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Double glazed door and window suppliers in Sydney

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We're getting our bathroom, ensuite and laundry renovated and we thought it would be a good time to replace the external door and window to the laundry with a glass sliding door. This is on the north facing side of the house, so I was thinking about getting a double glazed unit. I've had a quote from Ecovue in Silverwater, has anybody used them or can anybody recommend any other suppliers in Sydney?

Their products are manufactured in China, so they have an 8 to 10 week lead time from when the deposit is taken.
Hi Asterix,

Manufacture double glazed windows and doors locally gives the advantage in that you can control what you make, if you get windows or doors overseas and notice something is not right, you will have to wait for more weeks to get the order in. Then you have to consider cost and service availability if you ever need them fixed. If they are cheaper and its just your laundry then you might be ok with compromising on the time/quality/service etc.

What are your priorities in terms of application of double glazing - energy efficiency, noise insulation, security etc?

Improving energy effiency and better security are the top two.
I notice its for your laundry, did you want obscure glass or do you want people to see in/ through? Although uv reflective coating glass has been very popular with sustainable architects specifying it, it might not be worth the added cost for your laundry. Low emissivity glass is great for windows/doors facing the sun, as it improves energy efficiency of your home, but it is more expensive.

For added security, you can have many window door hardware features. Actually, for these two priorities consider changing from a sliding door to a tilt and turn, it will perform better on these two parameters for your money.
I called the 1300 number on the website and spoke to a very nice lady, she suggested I send an email. Just waiting for an indicative quote.
Just an update we ended up going with the above and were very happy with the finished product.
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