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Aurora Estate - Alex Avenue - Schofields

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HI Everyone,

Do you know that there is a plan to build four 5 storey unit buildings with a total of 270 units just across the road from the park in The Avenue (approximately 300m from Aurora Estate). The developers have just submitted revised plans to Council and everyone in the community has an opportunity to object and raise their concerns.

All you need to do is send an email with your concerns to quoting reference JRPP-14-1519 and stating your concerns. You must do this before close of business on 20 March 2015.

Here is a draft objection I emailed to council previously. Feel free to copy all or some of it and send it in under your own name. This will be our last chance to object. Council has only received 8 objections at this stage and that will not be enough to make a difference.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to take this opportunity to formally object to development application JRPP-14-1519. I have a number of concerns regarding the proposal and believe it is not in the best interest of the community for it to proceed in its current form. After a review of the proposal I would like to raise the below concerns:

- Streetscape, land use intensity and overall amenity.
The construction of four 5 storey residential flat buildings on this parcel of land is an overdevelopment for a site that is zoned for medium density residential developments. The site is directly adjacent low density residential homes and will look out of place in the streetscape with no natural or built progression to soften the proposed development. This will directly impact adjoining residents in sight of the development.

Furthermore, The draft elevations as shown in drawings NP002, NP003 and NP003 show that the bulk and scale of the development will result in significant visual impacts for all developments surrounding this. The western and Eastern elevations being the worst where current and future residents of the low density areas will look onto a minimum of 140m of unbroken facades as building A,B , C and D will all be visible from these viewpoints. I cannot imagine an area where this would be considered appropriate other than a high density zone.

The proposed development plans show a lack of appropriate landscaping to screen the development and reduce the visual bulk and scale of the flats as viewed from the adjoining residential neighbourhood. It is also noted there are not currently any mature trees on site that will break the monogamy of the proposed built form.

Given that this site sits on a high point in the land, the development will also result in significantly less afternoon sunlight for a large portion of the surrounding residential developments extending towards Alex Avenue. The height of the proposed must surely exceed the limits for developments in this zone. Regardless of this, the height as it is proposed is inappropriate to be adjoining low density residential properties.

Whilst residential flat buildings are permissible in this zone, there is no denying that this development is high density in nature. This site would be better suited to a townhouse or integrated housing development which provides a transition from the adjoining low density residential developments. If residential flats were to be granted consent, this should only occur on the northern side of proposed road no.1 (as per the subdivision plan) with 'realistic' medium density developments acting as a buffer in between. Allowing a multi unit development of this size on this lot will all most certainly result in all surrounding lots from this point up until Schofields station being developed in the same way.

Further to the above, developments of this scale in medium density zoning will quickly see the 6,300 homes and 18,000 population projected for this area by nsw planning, as detailed in the Alex Avenue DCP and growth centre plans, greatly exceeded.

- Traffic and parking
270 units will result in a minimum of 270 additional cars from this site, with the reality being much greater than this. Census data (2011) shows that the majority of households in Blacktown have and average of two or more vehicles per household. Parking as such would need to be provided on this basis so as not to stress the surrounding road networks. Units blocks in nearby Kellyville Ridge (around Clonmore and Kilbenny Streets) demonstrate this. These units have access to major transport infrastructure, being the Windsor Road T-way and Rouse Hill bus interchange, however street parking and traffic in these areas is still a major issue. A gradual transition from low density to high density would ensure a greater spread of vehicles resulting in more on street parking and less bottleneck effects on roads feeding Alex avenue and Burkedin Road, etc. It would be a shame not to take a lesson from these developments.

The increase in vehicles from this development will result in serious safety concerns given that the development is adjacent a proposed park where young children will play. Lines of site from vehicle entering and exiting the development will be poor and blind spots along the surrounding streets will significantly increase from parked cars. Given the close proximity of schools to the proposal, it is likely that school children will be walking home in these areas. The additional cars in the area will raise significant safety concerns in this regard.

- Open space and well-being
Given the shading that will occur throughout the grounds of the proposed development, it is unlikely that residents will utilise the private open space in the centre of the development. This will see a greater number of people utilising the local parks which are already lacking in the area. If this development is to proceed, a portion of the block should be developed into a public park. Ideally the units would be set back a minimum of 20m from Grima Street and a park or landscaping embellishment established along the length of this area. This would also act to prodvide a short buffer to reduce impacts on residents directly adjacent the proposal on the opposite side of Grima Street.
The proposal does not offer anything in the way of practical open space that will allow for positive community interactions. This is essential for a development of this scale.

- Waste storage, collection, hygiene and illegal dumping
The proposed development will generate a significant amount of waste. I note that the proposal does not have an external bin storage area, nor should it. All waste resulting from this development, if it proceeds, should be stored within basement to reduce the visual and odour impacts on surrounding developments. Servicing of bins should also occur within basement areas to reduce occupational health and safety issues associated with servicing as well as noise impacts on surrounding properties. The time required to service the development will result in significant noise impacts if waste is collected externally. being adjacent a low density residential development, any service vehicles for this development should be restricted to the hours between 7am and 6pm. Additionally consideration would need be given to school hours and safety issues resulting from increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic surrounding the site.

Illegal dumping and litter is a major issue in all multi unit dwelling. If the proposal proceeds a caretaker would need to be on site at least 2-3days a week to manage these issues and ensure the site is maintained in a hygienic manner and any litter or dumped rubbish is removed efficiently.

In summary, whilst measures can be taken to mitigate some of the above, I do not believe any of these points can be address to an extent which will make the development appropriate for this parcel of land. As mentioned previously, town house or integrated housing is appropriate for this site. If residential flats are to be developed despite community concerns and objections these must be reduced in height to no more than 3 storeys from ground level.

Please keep me informed of any further developments regarding the status of this application.

Kind regards,

X XXXX Street, Schofields
Phone: 0422 XXX XXX
Hi Milfred,

I support you 100%, hence I have sent my objection yesterday and received a confirmation of reception this morning.

Perhaps other people in our estate could do the same to avoid overpopulation in our area. Personally, I made the decision to move to Schofields due to its low and low to mid density population. Well, this is not true any more when the council approves the plan of those buildings.

Thanks Milfred and regards,

Guys I have just sent my objection. I see street safety and parking a major issue with this development.
Hi all - I have sent my objection this morning. I would really like to avoid overpopulation in the area as well.

Thanks at the avenue for bringing this to our attention.
Letter of Authority

Hi All,

You will probably all receive a letter of Authority request today from Rawson ready for them to submit the development application to council.

I highly recommend that you request a copy of the Final plans that will be submitted, so that you have an updated and accurate idea of what is being submitted on your behalf. NB that I have received a copy of ours and they now have sewer noted, as well as street names and the new lot numbers on them.
Thanks Donna for the tip. I will request the final plans before signing and sending back the form.

I also noticed a couple of spelling mistakes (pretty minor though) in the Letter of Authority, so I will request them to amend this as I do not want to sign a form with spelling errors.
Hi Everyone

Has anyone got any update about land registration yet? We have been told it will be this month now.

Our solicitors have been notified that land registration will in April end.

however when we spoke to Rawson Homes yesterday they told that registration might be pushed back untill May.

The delay is from the office of land titles.

thats a bummer!
Hi guys,

Thanks Anushka.
I think that was expected in anyway. Unfortunately, this wont be the last delay.
I just hope that construction still can commence in May - June.

Thanks for the update!

I'd really like to have input into the electrical plans for our house. When I emailed last year, they said they would let us know when we will have the opportunity to review this. I asked about it last week via email, but haven't heard back. So I plan to give them a call sometime this week to follow up.

Has anyone spoken to Rawson regarding electricals?

We have been asking for eletrical plans since long time. Every time we have been told that electrical plan is not ready for us yet.

We asked for electrical plan again couple of weeks ago and answer was the same. Appreciate their consistency

Thanks for bringing this up in the group.

We also requested for the confirmed detailed floor plan before signing variation form.
They made some amedments in our building plan ( like many others in the group)
- width of garage as per Blacktown council
- also something related to enagaged piers in the garage.

Rain rain rain

Hi everyone. I was out and about in the rain near the estate so I thought I'd check how it was coping.

All is well. The estate seems to be holding up quite well with all the water. There's lots of water flowing into the drains but doesn't seem to be any significant pools of water anywhere.

Hamledon Road is however closed due to flooding and Schofields road is not far from it.

Hope you are all keeping dry! I'm a tad wet after my walk through the blocks!

Hi Donna,

That's great news. Thanks for the update.

I was worried when saw news about flooding in Schofields. Good to know that our estate is not affected.

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know when is land registration?

Hi Ted,
As per Rawson's email, it should be some time in May.

Hi Ted,
As per Rawson's email, it should be some time in May.


Hi Frank,

Thanks for your response.
How can we know the exact date of the registration and settlement?
I want to know this because I am preparing for the mortgage right now.

Hi Ted,

At the moment, I don't believe that we are able to know the exact date in advance. It pretty much depends on the office of registration. The only indication we have, at the moment, is the one from Rawson who indicated May. After the registration is given, we then have 14 days to settle on the land.
I also wished that could be more transparent, but unfortunately it isn't, based on my knowledge.

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