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Sim & Gwyn's Aveling Build - 6 month maintenance

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Looks amazing momo, love your mid century modern pieces! Looking forward to seeing more photos

I second that.

Someone's been to Freedom!

Looks really homely. (i mean that in a good way!
). Love the tv unit thingo and your glass doors - I wanted those but but my husband doesn't like them so I got just the straight glass.

I'm having to think about blinds at the moment - how do you like the ones you've chosen in terms of the job you wanted them to do? Are they keeping out the heat? It looks like you've got double blinds in some areas, which I'm considering, as I like to be able to see out (even if it's obscured a bit) but I like privacy and of course I have to keep the heat out. I don't want much!
do you like the ones on your alfresco doors, do they do their job?

Everything looks really good - especially those cupboards, OMG! Hope you're enjoying living there.

G'day, Mandy67

Thanks for the kind words
Well spotted, I decorated almost the entire home with things from Freedom. Not just furniture but accessories also - I'm a bit of a Freedom fan

Re the blinds, we're very happy with what we've had installed. It was done by ABC Blinds (who lots of people give a bad rap to), and we've been really happy with the product, after service, and price point. We've got sunscreen blinds throughout, with blockout rollers behind (commonly known as double rollers). For the whole house it was less than $5k. I mostly leave the sunscreens down, espesh as it's summer at the mo, and pull the blockouts down at night. I can recommend

Good to see you back on here!

Do the fittings stick out from your windows a lot with the double blinds? Our blind lady from curtainworld said they do. I was going to go sunscreens but she is pushing me towards block outs. It's so hard - i want to make the perfect decision!
we have shutters at the front, where the afternoon sun is.

Looking forward to your next round of photos.
Hi again, Mandy

I don't think they stick out an excessive amount - it's not an issue for me. I'll take some close up pics and pop them on here so can get a better idea. I can say that the sunscreen blind (down) with the block out blind (raised, but behind the sunscreen) looks very nice and classy. I tried it with the blockout on top of the sunscreen but I didn't like that look nearly as much..
Momo I am absolutely stunned by your house. It's GORGEOUS!

I'm sorry if you're answered this already but how did you get that lovely built in TV cabinetry done?? It's spectacular!

Also, is your wall colour the same throughout? It seems to change depending on the light. What paint colour is it please (if they are different ones, the main bedroom colour?).
Hi EmyN

Thanks! I love hearing that

The built-in TV wall was something we copied from a Switch home. There was a recess already in place for the TV - but my hubby designed a cabinet to be built into the recess to house the TV (mounted to the wall behind) and all of our DVDs/CDs/boardgames/x-box etc. It's done in gloss formica - from memory I think the colour was snow tiger?

The paint colour is the same throughout - it's a trick of the light that it changes colour. The colour is called Ice Volcano by Solver
Hi momomo, we are thinking of vienna truffle for our roof tiles too. If you wouldn't mind could you please tell me what colour you used for yours gutters?
Hi Kelsey

We used colourbond jasper for both our gutters and fascia. Our front render colour is colourbond beaver - and the colours work really well together.

Good luck with your build!

Just popped back on to say that I'm totally disillusioned with Aveling's after service. There are still jobs left over from PCI (they kept saying they would come back and just never did - I got sick of emailing them!). Now it's 6 month maintenance time (submitted our form 6 weeks ago) - and though they responded and said they'd be in contact to arrange an appointment within the month (what's with that btw, just come and and do it!! And don't take a month to do so!), we of course, haven't heard back from them.

Not good enough, Aveling, you tossers!

End of rant
That's terrible momomo!
hope you get some resolution and quick smart too! Perhaps it's like "Oh, here are your keys, we'll cross your name off our list and lose your number...." Not good enough. I guess I have that to look forward to as well. When I finally get in.
No comment apart from I'd now choose a stronger word than you did.
day_dreaming....I sincerely hope you have a better trot than we did! Fingers crossed for you

Oh believe me, if it weren't for my politeness I'd be calling them worse than that on this forum (you should hear what I call them when I'm at home and hubby and I are discussing them!)

How are you going in your house now, all settled and happy? I'd love to have you over for a cuppa sometime?
I know how you feel momomo, I've given up as I feel my mental health is more important. we will eventually fix everything ourselves and I never ever want to deal with this builder again. Their after sale service is nonexistent.
Gawd, are we all the same? Janice our sanity is more important also. Never come across this EVER. And you know I've done this a few time

Momomo pm me your address, date and time. See you then
Whats that lovely wall colour?
Do you mean inside? That's solver ice volcano
Your house is gorgeous . I have alot too to fix im not yet at my 6mon check yet but still waiting to be able to use my 3 shower .after over 2 mon . Long story but you just get numb over the situation .it can eat you inside and affect your day to day life .I have learnt just to think they have to come and fix it , just when I dont know .
Just wondering do you have roller blinds in your loo or is that a cover for the vent thing up the top .if so where did you get it from cheers .
Hi Melsie
No, no rollers in the loos, and the cover is just a piece of cardboard my hubby attached to the netting with twistie wire ties! The dust from outside (our very sandy estate) was getting to be too much so he improvised to come up with a a treat too! Haha

Sorry to hear you've had so many dramas. Building can be heartbreaking at times. It'll be lovely when you can use your shower!
Lol it looks so good in the photo . We still have redink sticker up there . Yeh it will be nice for all 6 kids not to use one bathroom . Did you end up getting everything fixed
We ended up fixing most things ourselves, Melsie. Anything that Aveling trades came to fix seemed to result in more things getting damaged! It wasn't worth it in the end. Won't be building again in a hurry, that's for sure!
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