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Our House Our Home...24/7 UPDATE..HANDOVER DAY!!!

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Thanks Wonderland....
The tiles will be a similar grey to the ceasarstone, you will see that in all the areas where there is a bench or cabinet and future tile we have matched it so the grey's wont hit each the kitchen which has grey bench white cabinet and grey tile floor and the main ensuite which has white bench grey cabinets white bottom and grey tile
its confusing but they got it right which was good... we were so worried
and yes the grey tiles do have specks in them but they are darker if i recall correctly

Yeah it was a good money saver i think not getting the sides for the bench... and the colour is "oyster"

Hey Homey...Thanks a lot

We have chosen Charred Ash colour for our grout which is a little darker than slate grey.
No we did not upsize our door, and my wife aint happy
she thinks that the glass is to big...i'm not fussed
it was standard size, it does look good all painted now though so we will judge it more when they are finished
Our entrance is quite bright because of the glass panel. I think my wife would prefer what you guys did with your door

Glad you enjoy the pics i'll keep them up as much as i can

PS. Are you building a 32 or 36? Also the 32 entrance is a lot smaller than the 36 display....another small glitch my wife was not happy about
Hi, so how far off handover do you think you are now? I keep saying 6-8 weeks every week just in case I get disappointed.
Hey MM...not sure???
We met with our supervisor just shy of 2 weeks a go and he said at that time, 5-6 weeks from painting until we should expect our PCI, He told us mid to end July... which is actually around 5 weeks earlier than we expected... heres hoping

So being around similiar build times and if everything goes right it could look pretty good for you too....

What do you think or am i being optimistic
Was that 5-6 weeks from the start or end of painting? I would have thought you would be in definitely by mid July if not earlier. We were hoping for mid July but may be later and you are a week or two ahead of us. This building thing is such a tease
I think that was 5-6 weeks after painting
...painting just finished for 6 weeks from now is mid july so here's hoping
i think we are around a week in front so you wont be far behind if we are in in mid July... fingers crossd for you
i know these damn builders showing us a bit of paint here a little tile there... i'm going crazy

PS. Are you building a 32 or 36? Also the 32 entrance is a lot smaller than the 36 display....another small glitch my wife was not happy about

We are building the 32. We went for the 36 initially but when we saw how close we would be to the side fence we decided on the 32. The 36 has the double front doors and the spacious entrance which we loved so I can understand what you wife is saying about the 32. However, If we hadn't ever seen the 36 we wouldn't think anything of it and the 32 would look very spacious.
we were told that the entrance and master b'room and ensuite were the same for the 36 and 32 but no... 2 out of 3 aint bad... as the song goes...

But saying this the 32 still is spacious and you wont be disappointed
We arranged this morning to go and see some progress as we new they started tiling this week and wow did they start tiling... basically it is nearly all done!!! they were getting the grout prepared when we were there, we cannot wait to see it with the grout it is going to make everything pop out!!! Next step ELECTRICIANS!!!

Hi there, how exciting, tiles. Checked out your blog, they look really good. You must be so pleased with the progress this week.

Mustn't be long to go now
Hey MM...

Yeah we were so worried about the mosaic's but we are very happy with them..
ok here we go...
Really nice layout..i like the open spaces...and especially the double wirs. Usually you only see that in the master bedroom...and the spa....great choice
Its all looking great LDG!!

I cant belive they have done so much with the tiling, your house is progressing really quickly!!

Also, can you please let me know how long your island bench is? It looks very nice. Can I also ask why you chose this layout as appose to the other 'gallery' kitchen layout on offer? It would be interesting to hear the reasoning behind some of your choices, which are great by the way
Its all looking great LDG!!

I cant belive they have done so much with the tiling, your house is progressing really quickly!!

Also, can you please let me know how long your island bench is? It looks very nice. Can I also ask why you chose this layout as appose to the other 'gallery' kitchen layout on offer? It would be interesting to hear the reasoning behind some of your choices, which are great by the way

LDG, nice tile choices - really spectacular and eye catching!!

wonderland, we built the same house but in 36 sq version, and Ill try answer your questions.. We chose the L shape layout because we didnt want a sink/stove on the island because of safety and cleanliness problems (water splashing when washing dishes etc), didnt want interior/exterior access to kitchen, preferred to have a timber bifold window (not door), a bare island bench and sink/stove not opposite each other. Our island is 2.1metres by 1 metre wide. I would like the big galley bench, but really didnt like the idea of having a sink in the middle. Besides, the galley looks better with the undermount sink, but this to me is inconvenient and there for the style only... So having the sink on the side hides it in a way.. AND I know Im rambling on, but having a bare island bench can almost be another dining table if you will!!

Your building the Pagoda arent ya? Are you going for stove or sink on your island? Or neither??
Hi there, Are the tiles in the powder room a mirror tile or green? Think it may have been a reflection making it look green. I love the tile pattern in the bathroom. really soothing
Thanks Blessedpeople... I know i cannot wait for the spa!!!

Hey wonderland..thanks a lot

Yeah we could not believe how quick the tiles went down we expected so have maybe half done but i would say they were 97% done without grout!!!

I cant remember the size of the bench but i am pretty sure its the same as S&P's or a slight bit smaller...We chose this layout as we were not fans of the bifold onto the alfresco look which incidentally i dont think you can have that look in the 32sq only in the 36sq. We too loved the timber serving window but that was too top $$$ for our liking...and we too prefer having the seperate bench and sink. We would like the bench to be a place to gather on not washup on

Hey S&P..Thanks my wife will be pleased to hear your comments...
she keeps asking me how you guys are going and hows your house!!!
and thanks for your rambling it helped in the answers

Hey MM...
The tiles in the powder are called pewter (silver) and they are a mirror look but not if you know what i mean? they do reflect but it is a distorted reflect. the green comes from the flash...

Yeah we love the bathroom one too... its fresh it reminds me of mint

but i think my favourite is the black in the ensuite i cant wait to see it with white grout... it should really stand out
No probs LDG, the house is great. Ill get onto posting photos ASAP, once the deckings done and the furntiure delivered. But loving the house!!! Youll love yours, its stunning!
love the mosaic tiles...its stunning and really stands out
One of my friend also built the 36 atlantique about a year ago and he also chose the Lshape kitchen. I think both options looks good. I like the idea of a long island bench and the bifolds that connects the alfresco to kitchen/dinning. But then I also like the idea of bifold windows and clear island bench. Thanks guys for letting me know

Your building the Pagoda arent ya? Are you going for stove or sink on your island? Or neither??

We decided to move the stove to the wall instead of the island bench because like you, we dont like to have anything on our island bench. The sink will remain near the window as standard. We have heard that there is a new rule with CH now. Apparently now, people are not able to change the kitchen layouts anymore. Meaning that they wont be able to move the location of the stove from island bench to wall bench. I think it sux that they've changed the rules!
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