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Building the Rowland with Porter Davis

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Hang in there Zinner! We are having issues post handover and the BC and SS never returned ours calls or emails and i called the Manager left a message not return call then post of the PD forum on here and Ebony made it happen and the Manager actually returned my call! We have still be doing a bit of chasing to arrange a time for the electrican but at least we have been acknowledged! I will keep calling until it is fixed and our 3 month post handover inspection is completed. lol

Hang in there and I am really glad you were able to obtain a stay of execution!
Zinner have been following your posts for a couple of month as we are building in same estate with another builder. Glad to hear you are in even if there are still hiccups. Hopefully for not too much longer
stage15 dahlia
Zinner have been following your posts for a couple of month as we are building in same estate with another builder. Glad to hear you are in even if there are still hiccups. Hopefully for not too much longer

Thanks dahlia.

To be honest i'm just trying to forget the whole building thing now. Basically a horrible part of my life that I just want erased (this is why i havent bothered to update the thread. I have nothing good to say so I better to not say anything). What started out with as so much hope and excitement ended as a drawn out and painful experience.

We took our house and had a lot of things fixed in the first 2 weeks as we just couldn't afford to wait any longer. If something was missing or didn't work we just marked it down and moved on. I sort of regret that as now we have to wait endlessly for repair men to (not) show up. It got to the point where we just stopped bothering as organising time off work to meet with them was likely going to cost me my job.

As said by many people on this forum, try and hold out until they fix everything before you give them the final payment. We had no choice as they were very late (promised march finish date, moved in late july).

Its the little things that really get under your skin once you have been in for a few weeks. ...door seals (not required apparently as they had achieved a 5 star rating I was told... i mean come on get serious!!), whistling windows, tile scratches and chips, paint dust, paint from corners falling off and exposing metal(yes, some corners we havent even touched.. the paint just fell off), exhaust fan breaking down, oven not straight, pipes damaged or blocked, no fly screens or damaged fly screens, stair damage(marked when we moved in but we just marked it down), bifold panel replaced (waited 4 weeks for the painter once it was replaced), doors levers damaged and not working(still), fill removed (spent $500 on fill (16 cubic meters) so far and is going to cost about $1200ish total in fill to get it back to its pre-slab level,), crushed rock NOT removed (was going to cost $1000 extra in excavation fees before I could get a driveway... guy felt sorry for me and charged me for $600 in the end..).

We are marking down everything and the 3 month repairs are gonna be a DOOZY!!! lol. believe me.

There were many other things but I've complained enough for today....I think ill crawl back into my hole and curl up again... im starting to remember and its just gonna end in me saying something ill regret... stay cool peeps.
After reading thread from start to end, i'm in total shock.

How excited Zinner was in start and what this build has done to his dreams.

Building house seems like a roller coaster ride.
Porter Davis Soil Test Results

Building A New House

Three options 1 Ask the liquidator 2 Find another PD customer and ask the source of their report 3 Pay for new report

Missing Building Wrap / Insulation

Heating, Cooling & Insulation

Hey guys building a new place through a volume builder and just wondering if i should complain to the site supervisor as we just had plasterboard installed. Looks like…

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