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Feng Shui

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yep its amazing how much money can be made out of story books people are so gulible which also makes it easy for others to ripp you off

Sure, joey was just stating a fact - some people would and do say xyz.

I object to being told I am gullible and easy to rip off just because I have faith in a religion (Chritianity as it happens but I dont think Muslims, Buddhists etc are gullible and easy to rip off either
yep its amazing how much money can be made out of story books people are so gulible which also makes it easy for others to ripp you off

Sure, joey was just stating a fact - some people would and do say xyz.

I object to being told I am gullible and easy to rip off just because I have faith in a religion (Chritianity as it happens but I dont think Muslims, Buddhists etc are gullible and easy to rip off either

Well said, Helyn
Yep I think Helyn has summed it up fairly simply.

I agree that Joey's comparison between religion and feng shui was valid, but insulting another person's intelligence for believing in their choice of religion is a no no
(Had to chuck it in
Darn it, forgot to use the

ok just to clear it up i think we as humans are gulible and are easy to rip off thats my opinion and my belief. if it is not yours or it does not pertain to you then why be not offended by others beliefs and i dont tell them not to have an opinion i dont believe in.
i also believe the bible is the biggest selling story book around although guiness book of records has it down as muhamed ali so they are proberly right.
but when all is said and done we are all different and all have different opinions on lots of things and nothing was said to offend anyone.
Homeone has a whole forum dedicated to this you know

Yea Fu, I was wondering why this topic was in General Discussion

With regards to Feng Shui, I dont personally believe in it, but then again I dont believe in anything that cant be proven, whether it be religion, ghosts etc
. Altho coming from an Asian background, my mother is very superstitious and alot of what she believes is very similar to feng shui, even tho she doesnt believe in feng shui
. I think it's just all too confusing, I'm a very simple person
Off Feng Shui for a mo
anyone heard of Reiki. Now this could be another sceptic topic. The passing of ones energy onto another just through touch. After my BIL's tragic death several weeks ago, I was an emotional mess and after a friend mentioned Reiki to me decided to give it a go, not really knowing what the hell it was or what it was supposed to achieve. It was one hour of a very nice lady laying her hands on different parts of my body, I felt relaxed but nothing out of the ordinary. I explained to my Reiki lady how I couldn't get out of the depressive state I felt due BIL's death, and she told me by the next day I should feel energised and better mentally. I thought this was a lot to expect, but I felt calm and it was a nice session. The next day I could not believe how fabulous I felt, how full of energy, how happy I felt, I was a new person from the weeks before and have not looked back. I mentioned it to my inlaws and my "dear" father in law told me what rot, quite nastily as he always does when he is out of his comfort zone.

I do believe is Feng Shui, the only thing I have ever done is to plant to money trees each side of my front door which is supposed to bring wealth, well we aren't broke, and doing quite well, but no winfalls..unfortunately. But I figure my life is full of richness, even wih deaths and sickness which is a part of life no matter what. There are many things we could scoff at, but a belief of any sort is for the believer alone not friends or family. I also believe in the bloke rising from the dead after 3 days
sorry to hear of your bils passing and glad something helped you out of your depression.
In my opinion, Feng Shui is a matter of balancing.
I have read some Feng Shui books although I am not Chinese but I do believed it in it and I implement some in our household at first my parents doesnt like it but after good turn out in her business then she doesnt care anymore if I place something in either her table or in the living room
The way I see it feng shui is somewhat like this:

Our inner world is formed by our perceptions of the outer world.
We all see the world through our own personal window which is a reflection of our beliefs, interpretations and associations.
These have been formed throughout our lives by our numerous experiences.
Our prosperity is really a reflection of our thoughts.
If you want happiness then share happiness with all you meet.
If you want peace then live a peaceful life.
If you want love then give love freely and from your heart.
If you want joy then give joy to others.
If you have much, give of your wealth.
If you have little, give of your heart.
Continuing to fill a bucket after it is full, water will be wasted.
Continuing to grind an axe after it is sharp will wear it away.
He who possesses moderation is lasting and enduring.
Too much is always a curse, most of all in wealth
My 0.02c
The way I see it feng shui is somewhat like this:

Our inner world is formed by our perceptions of the outer world.
We all see the world through our own personal window which is a reflection of our beliefs, interpretations and associations.
These have been formed throughout our lives by our numerous experiences.
Our prosperity is really a reflection of our thoughts.
If you want happiness then share happiness with all you meet.
If you want peace then live a peaceful life.
If you want love then give love freely and from your heart.
If you want joy then give joy to others.
If you have much, give of your wealth.
If you have little, give of your heart.
Continuing to fill a bucket after it is full, water will be wasted.
Continuing to grind an axe after it is sharp will wear it away.
He who possesses moderation is lasting and enduring. Too much is always a curse, most of all in wealth
My 0.02c

I dont know how I missed these words of wisdom, but I love them

I think I just got a smooch off the onc_
a european welcome for your thoughts

...either that or
:n: a european welcome for your thoughts

...either that or

very fwench
Well, Feng Shui, Some people believe in it and some don't. It does not mean Feng Shui not exist.

Actually Feng Shui is everywhere if you know the Feng Shui secret.

Feng in Chinese is "Wind". Shui is "Water". These two things are vital to our life.

In old time, the basic idea of Feng Shui is to avoid the bad wind or Northerly wind in China (North hemisphere). In Feng Shui Jargon it is called "Sha Qi" (Bad energy). The ideal place is hidden away from the bad wind. Wind will disperse Qi.(Energy)

Imagine a house face a T-intersection, the cars keep coming toward to house, this will create bad energy. (next time you drive around, play attention to houses located at the T-intersection, you will know what I am taking about)

further imagine if you use your finger pointing to your nose for a while, what do you feel. you have to get the feeling yourself.

In the Feng Shui world, there are some so called "experts" using the FENG SHUI name to make money. They ruin the name of FENG SHUI.

Anyway, Feng Shui is not believe in it or not. Feng Shui is always at our life.

Good FENG SHUI brings you more opportunities. Good Feng Shui does not drop money from the sky for you.

Having good Feng Shui, it make things go smooth for you!


Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung
Guess I will have to join in the fun.

fengshui facts; whether you like it or not

1) one's destiny dictate whether he is rich or poor. if he is destined to be poor($), no fengshui experts can make him rich. But if he is destined to be rich, then with the help of fs , perhaps he could be 10% richer(orthodox) or as much as 50%(unorthodox).

2) fengshui only helps the average/rich, it has no effects at all on the poor(the real poor).

3) fengshui is not about hanging ornaments or placing chinese decor all over your house. Making your home looks more like a chinese restaurant = good fs?

4) the real ancient fs books were so complicated that even chinese has diffculties trying to decode/understand them. yes they are written in chinese. Only a handful of chinese(honest ones) dare to say that they have a in-depth understanding(100%) of fs.

5) even in chinese populated places like taiwan/hongkong/malaysia/singapore...there were SO MANY chinese CON-MEN calling themselves as fengshui masters. The real masters are rare.

6) no offense to non-chinese, but how would a non-chinese literated person calling himself/herself a fengshui master? When the basic fundamentals of fs are in complex chinese? So complicated that even a chinese finds it tough to understand the basics.
To become a master, one needs more than just the basics. Sadly, lotsa such conmen exists in the world claiming they have attend fs course in hongkong/china thus qualifying them to be fengshui masters. my foot.

7) Of all the fengshui courses that were conducted in English - worldwide - they are more like INTRODUCTION courses hardly even touches the basics. But it seems that by attending such courses it is enough to make a student turned into fengshui MASTER overnight. I suggest buying Dummies for Fengshui Master Wannabe is more worthwhile. if there is such a book.

I have yet to come across any decent fengshui books that were written in English. At most, out of 10 English fs book, only 1 or 2 were just scratching on the surface, the rest are just merely robbing you of your time+$. More likely a book on - An introduction to fengshui.

9) a house with good fengshui does not naturally means it is good for everyone/anyone. one man's poison could be another man's fengshui house, vice versa. But there are BAD fengshui houses that fits nobody - such houses still exists everywhere.

10) Authority in FS - unlike all other trades/knowledges, a pity that there is no organisation to govern/watch/certify fengshui. Fengshui knowledges are still only being passed down from private teachers to students without certification, no test, no examinations. Even if such a organisation exists, shamelessly claiming authority over fs - it will never have the support of the majority. Simply put, fengshui have too many schools of thought, too many to even just agree on 1 simple thing. Let alone agree as one, unify as one.

my 2 cents.

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