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Wood rot on window frame

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Hi all

I am having a lot of difficulty trying to find anyone to come and look at one of our windows that is affected by woodrot. It's an awning window that is on the south side of the house. All the woodrot repair firms seem to work exclusively on the eastern side of the city.

This is what it looks like now I've cleared most of the rot out.

The only carpenter who has come to see it told me at first that it could be repaired by cutting the rot out and replacing it with filler. But the following day he rang back to say that it couldn't be repaired because it isn't hardwood. I know that this is hardwood so I don't think he knows what he is talking about.

Has anyone had experience with this? Is it possible to repair it even if only as a temporary fix or should we just pull the whole thing out and replace it? And, if so, can we leave the job until the summer? I don't fancy pulling windows out now the weather is getting colder and wetter.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Really looks not too bad...
Wow ECOECO - thanks! I've been trawling the web for days and didn't come across them. I'll give them a go. Thanks again.
About time I updated this thread seeing as the work was completed some time ago. Windowfixit were fantastic. Punctual, cordial, efficient and did a great job. They cut and scraped out all the rot and replaced it with new hardwood.

The hardwood they used was different to the window frame so the varnish has come up a slightly different colour (as they said it would) but as the window is at the back of the house I'm not bothered. And probably the more coats that are put on the closer the colour will get to the original.

They also showed me that the rot was not due to our "poor"maintenance. It was in fact due to the fact that the window hadn't been properly sealed in the factory. The trim at the bottom of the window was caked with dirt when it was pulled away.
About time I updated this thread seeing as the work was completed some time ago. Windowfixit were fantastic. Punctual, cordial, efficient and did a great job. They cut and scraped out all the rot and replaced it with new hardwood.

The hardwood they used was different to the window frame so the varnish has come up a slightly different colour (as they said it would) but as the window is at the back of the house I'm not bothered. And probably the more coats that are put on the closer the colour will get to the original.

They also showed me that the rot was not due to our "poor"maintenance. It was in fact due to the fact that the window hadn't been properly sealed in the factory. The trim at the bottom of the window was caked with dirt when it was pulled away.

Great news, sorry about my late reply...
Hebel + steel frame vs brick+ timber frame

General Discussion

This is 100% true. You can not hang anything on steel frames. very frustrating

Is this a defect in my window frame?

Windows & Doors

Its the flashing and is normal. Some builders cover them up others just leave them handing. You can cover it up with an aluminium bracket or ask the builder.

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Also we are planning a new monument front fence too

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