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First time home buyer Perth

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Good luck with your decision it's so hard! We were tossing up between impressions and Aveling but ended up going with Aveling as it just felt right.

Hope your build goes well with whoever you choose

Thanks Emzz,

I just snuck a peek at your build thread and your house is looking great. I think we only went in to one Aveling display but never really looked at them in great detail for some reason. They seem to have some nice inclusion packages.

Impressions is still high on our list despite the bad stories about BGC we keep finding ourselves coming back to it. Still waiting on Smart Homes to get their final quote in but D-day is tomorrow. The other half really wants us to make a decision before we go away on holiday so we are not stressing about it and can get the rest of the paperwork for the land settlement and finance sent off.

It's good that she's a bit more decisive than me. I'd be getting quotes and comparing reviews for the next five years otherwise
Well we didn't make the decision before we left as Smart Homes hadn't got back to us in time.

Was impressed with their design and inclusions and the sales rep was great but I think in the afternoon we will be signing with Impressions.

It was a hard choice as there were things about both designs we really loved. In the end it came down to minor things when comparing fittings and things like entrance ways to rooms. Impressions has the cheaper quote as they threw in internal wall paint but I think Smart Homes had some wiggle room but Impressions pipped them in the other areas.

Now we just have to take a deep breath, put pen to paper and hope we've made the right choice!

Also got conditional pre-approval for the loan from bank this week. They just want to see the build contracts first.
Well we didn't sign with Impressions... Smart Homes came back with an improved quote and inclusions that was too good to turn down so we picked up all our paperwork from them on the weekend and will be making the deposit for our PWC today
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