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Ventura Homes and Affinity Windows ? opinions pls.

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Hi guys very new to this forum - looks interesting and entering the build scene.
Looking at Ventura and they quote Affinity windows as standard. People are preaching to me to go Jason Windows as they are the best, followed by Dowell and last and worst are Affinity

What do you guys think ? would love your views on the Affinity windows. Should i even upgrade to Jason if possible ?

J are the worst!! The components they use are cheap and wear out quickly (like the rollers, door locks etc.) We have A and they are good, middle of the range, D is actually one of the best for the components being hard wearing. The glass and stuff is exactly the same, after replacing J components every two or three years ( I lived near the beach and sand was a big problem blowing in) I would never ever recommend them.
I'm building with Ventura as well.

My last house was built with Impressions and also used Affinity.

I lived in my last house for over 3 years without any issues with my windows.

I think Jason seem to be finished nicer, definitely the case for their sliding doors IMO, but that is not really reflective of performance.

I initially picked a builder that used Jason. When I went to prestart, they had changed brands. I ended up moving builders anyway.

I had mainly awnings, 1 sliding window, 1 sliding door and 2 sets of French doors. All locks were Whitco.
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