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New Home - Summit Homes 'The Orchard' / 'Edgewood' - Perth

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They look gorgeous!
Your floorboards are stunning!!! What are they? And I love love love your house! Stunning. Congrats, not sure how I started following your thread, prob saw something I liked!

Looking forward to seeing more of the Spotted Gum floor, it will look great with your light coloured kitchen.
Looks awesome. I bet you're happy with how it's all come together.
Your floorboards are stunning!!! What are they? And I love love love your house! Stunning. Congrats, not sure how I started following your thread, prob saw something I liked!

They're solid Spotted Gum. I just fell in love with the wood, and every flooring place I'd be drawn to the spotted gum.
Ended up going solid so I won't have to be so precious with scratches. Will just re-sand once the kids are big
Love Spotted Gum, wanted to do our deck in it but too expensive. We have chosen blackbutt but Spotted Gum a close second! You have a great facade.

Love the wooden floor! I was too worried about looking after them so went for tiles instead.

I'm in love

kitchen looks amazing!!
The colour of your floorboards is AMAZING!!!

Would love to see some finished pictures of your Spotted Gum flooring.
Would love to see some finished pictures of your Spotted Gum flooring.

Haha now its completely covered with boxes!!

Hoping to get things looking semi-organised and then take a few snaps
Would love to see some finished pictures of your Spotted Gum flooring.

Haha now its completely covered with boxes!!

Hoping to get things looking semi-organised and then take a few snaps

Completly understand 😀, not looking forward to when we move after almost 19 years in the same house.
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