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Building ForumIntroductions

The adventure begins!

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Hello everyone.

I've been lurking for a while, getting so much great information from this great forum so thought it was time I introduced myself.

We (hubby and I) have sold our place in Sydney and are heading for a sea-change, moving to the beautiful Sunshine Coast. We are in the process of signing contracts for a fairly flat 600 m2 plot of land and have paid an initial deposit to PJ Burns for their proposal on a custom designed house. We've had an initial sketch of a plan which we are delighted with - ticks all the boxes in terms of the brief we gave their architect and has a few other wow factors that we hadn't considered. There are a few minor amendments required but we feel we're off to a great start. More detailed plans are currently being developed and I will post a copy once we have them back.

Budget, as always, will be a challenge, trying to draw a balance between the ideal layout / size / structural features we want and the inevitable platinum plated finish we would love for everything. So we will need to compromise on some areas and will be discussing that with the builder in more detail once we get up to the SC.

We have just secured a rental property on the same estate where our land is so I am sure a minimum daily site visit will be the norm for us once we get going. We will be moving the first week of Jan, so Christmas will involve a lot of packing boxes and not much else
. We're hoping to get contracts done before the end of Jan so that we qualify for the Qld building boost grant - January is going to be crazy

OK, that's enough of an intro. I will start a thread once we have plans to post and then will be looking for loads of advice and ideas -we're complete noobs at this game

Merry Christmas everyone,

Welcome Ruth

very envious of your sea change! looking forward to following your journey
Hi Ruth, very envious of where you are building. The Sunshine Coast is a lovely place to live! I too have started this crazy but exciting adventure (mainly nervous excitement) of our first build. Good luck with your move & look forward to your updates!
Hi Ruth. We are very close to signing a contract with PJ Burns for the Bundaberg area. We've been very happy with them so far so looking forward to seeing how you go!
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Building ForumIntroductions