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bi-fold flyscreens

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Does anyone know a company that makes flyscreens to go with bi-folds?We are debating whether having bi-folds is a great idea in a mosquito prone area but I just love them

Any idea of price too would be good

Have you checked out the bi-folds which have integrated sliding flyscreen

We have not check out the prices but I loved the practicality of this one.


Hi Penny

Just been through the same thing myself.

You can get them built in with Homeview and canterbury doors, or you can look at the following options., or check out this link:

We decided to buy the Homeview bifold timber doors and buy retratable screens because it worked out a cheaper option, even though the built in screen looks marginally better.

cheers, Michelle
I came across this post while researching some screens for myself.

I know this thread is a bit old, but in the event anybody else is looking and comes across it like I did, I can vouch for Freedom Screens 100%. We were a lot like you Penny; we wanted Bi-Folds, but here in QLD, mozzies are a real problem in the early evening.

Not just that, but our opening was pretty big - 9m wide & floor to ceiling, so bigger than the standard 2.1m high. Eventually we found Freedom and learned that they're custom measured and made to fit our space.

We got the Infinity Zipline which but they have a few different types. All I can say is that they're superb, virtually see-through, easy to use, and they look great.

Here's the site we got them from:

i cant recall the name of it, but theres also a screen that sits in a seperate track and is retractable - it colapses on itself and is perfect for even corners
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