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Building in Landsdale with New Generation Homes

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Lol Jay, we were going to have a look through yours last weekend. It's coming along fast, you've pretty much caught up to us.

Had a drive by today and this was happening

Roof looks good! It means ours should go on soon too!

Should have come said hi! I was there all Saturday afternoon, twiggens and the mr came by that afternoon to say hello too.

If you ever see a lifted white Hilux there you'll know I'm snooping around!
Exciting, colourbond moment!!
Looking awesome guys
Yep it's getting there. I hope they keep the pace going, I'm impatient to be in!

Jay we were there on the Sunday but next time we drive past will definitely stop if it looks like you're there. We met Butterbing and two of her boys on Sunday!
Went up for a look today and couldn't get in, there were two guys there putting up the ceilings and cornice. Will have to go up again tomorrow. I need to have a look through our book and see what colours we picked, I can't really remember. Has anyone got the Houzz app? I wish I'd found it before we built!
Yay! Sounds like you're only a week behind us now, you'll be locked up like us before you know it!
Not long and you will be locked up as well...these houses are all flying up now!!!
Our friends went up to their house yesterday and it was locked! Hope ours isn't yet, I haven't been able to go up for a couple of weeks. They can lock it after Sunday.
Still no roof for us, I may have to come over and sit inside your house just so I can see what it feels like! ARgh!
Still no roof for us, I may have to come over and sit inside your house just so I can see what it feels like! ARgh!

Seems like all of us have come to a bit of a halt! Don't think there's been any action at our place in a week or two either
Thanks moricetrenmp23. Can't wait to move in, it's really going to suit our wee family.

Twigs (and Jay), have you heard from GA? We had an email from him the other day with a timeline of dates ie what is happening and when, final inspection date, key handover etc. We also had an email from our new CL. Looks like things have had a bit of a shake up at Summit.
I haven't...until Monday when I complained to them about a lack of communication from GA himself. I was being lenient and giving him the benefit of the doubt about not getting back to me, but it became a common occurrence so I raised it with the manager. Suddenly, he calls me immediately and addresses my concerns.

I sent him an email an hour ago and I got a reply from him in 5 minutes...first time ever! Apparently my roof will be on by the end of today and he replied to my email saying my concerns will be amended later on this week... (talk about a kick up the bum!)

Yeah I got the letter from Summit as well, it makes for the change. It is ridiculous how many different people you have to deal with and I assume this shake up coincides with the slowing economy and needed to increase employee output (let's be honest, they were pretty slow).

Where abouts are you at now?
Shake up? Letter? Tell tell! I don't think we've received anything in the mail other than a stupid variation to change my name on the contract to my married name... What a waste of time.

Hubby spoke to GA this morning, apparently we'll have handover in around 8 weeks. Not very happy with that deadline, don't see how it could possibly take 8 weeks to tile 3 tiny wet rooms and install the kitchen stuff. If they got off their butts and did something every week we'd be done by now grrrr. And apparently there's a hold-up because our kitchen appliances are still on backorder.
Hey just drove passed your house looks all locked up finally.
Cool, thanks Butters! The SS did say it would be locked up today. Hope they stick to the schedule from here on in.

Twiggens, we had a letter from Summit regarding the change of CLO, then an email from the CLO, then an email from GA with a schedule of when work was to be carried out. We're due to have handover around October 28 if all goes according to plan from now on.
Sounds like some pretty big changes are happening then! Fingers crossed they stick to the schedule and you're in at the end of Oct

Would be great if he took the time to write an email like that to us, but I think he's only ever written 1 email to us in 6 months... and it was a photo of our roof, 2 weeks after it went on when we'd clearly already been there to see it ourselves!
Shake up? Letter? Tell tell! I don't think we've received anything in the mail other than a stupid variation to change my name on the contract to my married name... What a waste of time.

Hubby spoke to GA this morning, apparently we'll have handover in around 8 weeks. Not very happy with that deadline, don't see how it could possibly take 8 weeks to tile 3 tiny wet rooms and install the kitchen stuff. If they got off their butts and did something every week we'd be done by now grrrr. And apparently there's a hold-up because our kitchen appliances are still on backorder.

We still haven't been told when hand over is but I have been working off your time frame and I think I am a week a head
Well our cabinets etc weren't due to go in until today but when we went up on Saturday they were already finished! It looks really good. Got more updates from GA and our CLO. Shame they weren't this good from the start! Tiling is supposed to start this week too, fingers crossed! We may actually get in there before Christmas!
You'll definitely be in before Christmas
they're telling us 8 weeks from now, so you'll most likely be in before us because we're still waiting for kitchen cabinets. Our tiling is done but now it's a waiting game for the rest of it!
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