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Same door height across floors?

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Hi all,

My partner and I will be building our first home - double storey, 36 squares. After spending many hours wishing we had raised the ceiling heights prior to PWC signing, we decided to pay the fee and raise them anyway as we knew we would regret it if we didn't.

We will now be having 2.7m high ceilings on the ground floor and 2.55 on the first. I want to increase the door heights on the ground floor to accentuate the height of the ceiling, but wondering if it would it look weird to keep standard doors on the first floor? Is it a change you need to do to the entire house to look good?
Standard internal doors 2.1 m still look and work fine with 2.7 m and even 3 m ceilings (unless you have very tall persons in your family).

But what you might need is to raise/extend your windows and external doors to 2.4 level.
Thanks for the input alexp79 😊 I think have larger windows/external doors is a great idea
Sydney Water Board Sewer across House

Building A New House

Thanks for clarifying. Sorry I misunderstood your point

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

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i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

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Windows & Doors

920 was enough to get the furniture in. We live in a pretty safe area and it’s great to see people walking to the front door. We’re not too fussed about people…

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