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Brisbane Conceters - a Rant

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I am at my wits end with concreters in Brisbane. I have been trying for a few months now to get footpaths around my house and the search is never ending. The first guy I booked in had already done work at my property but cancelled 2 weeks before the job was due to start due to injury. Told him I was happy to wait for him to recover or if he couldn't see that happening could he recommend anyone else. Never heard from him again.

Second guy - quote was more than double than that of the first guy. Third guy - reasonable quote and he said could start the following week. Booked him in but told him I wanted proof of his insurance and that I needed a written detailed quote, not dribs and drabs of the work in numerous text messages and emails. He sent numerous messages asking when I want the work to start and I responded but also said I need that info before work can go ahead. Never heard from him again. I sent him texts and called him telling him I want him to do the work but was avoiding me.

Most recent guy. He told me he would visit my property to view where the work needs to be done on a Thursday morning. Emailed me the quote on Saturday morning. Went ahead and booked him in. Was finalising some finer details when his wife (admin) advised me that he needs to come to the property to inspect the site. He already told me he went to my property on the Thursday morning to inspect the site. Now he has actually looked at the property and has bumped the price up beyond what he first quoted. Why tell me you have been to my property to inspect where the work needs to be done and rush a quote through to me and have me book you in just to tell me you need to now actually view the site? This is just misleading and wasting my time.

Anyone else experiencing this sort of behaviour? I am fed up with it. I have another guy coming to my property tomorrow to give me a quote and I guess I'll see how that goes.
They are typical Aussie tradies....this is common behaviour.....get used to it.
You should try being a tradie and dealing with people like you both. Theres a reason some trades wont bother getting back to you, that reason is you.
You should try being a tradie and dealing with people like you both. Theres a reason some trades wont bother getting back to you, that

LittleGardenGnome didnt do anything wrong. Obligation and responsibility are something most tradies know nothing about , and its shows in the way they conduct business with you. Most small businesses in Australia fail, simply because the operator is too stupid to just buy a pen and notebook and keep simple appointments in there. Most tradies in this country , if they have a lot of work on, will simply ignore you due to laziness. That is unprofessional. A true professional does not do that. Tradies are not professional people - they are trades people. Big difference. .
Ever thought maybe they ignore you because they dont actually owe you anything? or do you think just because you made a phone call or sent an email they owe you an explanation if they're too busy to help you at that time. Or are you are just one of these that are too self centered and thinks everyone you meet owes you something.

I suppose being so professional yourself when you get quotes off several contractors for one job, you call back everyone that didnt get the job and just thank them for their free time to come out and quote in the first place, or do you just ignore them and deal with the one guy whose going to work for you? In 15+ years of trading ive never had one customer I quoted on call me back and say thanks for sending the quote through, but were going with someone else. The difference is I dont get all angry and have a whinge on the internet about it - thats just how the industry is.

It works both ways, trades don't have time to waste entertaining people who aren't going to actually go ahead with anything. When you've been trading long enough you get to know when people have unrealistic expectations, budgets, or just that pedantic its not worth your time bothering with.

If trades aren't returning your calls or emails they either aren't interested or dont have the time - get over yourself and move on. If someone is coming out to do a free quote for you but isn't getting back to you, chances are you're the problem - not that you'll ever believe it.
Well done burtybear. 3 posts and they're all disparaging rants. I personally would treat them how I would like to be treated. How hard is it to ring/txt prior to a meeting they have agreed to, to say they can't make it? Common decency I'd think. If that's how trades people think then perhaps they should hire someone else to deal with all these nasty paying customers.
You realise the OP started a thread called "a rant", but you think im the one ranting because I have a different opinion?

You are all fu@#ing worthless pieces of sh!t. I wouldn't bother turning up or getting back to you either. Huddle together and have a big circle jerk on the bandwagon, just make sure you all agree and rant together.
You realise the OP started a thread called "a rant", but you think im the one ranting because I have a different opinion?

You are all fu@#ing worthless pieces of sh!t. I wouldn't bother turning up or getting back to you either. Huddle together and have a big circle jerk on the bandwagon, just make sure you all agree and rant together.

Hahaha lol way to debate your point about unprofessional tradies.

I wont report your post, just leave it here for frustrated home owners to see what tradies really think of paying customers.

tradie trades tradesman hire trades man builder build building
Ever thought maybe they ignore you because they dont actually owe you anything? or do you think just because you made a phone call or sent an email they owe you an explanation if they're too busy to help you at that time. Or are you are just one of these that are too self centered and thinks everyone you meet owes you something.

And that response sums up the attitude I am talking about to a tee. Yes, when you do set up yourself as a business, touting for customers via advertising, and inviting people to contact you, manners would dictate a response of some sort is an obligation. It certainly used to be decades ago, but as we see now, manners are a thing of the past, and your attitude certainly confirms it.

I suppose being so professional yourself when you get quotes off several contractors for one job, you call back everyone that didnt get the job and just thank them for their free time to come out and quote in the first place, or do you just ignore them and deal with the one guy whose going to work for you? In 15+ years of trading ive never had one customer I quoted on call me back and say thanks for sending the quote through, but were going with someone else. The difference is I dont get all angry and have a whinge on the internet about it - thats just how the industry is.

Quoting is not free time, its part of your total time spent earning a crust, and you build it into your hourly rate, so lets cut the crap, shall we? And if your quote was reasonbale, and you treated people with courtesy, you'd get the job nearly all of the time, so you wouldnt be giving out "free" time as you call it.

The fact that you think a customer has an obligation to thank you for quoting, ie doing what is just part of your own job to generate work for yourself, is astounding. You only want to hear from them if you get the job anyway. Do you really think we believe you want all your quotees ringing you up thanking you for quoting? lol get real, its the last thing you'd want! Its not like you are waiting around to hear either, is it? Quite different to a customer who might actually have a problem impacting on his life and a yes or a no from someone may have a significant outcome on that.

It works both ways, trades don't have time to waste entertaining people who aren't going to actually go ahead with anything. When you've been trading long enough you get to know when people have unrealistic expectations, budgets, or just that pedantic its not worth your time bothering with.

Entertaining? Is that how you see it? Customers just have questions, thats what it is.

Furthermore, you'e lost context of this thread. The OP is not pedantic, he booked in two concretors for a simple footpath job, so he's obviously serious. Read his OP again, the tradies concerned were unprofessional. your argument holds no water.

If trades aren't returning your calls or emails they either aren't interested or dont have the time - get over yourself and move on. If someone is coming out to do a free quote for you but isn't getting back to you, chances are you're the problem - not that you'll ever believe it.

Whilst I understand there are some types of idiot enquiries that justify what you say, you know as well as I do most people are honest paying customers who just want work done. Yes as you say, tradies just arent interested because they are too busy which is exactly what I said in my first post, so thank you for agreeing . The organised tradies, with good work ethics, are never short of work even during recessions. Thats because they dont have the attitude you espouse. thats because they get work from word of mouth. A55holes who dont answer calls dont have that clout - nobody says "hire him, he doesnt return calls."
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