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Dale Alcock Stoneleigh build Millbridge- flooring

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New to your build. It's looking great and seems to be steaming ahead (although I am sure you have probably felt differently

Thanks! Most of it has felt super fast! It's just the weeks where no one is on site that feel like they drag on!

Beautiful kitchen cabinets! We're also having profiled Polytec cabinets (we went for the Oberon profile.)

Thanks SallyS I'm so happy with how our cabinets have turned out, I'll have to have a look through the polytec book to see what ones you've picked

Raking looks better every time I see it! Going to be a fantastic living space!
Kitchen looks amazing, love your cabinet choice and handles work so well with the door profile.
Are you painting the cavity slider in scullery or having raw stain?
Ensuite looks great too, love the light coming through.
Looking forward to seeing more!
I hope they are the right ones, ours weren't and they didn't even pick it up!
Well after another month of not posting/not a great deal happening the tiling has finally been completed! the tiler was delayed 2 weeks from another job and then the screed took longer than expected to dry. This then pushed the dates for everything else out as well! The painters have been past and tested the walls and they are all still to wet to paint anyway.
We had another meeting this morning with our SS who now expects us to have keys the second week into July.
Next week we have the aircon, electrical & plumbing finishes happening, with the painting due to start the next week and then all the outside tidy up and paving to be completed the week after that.
Fingers crossed we have no more hold ups!

Photos of the tiling...


kitchen backsplash

kitchen window



powder room

kids bathroom

kids bathroom
Very nice

Looking great! What have you used in the laundry? Looks similar to what we've chosen I think

Looking great! What have you used in the laundry? Looks similar to what we've chosen I think

The floor tiles are haven bone and the wall tiles (I've forgotten the name) but they are just a matt white tile. We've got the same throughout all the bathrooms/toilets

Everything is looking absolutely beautiful.. the caninetry is stunning and love your flooring choice. Going to be a beautiful home when finished!

Looks great. I love your kitchen splashback.
Outside of the house was painted this week

All our plumbing and electrical finishes were installed as well as the air-conditioning.
Haven't been able to sneak inside to get anymore photos but everything is looking pretty good.
They haven't spaced the air-conditioning outlets evenly between the downlights on the raked ceiling which will drive the OCD me crazy! Not sure there is much that can be done with that though, will have to try and get some pictures to put up but for now here is how the front is looking
Gorgeous! I am still disappointed that we didn't get the double poles on our entrance and verandahs as I love how they look.
Love what you have done with the display elevation looks beautiful

Thanks nelleebellee and jelbell
paving was finished off on Friday and internal doors were all hung today

Looking great! It looks so elegant raised up there

Hi Kait-e
How is it going down there? Have you got a PCI date?
This is the part that seems to drag doesn't it! They are saying our "finals" period is 6-8 weeks but I'm sure we've only got a handful of days work left to complete!

Fingers crossed we are all in soon
Hi Kait-e
How is it going down there? Have you got a PCI date?
This is the part that seems to drag doesn't it! They are saying our "finals" period is 6-8 weeks but I'm sure we've only got a handful of days work left to complete!

Fingers crossed we are all in soon

Things are going ok down here, slowly but ok. We've been told we will have a date by middle of next week but there is still a lot of small things to finish off (door handles, out of service power point, fix the kitchen drawers, replace the entry door from the garage and silicone around all tiles and shower screens) so still expecting them to drag it out until August. Our SS is starting his inspection today so will see where we end up next week

Fingers crossed it is sooner rather than later! We had a huge amount of work done Tues-Weds this week (all the plumbing, lights, power points etc) but now no one there again. Drag is the right word!
We booked in our PCI date today for the 18th
couldn't come fast enough!
That's awesome news

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