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The Rocks Place - The Summit - New Photos

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Are you sure you couldn't rent your place out? Maybe the extra income from rent will provide you with enough funds to get the finance you need to start building. Even if it's only for 12 months, maybe the property market might've improved then to try selling again.

Pain about Easter. I hope you can still have a happy one.
Oh mrsroc, everytime I see your thread I am hoping it's good news - I still have everything crossed for you. At least you get this weekend off from cleaning and opens - I bet you are well and truly over them! 4 couples is good compared to what we had - at one open only 1 neighbour turned up and 2 couples if we were lucky at the others! It will happen ... sooner rather than later. Have a lovely Easter - come down to Aldinga Beach if the weather is nice - that would be a nice day out!! The sea air will do you good!
Are you sure you couldn't rent your place out? Maybe the extra income from rent will provide you with enough funds to get the finance you need to start building. Even if it's only for 12 months, maybe the property market might've improved then to try selling again.

Pain about Easter. I hope you can still have a happy one.

Good idea re: renting our property however, we have an existing loan on our house and the land and we would have to rent somewhere while the house was being built. Don't think there would be enough extra income. Not to worry it will happen. Happy Easter to you and yours.
Oh mrsroc, everytime I see your thread I am hoping it's good news - I still have everything crossed for you. At least you get this weekend off from cleaning and opens - I bet you are well and truly over them! 4 couples is good compared to what we had - at one open only 1 neighbour turned up and 2 couples if we were lucky at the others! It will happen ... sooner rather than later. Have a lovely Easter - come down to Aldinga Beach if the weather is nice - that would be a nice day out!! The sea air will do you good!

Thanks for keeping everything crossed. We have friends down your way so I think a day trip will be in order. The kids are going stir crazy at the moment and it's hard when I have to go to work and my Hubby works from home, the tension with the three of them (hubby and the girls aged 14 & 11) home alone is high. I know this because the girls email me on their IPods (especially the youngest) saying when are you coming home. We do have people coming to have a look at 2:00pm today. Such a shame I'm at work can't help with the cleaning, however, did try to do as much as I could before I left. Hope you and yours have a nice Easter.
You never know that little bit of dust you left behind may be magic!!!
Hi, hoping you get some good news really soon.
to you and your family.
Hi, hoping you get some good news really soon.
to you and your family.

Thanks Lucene. we had a quite Easter at home it was nice not to have to prepare for an open. Hubby went to the block on Anzac day and noticed that the builder has taken their sign down. Not sure why but Hubby is going to call today. There is always something. Surely there has to be some good news coming our way soon.
Just quietly wanted to let you know that we have sold our house subject to finance. However, cooling off has come and gone, buyer has a cover note on our house, their broker tells our agent there will be no problem with finance, they have a verbal just doing the paperwork. It's a 90 day settlement, I think they will try to sell their house within that 90 days so as not to have to take on the loan. So now we have spoken to the builder who says that now there has been 2 increases. Hubby won't stand for that and has basically told them that we need it done at the figure we have or we will take our business elsewhere. Hubby was told they would get back to him, haven't heard a word. So we wait.
Just quietly YAY YAY YAY :z:
You are now in the driving seat - the builder won't make you wait too long - he'll let it go for a while thinking you might crack but don't!! Great news
Just quietly YAY YAY YAY :z:
You are now in the driving seat - the builder won't make you wait too long - he'll let it go for a while thinking you might crack but don't!! Great news

Thanks Mclaren. Not giving in on this one. Had to take a lower price on the house so can't pay more for the build.
What a relief for you to have the sale signed off....

Everyone in the building business is complaining how quiet it is, so you're right, don't take no for an answer. Someone wants your business!!
Congrats on selling your house!

And good on you guys for standing your ground regarding the price of your new home. The builders have a lot to lose if you walk away, remind them that there are plenty of other builders around willing to sign you up.
That's so good to hear MrsRoc. You must be sooooo relieved. I hope the settlement goes smoothly. At least you're through cooling off.

Good luck with working something out with your builder. I wouldn't accept a price increase either
I'm so happy you've finally had some luck with selling your house. Hopefully the builder gets back to you soon. They've definitely got more to lose than you do.
I am sooo happy for you mrsroc!!!!! At last you have some good news.

I can't believe that there would be 2 price rises in that time, our house, and I know its a different type of house is still the same basic price as when we first started building. So you tell em
Hi all, well the good news is our buyer offically has financial approval today. No backing away from it now. Hubby heard back from the builder last week and guess what......... they are going to build the house at the original price, as long as we can get a letter from our agent and our broker (might need to borrow a little for first payment) by close of business Friday. They say the first payment will be due 60 days from start. So depending when they start we my or my not have settled. I can finally get a little bit excited now and I suspect I'm going to open that bottle of Moet and will probably consume it all (might give the hubby a little sip, he's not much of a drinker). Just can't wait to see some action at the block.
By the way thanks to all that continue to read and leave lovely comments. You have all helped to keep me going and to be honest there has been times when I have thought, why are we putting ourselves through all this. I hope that it won't be long before I can reward you all with some pictures of my build. So I'm sending cyber hugs to you all.
mrsroc - fantastic news - so pleased for you and your family YIPPEE!!!!!! Enjoy your Moet, you deserve it and great news about the builder. HAPPY
mrsroc - fantastic news - so pleased for you and your family YIPPEE!!!!!! Enjoy your Moet, you deserve it and great news about the builder. HAPPY

Thanks Mclaren. I have noticed that I have a little smile on my face.
Hi MrsRoc - dont think I have posted here before but have been reading. What great news for you and your husband.....the future looks bright!!!
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