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Double Hung Windows

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Hi All

We are talking to builders at the moment in regards to building and they are telling us that double hung windows are super expensive.

Why is that and by how much are they more expensive than sliding windows?

10%, 50%, 100%. Does anyone have a cost comparison?

I seem to remember they're not that much more. maybe 15%. We demanded them for the front of our house. Made them throw them in with the deal (if they wanted the business). Dislike awning immensely ... Next to useless for everything. We Prefer sliding over awning even. They just don't look as 'pretty'. But on the side of the house who cares.

Just go to the window manufacturer yourself and get quotes. And check them out properly. A lot of builders supply those cheap n nasty looking A & L windows ... Do your research ... Windows are a BIG thing. Not worth skimping on.

The best windows I've ever seen are by Rylock ... They just ooze quality.
they lain you, compared with sliding window, awning window more expensive 10-15%, just because the awning window has to be added another set hardware.
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