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Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

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Whether it is $1500 or $5000 it should all be subject to finance. I had to put $5000 down for a land deposit before pre-approval too (even though we are with Resolve, we had to put down that amount because we wanted a bigger block of land). If for any reason you don't get formal approval the $5000 should be refunded in full. Check this with your land office, not the bank/broker to make sure. It should be fine.
I think maybe we are just going to stick with Resolve. I don't want to use all the money for deposits. Looks like everyone in this thread who went with them are pretty happy...Let's just see how we go.
Hi All, My husband and I are going to sign with Homebuyers on Sunday. We have chosen the Monarch 26 and we have bought land in Officer. I have been reading this post and can't wait to see how all our journey's go.
Welcome! (Officially!) impish73. Hope Sunday goes well for you! Looking forward to hearing more!
Hi All, My husband and I are going to sign with Homebuyers on Sunday. We have chosen the Monarch 26 and we have bought land in Officer. I have been reading this post and can't wait to see how all our journey's go.

We are in Officer too! Which estate are you building in?
Thanks Pooks.

Chylatte - we are building in the Aspect Estate, just off Cardinia Road
Hey fellow HBCers!! I just received a call from the land office in the estate to tell us that land titles should be done by the end of the month and settlement will be 2 weeks later. Woo-hoo!! I've been waiting since February for this so it's a "yay" moment. Who knows Ruby123, yours might come in earlier than expected too! Jason said all of the civil works are now complete. I just sent an email off to the pre-construction consultant to find out if my formal finance approval is all good (it has an expiry of 90 days and it was done in June) and to let them know. They said we just need to sign a statement for the lender confirming no changes so we should be right. Finally I have something to tell!
woohoo awesome news!!!!!! cant wait to watch your progress
maybe mine wont be as delayed now EXCITING
YEY! How exciting for you guys!! Fingers crossed on the approval still being valid
Thank you! The finance side should be fine, apparently it is just that statement. We have both had pay rises at work since the first approval and went from having very little savings when being approved to now a decent amount thanks to lots of overtime. I'm confident
How exciting! Congratulations!
How is everyone going? Updates? Impish73, how did you go signing with HBC? We have signed our one page statement (yes one page!) confirming there are no changes to our finance situation so we are all good locking in our formal finance for another 90 days.
We went for a visit to the estate on the weekend. The street is all finished and we are now officially on the map with a street sign!
It's funny how you get excited over the little things.
Oh I'd get so excited over a street sign to! Did you get the obligatory photo next to it??

Ok, an update. Paperwork for pre-approval went in last Wednesday. I got an email with a request for more information on Friday just gone, so I had to write a few spiels for BlueBay. It was all stuff that I've already been through with the broker, and was assured that it would all be totally fine, but it was enough to make me freak out a little!! I figure the fact that they're asking for more information and not just flat out refusing my loan is a good thing. Even though I know that it's all going to be fine, it still makes you worry a little!

Ahhhhh the joys of first time finance :/ How's everyone else doing?
If it makes you feel any better ez85...we were asked to supply more info TWICE after the initial lodgement. It is unbelievably nerve racking! I did get a photo of the sign (without me in it!) which is on my blog. Fingers crossed for you
Oh thank goodness! That does make me feel better haha. And I snuck over to your blog Pooks, the sign looks beautiful and shiny. So exciting

My latest game to play is trying to work out what coolours I'm going to choose at the pre selection appointment. I never knew there were so many variations of white!! I've lost count of how many times I've changed my mind on what way to go. I'm hoping that I'll just get a stroke of inspiration on the day....
Hi guys,

We just signed the land contract last Saturday and we will be seeing the guy from Resolve this Friday. I am a bit worried about getting finance. Not that confident that we'll get it anymore. I'm getting more and more paranoid.
Hi _chylatte_!
The stage you are at is difficult on the emotions for sure! You go from getting so excited to nothing to being over it to hopeful etc. it's normal to be paranoid! Just make sure you have everything for Resolve on Friday. If you rent- take your bond receipt because this is "available funds" according to them (I didn't even think of that until they told me!). Take last years tax returns/recent payslips/print out of all bank accounts and credit cards. If you have room to move on credit or store cards- lower the limits. This helped us a lot! Also take birth certs/passports and card ID. I know it's daunting but your health check came back good so that's a good start!
Thanks pooks!

It is indeed a rollercoaster of emotions. We don't have a credit card, but we do still owe money for our cars. That's what I'm worried about. I declared it all on the Finance Health Check form but just the thought of it is so daunting. I think I'll stop obsessing on the Houzz app for now just in case we don't get it.
Hi All! Well... we are all signed up for the Monarch 26. We have included quite a few upgrades already and haven't yet got to the colour / electrical appointments. Really excited about the next phase. We have been cruising new estates and looking at brick and roof colours. We really like the look of light bricks so Ash is at the top of the list.
Hi impish73, sounds like you are progressing along nicely! What upgrades have you chosen so far?
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