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Our Homey - Finally Moved In!!

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Woooohooo congratulations guys
Wooo hoo!! Congratulations!!!
It must be very very very exciting!!
I think we'll be playing lots with our remote control garage when we get the keys.
Sounds great cannot wiat to meet you...

They problem that you had next door has been fixed too i see...LOL
Thankgoodness for council complaint lines...!!!!

Catch up with your soon
Hey there everyone!

Just thought I'd do a quick post and let everyone know that handover went off without a hitch.. YAY US!! We've finally got the keys and groovy garage remotes and yes shaz.. the standard move-in curtains.. hee hee
and are very happy! We've got the floor going down in about a week or so, and then we can move in! We're still doing little bits and pieces like putting in towel rails and toilet paper holders, and painting the moldings and will be doing some feature walls before the floor goes down. Will post some pics when it's all done! And I havent forgotten about dropping by to say hi shaz
just letting you settle in!

This is great news

Enjoy your new home!!
Thanks guys! We cant wait to move in.. but just thinking about the stuff I have to pack up from my place AND partner's place and I'm starting to hyperventilate!
It's nothing compared to moving an entire house, but still! Mum's bought us so much stuff as well!

shaz - cant wait to meet you too!
Our little problem next door is better.. but there's still so many cars! It looks ugly..
At least they're not parking on our 'lawn' anymore. We've seen two of the cars with 'canaries' on them so maybe they will remove them.. hee hee. Or perhaps we should quickly get the landscapers in so they cant destroy our garden..
majikalmushroom- you will be gald to know that all 3 problems from next door have been removed.....

Look forward to seeign you in the neighbourhood soon
Hey everyone!! World's worst updater finally updating!! LoL!!

We've been busy little bees for the last couple of weeks with the house.. and here's what's gone down since handover...

I took a week of annual leave about 2 weeks ago so we could get our floor laid, but just our luck, the Friday before my week off, our flooring dude rang and told us that when he rang his supplier to place the order for the wood, they were OUT OF STOCK!! It was going to take two weeks for them to get our order down to Melbourne!! BOOOO!!

So!! Today, three weeks later, our flooring finally arrives!! Our flooring dude rang my partner and said he'd take some of the wood and start laying right away as we have our appliances booked in to be installed on Thursday! Hopefully he'll at least get the kitchen done by then and then he can take his time to finish the rest of the house. Finally the last piece of the puzzle is being put in place.

So.. during my week off, the fencing guys came and put up our side gate and finished the fencing. Lookin pretty good. Got some quotes for the blinds, and got our driveway done!! YAY!! We decided on a light coloured exposed aggregate called Sorrento Bianco. I think it really sets off the house.. especially with our off-white mortar. We also got to do some feature walls, before the flooring gets put down so we dont stain the wood.

So.. without further ado.. PICS!!!!

During the laying of the driveway.

Ta-da! The finished product!!

Close up of our aggregate in Sorrento Bianco

Our two feature walls.. The first is in the living area, it's painted with Dulux River Rock in Diggers Crossing. The second is in the master bedroom done with Dulux Designer Silk in Sultry Glance. I have to say, having the red in the bedroom is one of the boldest colour decisions I've ever made! And I LIKE it!!

So that's what's been happening in the last couple of weeks. Will get more pics when the floors are done!
Wow you have been busy! The driveway looks great and is similar to what we are having, but we will go with a darker grey to match the roof.

The feature walls look really good too, is that paint in the living area a textured paint?

Can't wait to see your floors
Hi hels.. yes the paint in the living room is textured.. it's like it's got little grains of sand in the paint so it feels kinda rough-ish, but not too harsh. Sortta looks like suede if the light hits it at a certain angle.
I actually made a mistake with the colour.. it's called Port Ridge not Diggers Rest. It was a toss up between those two colours, but we chose Port Ridge cuz it was kinda purpley-brown like our wall paint.

Our floors are almost done.. it's about 3/4 finished. The main living areas and master bedroom are all finished sooo.... the best news is.. WE'RE MOVING IN ON SATURDAY!!!
FINALLY!! Wish us luck!!
thought i saw the moving truck there late on Saturday...

Will pop over sometime in the next xouple of weeks and say HI!!!

welcome to the neighbourhood
The house is looking great
LOVE your bathroom tiles!!
Looking forward to pictures of the completed floors
Hi everyone!!

No, I havent disappeared off the face of the Earth, BUT we have been trying to settle into our new home! We've been moved in for just over a month now, still no curtains and no proper internet, but we're surviving!! We've got crappy wireless and depending on where we are in the house the signal is craaaaaapy!!! The floors are finally finished and the landscapers have come to do our front yard. I will TRY to upload some pictures (maybe at work.. SHHHHH!!!) if I have some time. It's been pretty busy for the last couple of weeks but I will try to update some more!!

shaz!! i've been meaning to pop over and say hi but work's been killing me! i'll try to drop in this weekend.. even if it's just for 5 mins!!
How would you make this room feel homey

Interior Decorating Lounge

Not much you need to do... some greenery / plants like NativeZen said. That place looks amazing and the setup is already very well laid out.

Moved in 7 years ago but no Occupation Certificate

Building A New House

Joe, it depends on your certifier but we are noticing the ones we deal with are really cracking down. So i would recommend you follow your approved landscaping plans to…

No Interim Occupation Certificate - NSW but moved in

General Discussion

Hi Simeon, Thank you for laying it down for us. Makes sense. Appreciate it very much. Have a nice day. Cheers

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