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Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

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To get the 900mm free stand oven changed to 2 600 under benches and a 900 gas cooker was only 1350 - which were happy with. Though are waiting on a price for the next level up model (which has a silver finish not black glass!).. (Yay)

Wow hurts that i was charged $2600 for the double ovens... keep us updated on the upgrade cost to the silver finish please
Wow hurts that i was charged $2600 for the double ovens... keep us updated on the upgrade cost to the silver finish please

I assume the difference was because we had already included at tended stage (didn't have to pay but had it included) that we were getting upgraded to a single under bench with 900 gas top. So we were only essentially paying today for the actual oven.

To get the 900mm free stand oven changed to 2 600 under benches and a 900 gas cooker was only 1350 - which were happy with. Though are waiting on a price for the next level up model (which has a silver finish not black glass!).. (Yay)

Wow hurts that i was charged $2600 for the double ovens... keep us updated on the upgrade cost to the silver finish please

I was also charged a fortune. Then Artline charged me $2000 to make the cabinetry for the double wall oven. Better be worth it!!
That's good sachapman. Have fun in Melbourne! Love it there it's one of my second homes with work travel

SVE this week was all about the fix. Looks like they've started to fix our garage door issue, roof, bath tub and they finished the install of the door handles that was started last week. So I hope that next week we get to PCI but I think it will be pushed back another week with it being a short week anyway.

It's a lot to do to finish fixing the roof, gyprock patches, mortar/brick/weep hole issues, tiling, screens, paint and clean... Baby Gardz will be here before keys I think. We can pick up keys as a family so that will be cute anyway.
Anyone who is at gyprock stage and had a waterfall running down the walls due to roof not being finished what are you checking for in regards to damage? Just want to make sure I don't miss something when I check the walls. I was told the water mark will show and they will replace those parts along with insulation. Double storey and leaked top and bottom. Thank you

J+H our SS said he will replace the gyprock, insulation and the heat lamp it was running into. So maybe see if there are affects on the electrical points and joists behind? You don't want mould back there
It's amazing to me how much waste and replacement there is in the building process. If they got it right the first time without damaging the house and fittings, imagine how much extra profit they could pocket.
1. My SS told me ceramic tiles will be laid with glue instead of cement. Does anyone know it?

2. My house is certified by CDC. Are we allowed to be present each time on the site when CDC guy does each inspection? The CDC guy has done 2 inspections already, but my SS didn't inform me of it.

S-VE: I have a question. From the picture you sent, it seems that there is no sarking on the top before putting the roof tiles.

Is that sarking ?

Hi all, does anyone have something like this clause in their contract and have paid M for it ?"$950 per month for each month that the land registration has been delayed"

Land anticipated registration date was Dec 2015 and was only registered few days ago. Wondering if we need to pay the penalty or its something that we can negotiate with M.

S-VE that is the Eco blanket. You obviously have Colorbond roof. That is how it's done. The blanket acts as insulation and sarking in one application.
If you have tiles the sarking would be on the roof timbers then sarking and then batons and the tiles on them.
S-VE that is the Eco blanket. You obviously have Colorbond roof. That is how it's done. The blanket acts as insulation and sarking in one application.
If you have tiles the sarking would be on the roof timbers then sarking and then batons and the tiles on them.

Hi all, does anyone have something like this clause in their contract and have paid M for it ?"$950 per month for each month that the land registration has been delayed"

Land anticipated registration date was Dec 2015 and was only registered few days ago. Wondering if we need to pay the penalty or its something that we can negotiate with M.

M have price rises every 3 months and impose those rises if you don't meet the contract deadlines. For us they 'forgot' the first couple of price rises but hit us when we didn't get through council and do the land handover in time. Our total was over $12K so $950 a month sounds like a good deal to me
Thanks Gibson, Im just thinking if we can waive the increase or even just negotiate the price because anticipated land registration is set by M but we can't control if there's a delay like what happened to our land release. Although it's part of the tender so not sure how much we can do.

After looking at our slab , there doesn't appear to be any concrete for the front porch. The plans show the overhang of the roof an a supporting brick pillar, but doesn't show anything about the 'floor'.

Is the concrete for the porch included or do we put that in ourselves?
Our porch was done quite late in the process too. It wasn't done as part of the slab, but was done at the same time as the front stairs. Is your block flat?
Also if you're getting a drive way done by m? They will incorporate the front porch in with that. Or AtLeast that's what they're doing with ours.

Ours was done during the slab being poured and M is doing our drive way.

Maybe it's different depending on the house? Ours was done at slab stage. Do you have the slab drawing on the construction plan? My friend that built with Eden Brae had to pay for theirs
Gibson, maybe its worth texting your SS and asking the question? Looking at the responses above, it may/may not have been missed, or it may/may not be done at a later stage. Worth asking for peace of mind!
Masterton Homes Hydraulics

Building A New House

Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

Running irrigation line under footpath (next to home)

Landscape & Garden Design

Hi all I am looking to run a water line under my concrete footpath which is directly next to my home, was seeing if this is possible without cutting the entire section…

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