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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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Fingers crossed for you. NJC!

It's now officially 12 months since they started on our build, I hope yours is quicker and less stressful than ours. We had mirrors and one screen installed on Friday and Saturday and whilst it looks good the main bathroom mirror panels aren't right. We paid to have full length like the display theory on not having one trade do the job right the first time still rings true

We are petty happy with how everything looks as a whole but just more and more frustration they can't get the details right...looks like we will have a long list of issues at PCI
Hang in there MGards, you are literally 'almost home'.

As for us , we are being framed!
(Yes I've been waiting a long time to say that). Frames were delivered last week and the lads are hard at it putting them up today. It's 10 degrees at noon, so they are earning their coin today.

The ground floor went up in one day and the weather wasn't pleasant either

Yes, nearly there! Can't wait.

Awesome news on the frames, looks good Gibson. At least the trades weren't scared of the weather
MGardz. Mr M may be back from leave by the time you get to PCI with that list.
How the hell do they sleep at night taking our money for the crap service and workmanship they provide.
I will say again my advice came from within M. Get everything fixed before doing PCI. Don't sign off without it being complete save for appliences and hw system.
At PCI the payments stop. They should be one to two weeks from completion at PCI. Not months away.
Great advice brettbert unfortunately though as we were told if they consider the home practically complete and we don't set a date for PCI they will do it without us. So with that we did PCI on Friday whilst they were installing our WIR and linen with the assurance it would be complete that day, to true Masterton style they were not but they don't care as we signed PCI. I just want final invoice now so we can get handover ASAP, but it appears even that is not as easy they will do it but without credits such as liquidated damages and they will send us a cheque 7-10 days after handover. I hate that all of my posts are so negative but then again M give me nothing positive to say.. I will say I am very happy with our choices and can't wait to move into our home...
Congrats on the frames Gibson.
I hope your heater is keeping you warm Bleaky it is bloody cold down here so I guess it must be close to freezing up there..
There is always something to add to the list MGardz but I don't feel like the list will ever end...
Good luck to all I hate say you may need it I really hope you don't...
Thanks MGardz. Received validation today so just waiting on commencement letter from bank which should take up to three days.
Hopefully we will move into construction by the end of this week.
I've been watching a few of M's builds around the area and they seem to be moving fairly quickly. I wouldn't say 'lightening speed' but if they move like that on our place I'll be pleasantly happy! The tradies in our area seem to be quite good but I guess being a small area and most of them having to keep up their reputation, they have to be! On the plus side M has offered by brother work when he needs it as a tiler so I know it will be done properly!
What were you hoping to have finished that wasn't when you were forced to PCI?
WKVillina- congrats on PCI, I'm sorry it's not a more positive experience for you. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, one day the house will be complete and you'll no longer how to deal with M.
It's been pretty cold up this way, we had snow this morning and the kids were stoked to have a snow day even though it didn't last long. I think the teachers may have enjoyed it more
Toshiba will be coming up tomorrow to replace our unit. Fingers crossed it works!
You're right, It's a long list Brettbert and I'm positive that we will find more once we actually move in. I'm sure that as others have found, the PCI items will probably run into the 90 day list. AND I'm sure that most things will not be fixed before they force us to PCI if we ask to move it again as they seem to have a substandard definition of what is "habitable" or built as intended or whatever the definition of PCI is. In Ms book it seems they are ok to live in a house where there's a list as long as mine or WKvillinas of outstanding things or things to be fixed. That should be something to consider for anyone considering building with M. They are not really about quality just quantity of builds they do so they can make money. If they cared about us and the investment we are making with them, there wouldn't be so many of us unhappy...
I second everything you say MGardz
Thank you Bleaky I am happy it's done just hope they get all the work needed done in the next 2 weeks. Snow days sound fun and I hope your new unit works also there is more cold on the way...
Brettbert we have so many incomplete jobs however the biggest things I expected done were 4 WIR, pantry and linen fitouts they are all half done our balcony door to be replaced as I know they just want to repair it which I am not happy about. There are so many fix ups my concern with them not being done prior means they won't get it done in 2 weeks. We have approximately 25 unfinished items including those which need to be re-done Almost the whole house needs to be re-painted with all the faults our PCI guy picked up.
Just an update about insurance as there was some discussion a few pages back we had to take out insurance cover from 24th as per the PCI document we signed
C) we will arrange insurance coverage from today
This one confused me as we don't have keys
D) we will provide reasonable access to the dwelling

All very confusing but we were able to get insurance with NRMA.
LOL...they think they do quality...
Lol MGardz.

Day 20 of my 20 working days and NOTHING from Masterton no letter no port a loo they have not taken over my fence from ATF yet, no supervisor assigned to my build maybe he dont even exist yet.

What is the point of the 20 working days besides ordering materials that i was told from management they started ordering them b4 the 20 days due to their constant stuff ups.

Where in the contract does it state $50 per day if they dont finish in time all i can see if $50 per day or $1

I just wish i knew about this forum before i left my $3900 deposit cause i would not give these incompetent people a cent of my money.

Hang in there Sandra, things will start moving soon. We got our fence & Port-a-loo towards the end of our 20 days. Our Site Supervisor called me in the first week of the construction period.
If you are concerned, just check with your CC.

Has anybody on here used M for a fireplace?
They use Jetmaster who are pretty expensive, is it possible to not go through M for it?
I have no idea exactly what is needed for a gas fireplace, but assuming some of it will have to be done by M?
We didn't go through M for our fireplace (although it's a Jetmaster) so as long as you tell them at tender stage there should be no issue just know what unit you want as it will govern the dimensions, material of the wall and position of the gas outlet and PowerPoint. We were looking at a Lopi as well and know that one needed a different gyprock and frame as the way it pumped heat was different to the one we got
sandra 2016

I emailed them apparently were back in drafting plans for engineers they seem to have not got it right yet after we signed off on plans. Passed CDC and construction but engineers fixing plans now so we wont see any movement until Engineers sign off apparently. Is this normal i can see 17.6 and 24.6 amendments. I thought once its signed off on everything was supposed to be correct.

Sandra, you signed off on the Construction Plans, M then draw up the Engineering Plans that contain the extra engineering 'stuff'.
While it is frustrating to have a delay it's better they get this right!
Once the 20 days has expired you are in the build contract period, even if M don't actually start building.
In your contract on page 3 they will say how many business days is allowed for the build, plus there are 'rain days' they can claim. From this you can work out the expected completion date. If they go over that time they pay you $50 per day - point 11 on page 3.

We have two friends who built with M and both were completed within the contract period. Plus all the reviews we have heard, people are very happy with the homes they have built with M. I spoke to someone just last weekend who built with M 11 years ago and they love their house, plus a friend's parents built 30 years ago with M and haven't had any issues with their house.
Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

Landscape & Garden Design

Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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