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Front Door Handles - Is it me or does this look wrong?

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yep those handels do look rather high.

Do your construction plans have the door model and handles drawn on? if so are they drawn lower? if your plans indicate a lower height i would be showing the plan to the builder noting it is for 'construction' and it does not comply with the plan. i would them be asking for a new door seeing it is a mistake by the contractor by not complying with approved plans.
Hi Mel_24, unfortunately the front door is not drawn anywhere on the plans. A new door would be great, but I'm not keeping my hopes too high.

Thanks Hels. I'm not sure which way I prefer the bars. But like what mac64 and buzz were talking about earlier in the thread, a possible 'fix' they might offer is to place the handles next to the lock with the bars on the outside.

Here is another quick edit of what the above might possibly look like. Does this look ok?

[Possible fix]

The possible fix looks ok to me
I could probably live with that fix. Especially when I think of the times I have something tucked under each arm and I'm trying to put the key in the lock, stooping to a lock that is down low would guarantee everything I was carrying would land on the ground and expletives from me!

I also agree the handles look better on the outside.
+1 on the possible fix. Looks good and practical.
Hi all!

Just want to provide an update to my door and pull-handle situation. The builder has agreed to replace the doors.
I have already sent them a detailed email on how I want the handles to be installed, so hopefully everthing will be right the second time around.

Thank you to everyone again for adding comments/suggestions. It is very much appreciated and the support does help give confidence to 'push-overs' like me.

With this sorted, its onto the next issue haha....sigh.
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Well done
and a YAY from me too!!!
Maybe they will ask the next customer who orders special handles, how they would like them installed... maybe

Great outcome for you RedIsotope!!!
PS. "pushover"... are you kidding, not anymore- you got NEW DOORS!
YAY well done on getting your new doors!!
What a great resolution of your problem - you obviously have discovered terrific negotiating skills you didn't even realise you had
. Congratulations, hope your new doors are exactly how you want them!
Thank you people for all the kind words. This truely is a great forum! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day.
well done on your win against the builder on this crappy situation...

I sure hope M dont do the same on my front door when it gets installed - otherwise they wont hear the end of it
Hi XT4V,

To be safe I would email your builder just to let them know how exactly you want your front door to look like. That way it's down on record and no one can claim they didn't know what you wanted.
Hi XT4V,

To be safe I would email your builder just to let them know how exactly you want your front door to look like. That way it's down on record and no one can claim they didn't know what you wanted.

yeah - I was actually thinking about this just after I made my initial post...
To be safe I would email your builder just to let them know how exactly you want your front door to look like. That way it's down on record and no one can claim they didn't know what you wanted.

Check everything, assume nothing!

Can you imagine if the new doors turned up with something wrong...
Congrats - good to hear you had a win !
Congratulations, well done!!!!! I'm glad this forum gave you the strength to speak up, and in turn, get what you deserve!
My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

handles not horizantal

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