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Building with Wisdom Homes

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Hi All, We are 11 weeks in construction, bricks should be completing this week and roof might start.
Our contract says 30 weeks and obviously all the * star points for rain etc.

I saw last week nothing happening on site, even with good weather and everything.( I know sometimes tradies resources pay key role)

I have a feeling that by November end we may be very near completion but not at it. And because December brings holidays, we would be delayed till Feb.

How to put this across to SS that a few decisions on his end could save us big troubles and long waiting.

Also any idea normally what does Wisdom pays back for delay?

You are on schedule for completion within your contract date. Our bricks were completed 11 weeks after the slab was poured, and PCI at 29 weeks, so we didn’t need to account for weather delays. If you do go over contract it would have to be by 2 or 3 months at least before you start getting paid liquidated damages (because of what W can claim for adverse weather). I’d be very surprised if your build continued beyond Xmas but you never know.
If you don’t know what W pays it means you didn’t negotiate this clause in your contract, so it will be $15 per day.
Are you building a double storey? If so last week they may have been fiddling around with scaffolding, we had a few weeks where that was the only thing that happened, and/or brick cleaning.

We are in week 19 from Contract (site excavation in week of 19th March, slab on 28th March). Ours is a 30 week contract, which takes us to mid October. Despite that, SS advised a target PCI date of Second week of December.
I also noticed several weeks of no action, but there were some days when I saw quite a bit of movement. Yes, I still agree it is slow, but as MandM+4 said, adjusting of scaffolding and bricks cleaning in itself is a very slow process. I am really hoping that things will be faster once they start with internals, and we can get PCI in Oct end/Early November.

Hi Ruchica,

Your email has been shared & reviewed internally and I am aware the matter was discussed with you by your SS yesterday. You will receive a call from Craig, our Head of Construction today regarding this matter.



Hi Mark,

We have emailed you Two separate emails and havebt got response till now. We have got handover with delay of 6 months post contract signing due of number of errors made by Wisdom Homes ( already listed in email) and after handover, we see the electrical wiring is done against our signed plan due to which we cant do the electrical finish the way we wanted. When we are our SS to fix it we are asked to pay $350 for it. I had emailed you (written separate email for this) regarding this after our SS clearly mentioned that he cant do anything unless we pay or escalate higher management, however havent heard from you or anyone.

Is that the way Wisdom Homes treat their customers post handover? Can we expect this electrical issue to be resolved Asap for us?


Hi Mark

We got a call from Craig and found that he had different understanding of the whole thing that we had to clarify to him. Eventually, the electrical part has been fixed, we are just waiting for roof damage to be fixed caused during the fixing of electrical problem.

However, this was just one part. I had mentioned to you about 2 emails in my previous post - one related to electrical issue and other listed the delay in completion since we signed the contract, and the reasons / list of issues we have witnessed while building with wisdom homes which has left us with soar areas that still need to br fixed (detailed in that email). Its been a month since we wrote to you and 3 weeks since I've mentioned about it on the forum. We have NOT heard from you or anyone on that email.

I can understand that the email was very long (couldnt have been smaller as there were so many issues) but i believe 1 month is sufficient time to read through it, investigate things at your end and reply.
So, could you please tell me the reason of not responding?

Hi All, We are 11 weeks in construction, bricks should be completing this week and roof might start.
Our contract says 30 weeks and obviously all the * star points for rain etc.

I saw last week nothing happening on site, even with good weather and everything.( I know sometimes tradies resources pay key role)

I have a feeling that by November end we may be very near completion but not at it. And because December brings holidays, we would be delayed till Feb.

How to put this across to SS that a few decisions on his end could save us big troubles and long waiting.

Also any idea normally what does Wisdom pays back for delay?

You are on schedule for completion within your contract date. Our bricks were completed 11 weeks after the slab was poured, and PCI at 29 weeks, so we didn’t need to account for weather delays. If you do go over contract it would have to be by 2 or 3 months at least before you start getting paid liquidated damages (because of what W can claim for adverse weather). I’d be very surprised if your build continued beyond Xmas but you never know.
If you don’t know what W pays it means you didn’t negotiate this clause in your contract, so it will be $15 per day.
Are you building a double storey? If so last week they may have been fiddling around with scaffolding, we had a few weeks where that was the only thing that happened, and/or brick cleaning.

We are in week 19 from Contract (site excavation in week of 19th March, slab on 28th March). Ours is a 30 week contract, which takes us to mid October. Despite that, SS advised a target PCI date of Second week of December.
I also noticed several weeks of no action, but there were some days when I saw quite a bit of movement. Yes, I still agree it is slow, but as MandM+4 said, adjusting of scaffolding and bricks cleaning in itself is a very slow process. I am really hoping that things will be faster once they start with internals, and we can get PCI in Oct end/Early November.
Hi singalg,
We are in week 15 of our construction.
As you said we also had weeks of no action and some weeks where there was catch up weekend work. We finished bricks and roof at week 13 but last week there was no action at our site as we were informed that the Ss has changed. We met the new Ss however this week also does not look very promising.
May I know where are you up to at Week 19 ?

Hi guys,

May I know how much would be the admin fee if i want to change the internal colour? Our bricks and eaves are done. Could someone please reply? Thank you
Hi guys,

May I know how much would be the admin fee if i want to change the internal colour? Our bricks and eaves are done. Could someone please reply? Thank you

I guess around $1300-1500
Hi guys,

May I know how much would be the admin fee if i want to change the internal colour? Our bricks and eaves are done. Could someone please reply? Thank you

Ask your site supervisor, they might just let you change it.

Hi guys,

May I know how much would be the admin fee if i want to change the internal colour? Our bricks and eaves are done. Could someone please reply? Thank you

Ask your site supervisor, they might just let you change it.

Thank you.😊
spk_homebuild, getting roof done at week 13 is a good progress, and I guess that's where really it should be at. At week 19, I got Eaves, downpipes completed and painted, and bricks cleaned (this has been a very slow process). This week they are doing lower roof, and I believe I am not far from lock-in.

Hi Ruchica,

Your email has been shared & reviewed internally and I am aware the matter was discussed with you by your SS yesterday. You will receive a call from Craig, our Head of Construction today regarding this matter.



Hi Mark,

We have emailed you Two separate emails and havebt got response till now. We have got handover with delay of 6 months post contract signing due of number of errors made by Wisdom Homes ( already listed in email) and after handover, we see the electrical wiring is done against our signed plan due to which we cant do the electrical finish the way we wanted. When we are our SS to fix it we are asked to pay $350 for it. I had emailed you (written separate email for this) regarding this after our SS clearly mentioned that he cant do anything unless we pay or escalate higher management, however havent heard from you or anyone.

Is that the way Wisdom Homes treat their customers post handover? Can we expect this electrical issue to be resolved Asap for us?


Hi Mark

We got a call from Craig and found that he had different understanding of the whole thing that we had to clarify to him. Eventually, the electrical part has been fixed, we are just waiting for roof damage to be fixed caused during the fixing of electrical problem.

However, this was just one part. I had mentioned to you about 2 emails in my previous post - one related to electrical issue and other listed the delay in completion since we signed the contract, and the reasons / list of issues we have witnessed while building with wisdom homes which has left us with soar areas that still need to br fixed (detailed in that email). Its been a month since we wrote to you and 3 weeks since I've mentioned about it on the forum. We have NOT heard from you or anyone on that email.

I can understand that the email was very long (couldnt have been smaller as there were so many issues) but i believe 1 month is sufficient time to read through it, investigate things at your end and reply.
So, could you please tell me the reason of not responding?


Hi Ruchica,

The fact that I have not responded to you personally does not mean that Wisdom has not responded. I am copied in on all correspondence provided to you by my team. You have my contact details if you wish to address your concerns directly. I will forward them to you again via email.


Just wondering if anyone has any experience or opinions on Tassie Oak vs maple for stair treads?

We originally opted for a designer stair case as displayed, not knowing that any change or variation to it would render this deleted and a custom stair case would be requoted with quite a substantial price jump.

The trick is that the displayed staircase is Tassie Oak but the “as displayed” stair case in the tender is maple!

I’m disappointed but we need to decide what to do: oak or maple? We have young children and I am outnumbered by boys.
@spk_homebuild, getting roof done at week 13 is a good progress, and I guess that's where really it should be at. At week 19, I got Eaves, downpipes completed and painted, and bricks cleaned (this has been a very slow process). This week they are doing lower roof, and I believe I am not far from lock-in.

Hi singalg, are you building in North Ryde and is it a knock down rebuild? I have sent you PM about the address. I think I live very close to your build. I have been watching it daily!
Hi guys,

May I know how much would be the admin fee if i want to change the internal colour? Our bricks and eaves are done. Could someone please reply? Thank you

I guess around $1300-1500

Thank you Kazi
While we are on the orientation issue, any recommendations, suggestions, updates on the plan below.

Yellow dots/lines are current windows or stacker doors

NORTH is marked on the left. Building is Sydney Northwest

Tricky. I think the windows are probably the best you can do. I’d have the house asclose to the southern boundary as possible though as you won’t get much light on that side and it would maximise the light and yard on the North side.
And plant some tall trees at the back to screen the western sun.

I need to leave the 2.75 meter space on left due to electric substation easement......will have to figure out what to do in that space.......maybe put a clothes line or something but its on the other side of the laundary

Should I look at puting any more windows

WIll plant trees in the back to protect from western sun in the afternoons
kazi - flip it as you have a big leisure anyways. Bigger alfresco would be great unless you are thinking of extension it in future.

We wanted to flip as well but then in Ambassdor our kitchen would open up to alfresco and was worried about th dust etc.

Also heres a tip for alfresco opening. Place small pots of lavender around alfresco door to get rid of bugs naturally!
singalg - how is your build going!
@singalg - how is your build going!

Hi Aaron2008, I got the upper floor completed, including Cladding, and bricks cleaned, with most scaffolding off.
Lower roof: Fascia and gutter completed, and Garage roof. Expecting all roofing to be completed by end of next week, and then AC ducting and electrical starting week after. Can;t wait for W to move in for internals.
The quality looks good so far, and I am happy with the external colors (brick, fascia, gutter, cladding).
Met the landscaper onsite today, and requested for a driveway quote - fingers crossed.

How are you going, and the quality issue you were facing?
@singalg - how is your build going!

Hi Aaron2008, I got the upper floor completed, including Cladding, and bricks cleaned, with most scaffolding off.
Lower roof: Fascia and gutter completed, and Garage roof. Expecting all roofing to be completed by end of next week, and then AC ducting and electrical starting week after. Can;t wait for W to move in for internals.
The quality looks good so far, and I am happy with the external colors (brick, fascia, gutter, cladding).
Met the landscaper onsite today, and requested for a driveway quote - fingers crossed.

How are you going, and the quality issue you were facing?

We had landscape consult. Was pretty good, very competitive also. We went with them for the advice, price and the bonus is it can all be done before handover.
@singalg - how is your build going!

Hi Aaron2008, I got the upper floor completed, including Cladding, and bricks cleaned, with most scaffolding off.
Lower roof: Fascia and gutter completed, and Garage roof. Expecting all roofing to be completed by end of next week, and then AC ducting and electrical starting week after. Can;t wait for W to move in for internals.
The quality looks good so far, and I am happy with the external colors (brick, fascia, gutter, cladding).
Met the landscaper onsite today, and requested for a driveway quote - fingers crossed.

How are you going, and the quality issue you were facing?

We had landscape consult. Was pretty good, very competitive also. We went with them for the advice, price and the bonus is it can all be done before handover.

Thanks for your pm Bobby1
Has anyone used EHI for their blinds? I can't seem to find any review about this company on here. Maybe they are new at Wisdom?

And when do you choose where your outdoor taps will be located?
We have also found the quote much better after the site visit with landscape consultant. We are doing brick colums, fence, brick letterbox, driveway with Wisdom. Feeling good to have these done before handover. grass and plants will go post handover.

The only issue is we didn't realize that we chose a light grey color which does not look good at all. Darker is recommended by experts since the color gets lighter gradually. Also dark looks great. I personally requested him if he will allow to change is to a dark color I want now. Let's see.
@singalg - how is your build going!

Hi Aaron2008, I got the upper floor completed, including Cladding, and bricks cleaned, with most scaffolding off.
Lower roof: Fascia and gutter completed, and Garage roof. Expecting all roofing to be completed by end of next week, and then AC ducting and electrical starting week after. Can;t wait for W to move in for internals.
The quality looks good so far, and I am happy with the external colors (brick, fascia, gutter, cladding).
Met the landscaper onsite today, and requested for a driveway quote - fingers crossed.

How are you going, and the quality issue you were facing?

We had landscape consult. Was pretty good, very competitive also. We went with them for the advice, price and the bonus is it can all be done before handover.

Building Ambassador 41 Wisdom Homes

Slab 19 Mar 2018
Frame 20 Apr 2018
Bricks 04-31 May 2018
Gyprock 13-19 Jul 2018
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