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Building with Kurmond Homes

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Big Mama
No I am not joking. Our truss frames arrived and it was written very clearly all over the timber the name of the Bunnings store on the central coast. We were totally shocked!

Hence why I almost thought you were joking, I rang KH to see what happened with the timber frame, and they outright said they buy the timber and steel from Bunnings warehouse and there was an issue with delivery. I was very shocked too. I always had the impression the parts come from a special bulk supplier.

Has anyone got landscaping included in their build?
Thanks Big Mama and quach128, I have to say that I haven't researched one builder yet that has great reviews.

It's a little scary.... I suppose you just need to think about what's important to you and go with your gut. Big decision ahead!
My bathroom tiling started today yeahhhh... The house is becoming a home now...

How is everyone going?

Loks, no landscape included... Just driveway
The landscaping fee seemed to be high for what was included.

The most important things are the financial stability of the building company and the quality of the build. We have researched for five years. During this time some builders went out of business and some customers say they waited two years for repairs. We read many posts from K customers whose independent inspectors commented on the good quality build. Several homes in our area were KDR like us and we can see things deteriorating on their homes just one year later. Yes this is a difficult and expensive decision so use all the info available online. Which home are you thinking of building?

No landscaping here either, we plan on DIY with a few bits here and there from contractors

Thanks Big Mama & Quach128
We haven't received a quote for landscaping, plans were supplied 12 months ago, I was just wondering as we had planned to DIY but thought it might not be worth the hassle

Thanks Big Mama, you're right it's definitely an expensive mistake if you choose the wrong builder. That's why I'm finding it so difficult to make up my mind.

We are building a Duplex, looking at the Forest Glen with Kurmond as we have quite a big block to work with.

We were looking at the Woodford Champion Homes, but I've been turned off by numerous reviews that CH gazzump you with lots of hidden costs.

I think I am waiting to be 100% sure that I've picked the right builder, but I am starting to wonder whether that will ever happen!
Hi everyone,
I was waiting to get slabbed before posting again which was supposed to happen for the 3rd time last Friday.... But no slab, rescheduled for tomorrow and now it's raining
we have had the brick work for the left side completed and is now awaiting to support a brand new slab and the right side is awaiting formwork which also didn't happen on Friday but the wood is sitting there ready to go. Oh the joys of building. Our SS is really lovely and did comment that he has other builds that were pegged the same time as us (15weeks ago and counting) and already have frames etc. unfortunately we just keep running into delays and the extra conditions to get around the soil and floods etc have not helped. It also doesn't help when there is often no one on site doing anything! He said that we should be at lock up stage by Christmas and then in February everything should happen quite quickly, this will make our actual build time 12 months and the whole process from start to finish about 30 months (so Mishbut make sure that you don't move in with your In laws too early
Ek1976... Tiles, how exciting!!!!!! Your build is nearing the end, woo hoo!!

Loks....we are doing landscaping after the build (with what money I'm really not sure but it will happen
) as you are all so far ahead, I hope you all continue posting photos so that I can get some great outdoor ideas!!

Mishbut...where are you building? we are building the Forest Glen duplex with a few changes, nothing major.. Mainly making the HUGE upstairs bathroom a little smaller and making the end bedrooms a bit bigger. It seems to have the best downstairs floor plan but it would of been nice to have had a study area or open space in the upstairs area (like the Norfolk I think) . After looking around K seemed to have the best floor plans and being first time builders it was easier to find a good floor plan than design one from scratch. Unfortunately as we joined the build process, k business was expanding and I don't think that they were quite ready for it all. We have had many problems along the way due to our land and they were not foreseen by us Or k. They have done their best along the way to accomodate the council requirements but this has in due course made the whole process very very long. We have also gone through many many staff over the two year process which has made it hard.... So keep all of your emails for proof and whichever company that you choose, keep on top of them.
And prepare for the roller coaster ride that is ahead of you because building comes with many highs and many lows ( and the pre build stage is full of lows!!)
Our neighbours decided to build and chose K as they were already aware of the land issues and after a visit to start the process were told that the build would cost them nearly $800k for a two story with granny flat included!!!!! I think K have upped the price to avoid doing it as they now know the problems that our land has caused (and the ridiculous council requirements) so they have pulled out due to the build cost being a lot more than expected. So building is not for everyone.
Sorry for such a long post !! Have a good week everyone
Hi Ses_78,

We are building in Kings Langley so Blacktown council ( I'm hoping not the same as yours by the sounds of things!). We have also found the floor plans from KH to be the best for what we want.

We are trying not to make too many changes to keep costs down. Let's see how we go with that

Are you happy with the Forest Glen so far? Is it what you expected in terms of size??

And yes, I told my husband today we are not leaving until the bulldozers arrive ; )
Hi mishbut
We are also Blacktown Council. No issues with them aside from a privacy issue which we expected. Also from submission to approval was fairly quick

Hi mishbut
We are also Blacktown Council. No issues with them aside from a privacy issue which we expected. Also from submission to approval was fairly quick

Great news Loks! We had heard that Blacktown council was pretty good. Nice to know that's been your experience too!

Hi all, I have signed with kurmond earlier in the year. Delays after delays. I wish I just brought a finished home. Will Never recommend someone to build. The stress is not worth it. Easier and quicker just to buy an existing home
OMG you poor thing. I thought I had it bad. What is the problem with your land? Sessie, I will stick by you mate until you are in yr home. Don't worry. Big Mama is a friend to all. I am feeling yr pain Ses cos you have had a terrible time

Our DA was in council a whopping 7 months. These hidden costs of which you speak are always related to council or CDC. The builder can give an accurate cost for building the
house but the land and site costs are out of
the builder's control. That is why our costs escalated an extra $100k. Nothing to do with builder. Although we are very unhappy about this, we are unbiased enough to realise it was not K's fault.

We have a tentative walk through planned for Friday. They told us kitchen and bathrooms all complete plus some painting done. These last stages are the slowest so far.
Mr karaoke
Welcome. Which home are you building? Yes I agree that building a home is stressful but it is worse to buy existing home with problems you don't know about. Not an option for us as all homes in our area 60 years old and all should be rebuilt.

Really there is nothing better than designing the home that best fits yr block with all new wiring and plumbing plus modern open plan and 6 years warrantee and no hidden termite damage. Plus renovation is triple the cost per square metre with no fixed price as they change the costs when they find more disasters as the renovation progresses.

I am not someone who handles stress well and after 5 years of research and working with industry professionals I expected to be medicated during this build. For the first time ever I am going with the flow and every time something goes wrong I do not automatically say "oh bloody builder's fault" . Try to ascertain how something happened and be unbiased.

Keep the faith folks!
Ohhhh thanks big Mama, glad to hear you will be sticking by right to the very end. Let's hope we get there eventually!
Mishbut, see pg 53 it still looks like the pictures, there has hardly been any progress in the past two weeks so I can't answer the size question just yet. The ground floor (of one half of the duplex) is as big as the whole house that was knocked down so it will be a huge difference having down stairs for just living etc and the bedrooms upstairs. But stick around and as soon as there is a slab and some frames I will let you know how big/small it seems. The SS did say it's a big build though, so hopefully it will be plenty roomy

A question for all.... The pictures that you have taken along the way, have you been sneaking onto your property or do you have permission??? I have been on a few times after hours but then I read in a different forum that people have had calls about staying off the property due to OH&S issues and other clients have been a copy of the keys at lock up stage to work around after hours? I don't want to get in trouble (and I wouldn't put it past my neighbour to dob me in) but I do want to keep an eye on things.... And get some good progress pics.

Mr karaoke , I feel your pain and totally understand where you are coming from. I can tell you now, I won't be going through this again either. It seemed like the easiest and cheapest (LOL) option and the perfect way to stay in the area, close to work and schools etc we were originally looking at moving down the coast and buying a brand new house but decided to do a KDR. I will admit that since seeing some progress with the build starting, that my attitude has changed to more of a 'just go with the flow' one rather than why isn't anything happening. But we are well and truely in this process and can not wait to be living in the new house and I know that when it's finished it will be just perfect!
Thankfully I have the most awesome neighbours. I have been through the fence a couple of times but mostly I am looking over neighbours fences from their backyards

Thanks Loks, it might be time to start delivering baked goods to the neighbours and asking for some 'over the fence' photo opportunities
There are always delays pre-construction, and during construction for that matter, it is just more frustrating pre-construction as you can't actually see anything happening. It was 17 months from our original signing to any action on our block, but now we are almost at lockup and the house is looking fabulous, we have a walk through Monday week, all the stress will be worth it in the end. Having said that I would never do it again
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Wish you all the best. Once you signed the contract, they will find millions excuses to charge you. And have seen their sites unfinished for a long time.

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