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Repairing sliding cedar and glass door

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I got quoted $1200 for the repair of this door. I think id rather give it a go myself, i wouldn't mind gaining a bit of knowledge and getting a couple of new toys either
Only problem is i have never done anything like it before so i thought id better find some knowledgeable people to ask how to go about it, the kind of tools ill need etc i'll add a couple of photos, any help at all is much appreciated, cheers!

...any help at all is much appreciated...

Looks like the dog was keen to get out

Do you want to retain the natural wood finish, or will you be painting it? I'd suggest the latter is the easier way to go.
Indeed he was, he was a very naughty boy!
i agree painting it would be much easier and id rather go that way however, im in a rental, so i need to get it the same
thanks for the input:-D
OK. The job will not be an easy one, as you'll need to take the door out, remove the glass, pull the frame apart without breaking anything and then properly replace the lock rail which is damaged. First task will be to find timber that will match the grain and colour of the exisiting, although colour will not be such an issue if you plan to stain the whole door. Second task will be to re-create or re-engineer the joint between the lock rail and stiles, which is possibly a mortise and tenon, although it could just use dowel, a biscuit or something similar. Personally, if the joints were all timber (that is, no metal pins or otherwise), I'd probably cut straight between all rails and the stiles, and then create new double biscuits joints at all six points.

Once the frame is back together, sand and stain, refit the glass, and reinstall back in the track.

Have you mentioned this to your landlord or agent? I'm a landlord, and if I owned that place, I'd be happy if you proposed to me a fix that would leave me with a newly painted door, window and screen assembly. If your landlord agrees, it will be a simple matter of patching the missing timber, filling gaps with some filler, sanding and then painting, which is a hell of a lot easier than the job I described above. Of course, that supposes that your landlord and agent know about the dog.
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