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Building ForumPaving & Concreting

Over hanging concrete slab and damp issues

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Hoping to get some ideas to fix this issue with 2 bedrooms on front of house which are on concrete slab.

Rooms were added ~1982 to existing timber floor/bricks pier structure and are the south side on house.
Most of the slab on these 2 rooms extends out past the single brick wall from 0-100mm and as far as I can tell the bottom plate is at the same level as the visible slab surface ie not above the bottom rows of bricks.

Have mold issues with these 2 rooms and previous carpet was damp affected in patches.

Any ideas/suggestions on how to stop/reduce moisture from rain on bricks running down and wicking above damp proof membrane ( in pics as black/silver metallic foil sheet on top of slab surface).

Thought of mortar angled ramp to deflect water away and using water repellent coating on lower 3-6 courses of bricks??
Web search also suggested using some metal/aluminium angle to cover damp membrane and stop water pooling at base??

Eventually want to render bricks as well.


Sorry pics attached again

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