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Rawson Homes - Our dream home journey - Metford 28 Trend

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Hi truckk. No my bricks are Austral Leisure.
Hi truckk. No my bricks are Austral Leisure.

ok thanks
Are any of you good at doing a sun dance!!

Pretty sure our dam's are full and houses cannot be bricked in the rain!!!!

A bit selfish ha ha!!
Not only that but I the news mentioned that Camden got the highest amount of rain in Sydney - talk about timing.

Anyway, frantically doing a Sundance like I mean it! Hope it clears up for you soon. Given you were so lucky to get your bricks and brickies the weather should clear up too.
Oh Robbie what would I do without you lol!! Very impressive, the sun just made an appearance!!

Bricks get delivered today with brickies to start later in the week. Pretty sure we will need to pull a rabbit out of a hat for that to happen.
Damn rain sticking around into next week even according to BOM!
Bit of sun out today. Is that helping anyone?

Went past our site today and a team of sparkies are working hard. They said they'll finish today. Again another good bunch of tradies, they made a small change to a power point in the kitchen so I didn't have to have one of those ugly large mounting boxes. It was on the plan so I couldn't have complained if they did but I'm always impressed when they consider and make an effort with that sort of detail.

SS also called this morning about the mounting box but had already been resolved. Unfortunately its just the tilers holding us up the moment. Starting to feel like I should've followed my gut instinct - can't say I've been impressed with TD to this point but am ever hopeful of being proved wrong.
Hoping our bricks are delivered today!! They had not arrived when my hubby went past at 4.00pm yesterday.

I saw a austral truck at 8.00am in narellan road this morning and felt like stalking him. Ha ha.

That's awesome about the power point, it's nice to have flexible tradies!!

Fingers crossed your tilers work out!
Nice little win on the pp robbie. Wish I had a win re the aircon controller but it was not to be. Too exxy to go to zone controller so I left as is.

I was doing a similar thing kazzaw when I saw austral trucks. One of which turned one street before my lot and I was livid. Hope all goes to plan.

Update on mine. Eaves done last week and cement applied to rendering area and first coat of paint to it this week. Apparently electricals again this week and aircon rough ins. Gyprock next week and kitchen first week of Sep.
SS also called this morning about the mounting box but had already been resolved. Unfortunately its just the tilers holding us up the moment. Starting to feel like I should've followed my gut instinct - can't say I've been impressed with TD to this point but am ever hopeful of being proved wrong.

Well as of Monday, really nothing has been done tiling wise. Let's just say we made the right decision to get the rest of the house tiled externally!

Hoping our bricks are delivered today!! They had not arrived when my hubby went past at 4.00pm yesterday.
I saw a austral truck at 8.00am in narellan road this morning and felt like stalking him. Ha ha.

And hopefully the brickies for your job are close to finishing their current job and can't start straight away!

I was doing a similar thing kazzaw when I saw austral trucks. One of which turned one street before my lot and I was livid. Hope all goes to plan.

Update on mine. Eaves done last week and cement applied to rendering area and first coat of paint to it this week. Apparently electricals again this week and aircon rough ins. Gyprock next week and kitchen first week of Sep.

Powering through! Hopefully the downpour didn't put you off by too much!
That's no good onggie. Hopefully they've moved forward this week and your timeline is not affected.

After visiting my block I went for a drive through the hermitage and I'm pretty sure I passed your place kazzaw but then I saw the SS in his car out the front eating his lunch and thought it best just to move on else he might think I'm stalking him

My sister asked to have a look at our place late today and we thought we might just be stuck trying to a glimpse through the windows but as we turned into the street I saw our tiles being delivered and the guy was exceptionally nice and although just about to leave let us have a quick look through. Hoping now that the tilers won't be too far away.
Nice one robbie. Did you take any new pics?

I went by mine this afternoon too but only undercoat render done, scaffolding dismantled and frames for kitchen bulkheads put in. Oh and something for the waterproofing delivered. Latest facade pic...

Looking great Justin. It all seems to go at record pace and then slows down a bit before another big push - which I'm sure is just around the corner for you.

No new photos from me - I was too caught up in looking around to think about taking any.
Nice one robbie. Did you take any new pics?

I went by mine this afternoon too but only undercoat render done, scaffolding dismantled and frames for kitchen bulkheads put in. Oh and something for the waterproofing delivered. Latest facade pic...

which design is this?
Looking very good. I am having doubts of my September handover.

To do list from what I can see:
- Tiling bathroom and laundry + fitout
- Kitchen fit out l
- Electrical
- Finish painting
- Driveway
- Cleanup
- Garage door

which design is this?


What's happened onggie? Has your SS given you an updated timeline?
What's happened onggie? Has your SS given you an updated timeline?

Haven't spoken to the SS in weeks. There's actually a good reason though, I proposed to the missus 2 weeks ago so the wedding preparations have taken precedence.

Congratulations to you both! Have you set the date? Make sure its a little bit after your housewarming else you'll get ordinary gifts for both
Congratulations to you both! Have you set the date? Make sure its a little bit after your housewarming else you'll get ordinary gifts for both

Thanks Robbie and yes we have. We couldn't have it in the middle of the year so it was either at the end of next year or the beginning and a certain someone couldn't wait so we have set it for the end of January. So we are in a mad rush to get everything sorted but its coming together. Its kind of good as it has distracted us since the build slowed down.

She couldn't wait?..... Ahh Shotgun.

Just kidding, its all good fun. Our 9 year anniversary is coming up in October. I keep on joking with my wife that the traditional gift for the 9th anniversary is a high five but only tend to get a laugh out of that one.
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