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House number

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Hi all!

i'm new to this forum, although have been enjoying reading many posts over last couple of months!

Thought this is interesting on the numerology of house numbers-

we're just excited coz found out yesterday our new house number yesterday!
Whooo hooo I’m about to buy a number 7 or 17
….now, 7 in my life has been a very emotional number…….long story! Now it seems the house I am to buy is not going to be any better!

Haunting and apparitions….. yay! More books on the way!

In fact reading 7 through, is so much like me already, I’m in trouble.

Hope the nervous break down doesn’t happen…..oh that’s right, too late!!!!
lol we are a number 3

have to watch out for melancholy and hangovers.

hmmm 50% right
We will be number 8 and I don't like the sound
of stress and arguments washing over us on a
day to day basis ...arrrghhh

How can you change your house number?

I have heard that you can put a particular word
out the front of your house on a sign and each
letter represents a number, hence being able to
change the house number with a word.

Does anyone know anything about this theory?
No I don't PFM, but I always thought number 8 was a good number?

Ours is number 10 (1). No offence to Milton Black fans, but I think what it said about our house is a load of rubbish
I am so NOT into superstitions etc, but every time, I get sucked in!!!!
I'm not a fan of Milton Black either, but l do have an interest in numerology. But when it comes down to any metaphysical things, l simply accept what resonates as true to me and disregard what doesn't.

Anyhow, to offer another perspective as to house number meanings, here is another site for anyone that's interested. ... ddress.php

Our new house will be our 3rd. We've lived in the following 1 (number 10),8 ( number 24), and the new place is a number 1.

Six has always been a good number for me. Hopefully 1 will be too. We did';t stay long in our first number 1 house but hopefully we will this time.
Liked your site better thorney. It's description of our number 6 house was perfect.
Hmm though we had the red suggested for our number 1 house in the number 6 house. Perhaps that was our number 1 house calling us to move.
been really lucky with our house numbers, my wifes family is buddist and they belive '8' or muliples of 8 are lucky and prosperous... strangely enough the last 6x places ive lived in:

18 agnes (street names)
16 riddle
38 sheldon
28 stratton
38 minta
68/8 findon

quirky? not that i live my life by it anyway

been really lucky with our house numbers, my wifes family is buddist and they belive '8' or muliples of 8 are lucky and prosperous... strangely enough the last 6x places ive lived in:

18 agnes (street names)
16 riddle
38 sheldon
28 stratton
38 minta
68/8 findon

quirky? not that i live my life by it anyway


Except for 58. That is not a good number.
58 ? or 68 i actually didnt have a good time in 68
our new home is 350.. so an '8' home..
I am glad to hear some people believe it is good luck

I am so NOT into superstitions etc, but every time, I get sucked in!!!!


Well, If I have a chance to have a new house I will get a house number of 8!
I know this is not house related, but my son just got a phone number that is very rare and worth a lot of money according to the salesman. The last 3 digits are 888 and he told us that we shouldnt have got that number. Very odd

Has anybody ever heard of this?

Mrs B
Mrs B, 888 sounds like rich, rich, rich in cantonese. Seen as VERY lucky! Good on him, if he believes it, it may turn out that way. If he doesn't, he could sell it for lots. Either way... rich, rich, rich!
[quote="donuts"]No I don't PFM, but I always thought number 8 was a good number?

Number 8 is very lucky in most asian cultures. My husband would pay extra to be number 8 if he could. I have also read about a man in china buying a phone number mostly made up of 8's at auction for some crazy price.

When do you get your house number usually?
cara&heng ly
When do you get your house number usually?

You can find out from when the land titles
Mrs B, 888 sounds like rich, rich, rich in cantonese. Seen as VERY lucky! Good on him, if he believes it, it may turn out that way. If he doesn't, he could sell it for lots. Either way... rich, rich, rich!

Thanks Buzz

Even the sales guy was very surprised as these numbers were bought not just given out. Lets see what happens...but I am still very curious how much this number is worth to somebody and how do you sell a number...through a 'number broker'

Mrs B
Well ok, we're building at number 2....
Young people are attracted to Number Two houses, seldom staying long, but enjoying themselves whilst there.

That would probably be true, we know the past two people who have brought this land here haven't stayed long, and we're selling up and moving too, to a number 6 place (if all goes well)
but considering we've just about finished building a nice big double brick house I should certainly home hope this is true....
it is usually a solid building that will endure well
we were Lot 50 and became number 47 so 5 and 11 or 2 before I look,
a quick note... a major change in the ownership happen as the shire decided to re-issue numbers. to see what it means
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