people who signed a while ago and now they have to wait so long until title (the late fees will be a nightmare).
I'm really hoping they do the bushfire review shortly and our block is removed from the bushfire zoning (this will save us about 4K).
There's a few big houses along Eliston avenue in stage 1, they're gonna steal all the park views to themselves.

I feel for them too! We thought that we would be looking at big fees after Oct this year, but thankfully we misunderstood and looks like we won't (for now, who know how long we will actually be delayed).
Fingers crossed about the bushfire levy. Our builder tends to think it will be lifted, so hopefully! Flyscreens and stuff aren't included in our build price, so we will still have to pay for those but much less than 4K.
There does seem to be some monsters going in! Our biggest fear is ending up with a two story either side of us, but only time will tell.
We are so looking forward to finally beginning the process...only around 10 months to go...😳
I feel for them too! We thought that we would be looking at big fees after Oct this year, but thankfully we misunderstood and looks like we won't (for now, who know how long we will actually be delayed).
Fingers crossed about the bushfire levy. Our builder tends to think it will be lifted, so hopefully! Flyscreens and stuff aren't included in our build price, so we will still have to pay for those but much less than 4K.
There does seem to be some monsters going in! Our biggest fear is ending up with a two story either side of us, but only time will tell.
We are so looking forward to finally beginning the process...only around 10 months to go...

10 months will fly trust me, we brought in June 2016 and realised we haven't had our finance unconditionally approved yet
because we said we'll call the bank next, next, next month.
I have a friend you has two storeys 360 degrees around him and he has next to no light. We made sure when we brought our block that wouldn't happen. It really depends on the blocks around you.
If you add sarking and flyscreens separately (depending on builder) the cost is more than the bushfire levy which comes with a whole range of other inclusions. So I a way if you were planning on those things the levy is not a bad cost to have.

Whoops! Haha best you get on that!
Thanks, hopefully it flies. We bought in October so will be 17 months if all goes to plan from here. We bloody hope so anyway!
Oh my goodness, that's awful for your friend! How did you determine the blocks surrounding you would be ok?? We back onto Hartleigh Estate so we may know what's there in advance at least, depending on their progress.
Either way, with the flyscreens etc or the bushfire zoning, it'll cost what it costs I guess, we'll just have to wear it. Sounds like we're the opposite to you though. So many unknowns!

Stage 5 and 6 looking good. Just waiting on council to issue statement of compliance than off to the title office.

Whoops! Haha best you get on that!
Thanks, hopefully it flies. We bought in October so will be 17 months if all goes to plan from here. We bloody hope so anyway!
Oh my goodness, that's awful for your friend! How did you determine the blocks surrounding you would be ok?? We back onto Hartleigh Estate so we may know what's there in advance at least, depending on their progress.

I choose a corner block to the park so I have no neighbour to the front or left of me. The block to the left has a few easements so unlikely to have 2 storey. The block behind us is building a 2 storey but we don't have any windows facing the rear so ok there.

Woohoo, nearly there. Suppose to title May than pushed to July and now June. Talk about a merry go round.

Stage 5 and 6 have been told title is expected in 2 weeks. How they're going to get compliance from council, lodgement to land office than receive title in 2 weeks will be a miracle.
I hope it happens but going by previous releases unlikely. Let's hope NPP prove us wrong.

Wow! Amazing news for you guys!! Nice surprise, how exciting.
How long have they typically been taking before settlement?
Once it titles, generally it takes about 1-2 weeks for settlement dependant on the developer/vendor if they've got all their paperwork ready to go.

OMG, that was quick. Stage 5 is on it's way to land Victoria. Should take a couple of weeks before it's titled.

May has turned out a good month weather wise - so are you in this stage - if yes ? are your prepared ?

East Estate looks like it is stuck and I want it to title quickly too - before the interest rate start to rise again
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