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Building ForumWindows & Doors

New uPVC Frames for Windows and Doors, how good is it?

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uPVC or commonly known as vinyl windows and doors are newcomers to Australian market. These sturdy windows and door frames has been popular in America and Europe for a long run now owing to their durability and low maintenance. These products can withstand extremes of weather without corroding, peeling, chipping or flaking. I have heard a lot of benefits about this product and one that has me most interested is that they are energy efficient it has similar properties of timber but cheaper on prices.

Any thoughts on this products? GEM Windows and Doors are going to sell them August and wanted to know what you all think.

BAL 29 uPVC windows compliance

General Discussion

Just remember that uPVC melts at 160 C.

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Certification for glazing and aluminium window/door frames

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For your reference Performance Labels: Window assemblies in housing, except timber windows, must be labelled so the label can be seen when it is in situ. For timber…

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